BV4627.F3 H52 1682
The horrid sin of man-catching explained in a sermon upon Jer. 5.25, 26 preached at Colchester, July 10, 1681 / |
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BV4627.F3 .W54
Energiea planēs, or, A brief discourse concerning man's natural proneness to, and tenaciousness of errour whereunto is added some arguments to prove, that that covenant entred with Abraham, Gen. 17.7 is the covenant of grace / |
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BV4627.G26 M67
The gaming-humor considered and reproved, or, The passion-pleasure and exposing money to hazard by play, lot or wager examined |
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BV4627.G5 P76 2003
Gluttony / |
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BV4627.H8 B38 1589
The portraiture of hypocrisie, liuely and pithilie pictured in her colours: wherein you may view the vgliest and most prodigious monster that England hath bredde. |
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BV4627.H8 C7 1692
A discovery of false teachers and hypocritical preachers. |
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BV4627.H8 C8
An essay on hypocrasie and Pharisaism. As it was set forth in a Sermon / |
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BV4627.H8 P46 1692
An address to Protestants of all perswasions more especially the magistracy and clergy, for the promotion of virtue and charity : in two parts / |
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BV4627.H8 S92 1657
Hypocrisie discovered in its nature and workings delivered in several sermons / |
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BV4627.H8 W4
English Cretes and atheistical Christians describ'd and instanced with directions for the reformation of all, from St. Paul's Epistle to Titus, the first Bishop of Crete : wherein is intimated the sacred order, and supreme power of episcopacy in the church, with the inferior ministry : concluding all with supplemental instances, and a lamentation of the churches present miseries. |
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BV4627.L5 F5
A flaming whip for lechery, or the whoremasters speculum containing a fearful historical relation of such wicked unclean person as have been made publick and private examples of God's divine vengeance ... taken out of sacred and prophane history : also, some dreadful examples of God's righteous judgment, not recorded in either ... in order to prevent God's heavy judgments hanging over this sinful land. |
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BV4627.L5 M3085
The pure Nazarite Advice to a young man concerning an impiety and impurity (not easily to be spoken of) which many young men are to their perpetual sorrow, too easily drawn into. A letter forced into the press, by the discoveries which are made, that sad occasions multiply, for the communication of it. |
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BV4627.L8 B585 2004
Lust / |
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BV4627.L8 M37 1899
El escándalo : pastoral del Excmo. é Ilmo. Sr. Obispo de Oviedo, al venerable clero y fieles de su diócesis con motivo del Adviento. |
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BV4627.M8 B36
A mirrour of mercy and judgement, or, An exact true narrative of the life and death of Freeman Sonds Esquier [sic], sonne to Sir George Sonds of Lees Court in Shelwich in Kent who being about the age of 19, for murthering his elder brother on Tuesday the 7th of August, was arraigned and condemned at Maidstone, executed there on Tuesday the 21. of the same moneth [sic] 1655. |
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The glory of God's revenge against the bloody and detestable sins of murther and adultery express'd in thirty modern tragical histories : to which are annexed, The triumphs of friendship and chastity in some illustrious examples / |
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BV4627.M8 M37
A sermon, occasioned by the execution of a man found guilty of murder, preached at Boston in N.E., March 11th, 1685/6 (together with the confession, last expressions, & solemn warning of the murderer to all persons, especially to young men, to beware of those sins which brought him to his miserable end) / |
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BV4627.P7 B53 2006
Pride : how hospitality and humility overcome the first deadly sin / |
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BV4627.P7 C66 2003
Sin, pride, & self-acceptance : the problem of identity in theology & psychology / |
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BV4627.P7 D49 2014eb
Vainglory : the forgotten vice / |
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