Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4625 .B74 The sinfulnesse of sinne ; and, The fulnesse of Christ delivered in two sermons / 2
BV4625 .C356 Delle virtĂș e dei vizi in particolare : inediti / 1
BV4625 .C58 1661 Citation Bachus the king to his subjects great Bachus the king and mighty captain of wines, the liberall dispensator of magnitude and courage, unto all his loyal subjects, whose dominion strong power and influence is past finding out. 1
BV4625 .D85 The informer's doom, or, An unseasonable letter from Utopia directed to the man in the moon giving a full and pleasant account of the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of all those grand and bitter enemies that disturb and molest all kingdoms and states throughout the Christian world : to which is added (as a caution to honest country-men) the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of the knavery and cheats that are used in every particular trade in the city of London /
The informer's doom, or, An unseasonable letter from Utopia directed to the man in the moon giving a full and pleasant account of the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of all those grand and bitter enemies that disturb and molest all kingdoms and states throughout the Christian world : to which is added (as a caution to honest country-men) the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of the knavery and cheats that are used in every particular trade in the city of London /
BV4625 .E44 The magistrates obligation to punish vice a sermon preach'd before the right worshipful the mayor, aldermen, sheriff, &c. of the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, at the parish Church of St. Nicholas, October 8, 1699, upon the election of the mayor / 2
BV4625 .G66 1637 Aggravation of sinne, and sinning against [brace] knowledge, mercie delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions / 1
BV4625 .H37 1678 A warning-piece to the sloathful, idle, careless, drunken and secure ones of these last and worst times wherein the danger that attends everyone that delights in any of these vices may be avoided, and the reward of those that have their conversation in holinesse may be attained. 2
BV4625 .H56 1998 De cavendis vitiis et virtutibus exercendis / 1
BV4625 (INTERNET) The anatomie of a distressed soule Wherein, the faults of the elect, are discerned from the sinnes of the wicked, spirituall defections cured, confused consciences resolued, all meanes of presumption and desperation remoued, the sicknesse, dulnesse, and deadnesse of the spirit releeued, crosses and temptations inward, and afflictions outward remedied, for the benefite of all that groane vnder the burthen of sinne, and feeling of Gods anger, thirsting for the sense of reconciliation in the blood of the lambe.
An impartial inquiry into the nature of sin in which are evidently proved its positive entity or being, the true original of its existence, the essentiall parts of its composition by reason, by authority divine, humane, antient, modern, Romane, Reformed, by the adversaries confessions and contradictions, by the judgement of experience and common sense partly extorted by Mr. Hickman's challenge, partly by the influence which his errour hath had on the lives of many, (especially on the practice of our last and worst times,) but chiefly intended as an amulet to prevent the like mischiefs to come : to which is added An appendix in vindication of Doctor Hammond, with the concurrence of Doctor Sanderson, Oxford visitors impleaded, the supreme authority asserted : together with diverse other subjects, whose heads are gathered in the contents : after all A postscript concerning some dealings of Mr. Baxter /
A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners in the cities of London and Westminster at Salters-Hall, Aug 15, 1698 preached and published at the desire of the said Societies /
The causes of the decay of Christian piety, or, An impartial survey of the ruines of Christian religion, undermin'd by unchristian practice
Armour of proof, or, A soveraign antidote, against the contagion of evil company together with the skill, will, and industry of lewd ones, in tempting to sin, and drawing to perdition : being subjects of concernment for the younger sort : The second part /
Ignis fatuus, or, The elf-fire of purgatorie wherein Bellarmine is confuted by arguments both out of the Old and New Testament, and by his owne proofes out of Scriptures and Fathers : also an annexe to this treatise of purgatorie, concerning the distinction of sinne in mortall and veniall. /
Diseases of the soule a discourse diuine, morall, and physicall /
The great and sole troubler of the times represented in a mapp of miserie, or, A glimpse of the heart of man which is the fountain from whence all misery flows, and the source into which it runs back. Drawn with a dark pencill, by a dark hand, in the midst of darkness.
The chirche of the euyll men and women wherof Lulyfer [sic] is the heed, and the membres is all the players dyssolute and synners reproued.
The carnall professor Discovering the wofull slavery of a man guided by the flesh. Distinguishing a true spirituall Christian that walkes close with God, from all formalists in religion, rotten hearted hypocrites, and empty powerlesse professors whatsoever /
Sins overthrow, or, A godly and learned treatise of mortification wherein is excellently handled : first, the generall doctrine of mortification : and then particularly, how to mortifie fornication. Vncleannes. Evill concupiscence. Inordinate affection. and, covetousnes : all being the substance of severall sermons upon Colos. III. V. Mortifie therefore your members, &c /
One come from the dead, to awaken drunkards and whoremongers being a sober and severe testimony against the sins and the sinners, in an exact description of the nature and danger of these two soul-destroying evils : together with proper and sovereign remedies /
The informer's doom, or, An unseasonable letter from Utopia directed to the man in the moon giving a full and pleasant account of the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of all those grand and bitter enemies that disturb and molest all kingdoms and states throughout the Christian world : to which is added (as a caution to honest country-men) the arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of the knavery and cheats that are used in every particular trade in the city of London /
BV4625 .L37 2009 Laster im Mittelalter = Vices in the Middle Ages / 1
BV4625 .L54 Sin comes of age / 1
BV4625 .M35 1953 Testimony against prophane customs : namely, health drinking, dicing, cards, Christmas-keeping, New Year's gifts, cock-scaling, saints' days, etc. / 1
BV4625 .M45 Whatever became of sin? 1
BV4625 .M46 Whatever became of sin? 2
BV4625 .P46 The great and sole troubler of the times represented in a mapp of miserie, or, A glimpse of the heart of man which is the fountain from whence all misery flows, and the source into which it runs back. Drawn with a dark pencill, by a dark hand, in the midst of darkness. 2
BV4625 .P48 1994 Sin : radical evil in soul and society / 1
BV4625 .R67 The causes & cure of the pestilence, or, A brief collection of those provoking sins recorded in the Holy Scriptures for which the Lord hath usually sent the sore destroying pestilence or plague among a people together with some spiritual receipts and preservativies [sic] against the further encrease of this pestilential disease : and may serve as a seasonable call from the Lord, to invite all sorts of people to a speedy return unto the Lord ... / 2
BV4625 .S69 1634 Munition against mans miserie and mortalitie a treatise containing the most effectuall remedies against the miserable state of man in this life, selected out of the chiefest both humane and divine authors / 1
BV4625 .S86 A call to back-sliders, or, A supplement unto the Voice of the rod 2
BV4625 .T3 Lord have mercy upon vs the vvorld, a sea, a pest-house, the one full of stormes, and dangers, the other full of soares and diseases : the observance from these, (though especially accomodated to the times of this heavy contagion,) fitted for all times : for all men, and all times are sicke, of the cause of this sicknesse : Lord haue mercy vpon vs. 1