Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4627.M8 (INTERNET) The glory of God's revenge against the bloody and detestable sins of murther and adultery express'd in thirty modern tragical histories : to which are annexed, The triumphs of friendship and chastity in some illustrious examples / 1
BV4627.M8 M37 A sermon, occasioned by the execution of a man found guilty of murder, preached at Boston in N.E., March 11th, 1685/6 (together with the confession, last expressions, & solemn warning of the murderer to all persons, especially to young men, to beware of those sins which brought him to his miserable end) / 2
BV4627.P7 B53 2006 Pride : how hospitality and humility overcome the first deadly sin / 1
BV4627.P7 C66 2003 Sin, pride, & self-acceptance : the problem of identity in theology & psychology / 1
BV4627.P7 D49 2014eb Vainglory : the forgotten vice / 1
BV4627.P7 D97 2006 Pride / 1
BV4627.P7 D97 2006eb Pride : the seven deadly sins / 1
BV4627.P7 G38 An account of a child born at Furbick in Darbyshire the 19th of January, 1694, with a top-knot and rowle on its head, of several colours : with a seasonable caution against pride. 2
BV4627.P7 J67 Morbus Satanicus, the devils disease, or, The sin of pride arraigned and condemned 2
BV4627.S2 A38 Advice to Protestants 2
BV4627.S2 B374 Sacriledge arraigned and condemned by Saint Paul, Rom. II, 22 2
BV4627.S2 B374 1668 Deo & ecclesiae sacrum sacriledge arraigned and condemned by Saint Paul, Rom. II, 22 / 2
BV4627.S2 C58 The Churches complaint against sacriledge, or, Sacriledge truely dissected and layed open wherein is briefly shewn 1. The just collation, 2. The unjust ablation of the riches and honours of the clergy. 2
BV4627.S2 (INTERNET) The history and fate of sacrilege discover'd by examples of scripture, of heathens, and of Christians; from the beginning of the world continually to this day /
Against sacrilege three sermons /
BV4627.S2 P66 1599 Against sacrilege three sermons / 1
BV4627.S2 S64 1698 The history and fate of sacrilege discover'd by examples of scripture, of heathens, and Christians, from the beginning of the world continually to this day / 1
BV4627.S4 D94 1617 The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart 1
BV4627.S4 D94 1620 The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart 1
BV4627.S4 D94 1622 The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart 1
BV4627.S6 D65 A pick-tooth for swearers, or, A looking glass for atheists and prophane persons wherein the greatness of the party offended, the solemn giving of the law, together with the strickness and purity thereof, the unquestionable verity of the Holy Scriptures, and what fearfull sentence the wiked may expect in the great day are briefly touched. 2