Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4627.S9 (INTERNET) A true testimony concerning oaths & swearing &c as also an answer to the subject matter contained in Twelve arguments or reasons laid down in a sermon preached at Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1664 by Allan Smallwood ... to prove that our savior did not forbid all swearing : wherein is fully cleared the command of Christ and his apostle James swear not at all ... /
Christian admonitions against the tvvo fearefull sinnes of cursing and swearing most fit to be set vp in euery house, that the grieuousnesse of those sinnes may be both remembred, and auoyded, whereby the hatred of them may possesse the heart of euery Christian /
A sermon concerning svvearing preached before the King's Maiesty in Christ-Church Oxon, May the 12, 1644 /
The dutie and danger of swearing opened in a sermon preached at York, February 3, 1655, the day of swearing the lord maior /
A hopefull way to cure that horrid sinne of swearing, or, An help to save swearers if willing to be saved being an offer or message from him whom they so daringly and audaciously provoke : also a curb against cursing.
An inuectyue agenst the moost wicked [and] detestable vyce of swearing
BV4627.S9 J66 A sermon against swearing & cursing preached upon Trinity-Sunday at St. Aldate's Church in Oxford, 1699 / 2
BV4627.S9 .K54 The swearer and the drunkard, two brethren in iniquity, arraigned at the bar, or, A charge drawn up against those two great sins of these nations, swearing and drunkenness wherein is laid open the heinousness of these sins, by several agravations [sic], and the dangerous consequences which will ensue upon the same : to the end that swearers and drunkards my be perswaded to repent in time, and not wilfully destroy their own souls : very seasonable and profitable to read. 1
BV4627.S9 T39 Christian admonitions against the tvvo fearefull sinnes of cursing and swearing most fit to be set vp in euery house, that the grieuousnesse of those sinnes may be both remembred, and auoyded, whereby the hatred of them may possesse the heart of euery Christian / 1
BV4627.S9 Y68 A hopefull way to cure that horrid sinne of swearing, or, An help to save swearers if willing to be saved being an offer or message from him whom they so daringly and audaciously provoke : also a curb against cursing. 2
BV4627.S9 Y68 1643 A hopefull way to cure that horrid sinne of swearing: or, An helpe to save swearers, if willing to be saved being an offer or message from him whom they so daringly and audaciously provoke. Also a curbe against cursing. 1
BV4627.S9 Y68 1650 A hopefull way to cure that horrid sin of swearing: or, An helpe to save swearers, if willing to be saved being an offer or message from him whom they so daringly and audaciously provoke. Also a curbe against cursing. 1
BV4627.V3 H66 The vanity of the world with other sermons / 2
BV4627 .Y68 1653 Philarguromastix, or, The arraignment of covetousnesse, and ambition, in our great and greedy cormorants that retard and hinder reformation, (all whose reaches, are at riches) that make gold their god, and commodity the stern of their consciences, that hold everything lawful, if it be gainful, that prefer a little base pelf, before God, and their own salvations, that being fatted with Gods blessings, do spurn at his precepts : dedicated to all corrupt cunning, and cruel [bracket] governours, polititians ... : together with the lively, and lovely characters, of [bracket] justice, thankfulnesse ... : being a subject very seasonable, for these atheistical, and self-seeking times /
Philarguromastix, or, The arraignment of covetousnesse, and ambition, in our great and greedy cormorants that retard and hinder reformation, (all whose reaches, are at riches) that make gold their god, and commodity the stern of their consciences, that hold everything lawful, if it be gainful, that prefer a little base pelf, before God, and their own salvations, that being fatted with Gods blessings, do spurn at his precepts : dedicated to all corrupt cunning, and cruel [bracket] governours, polititians ... : together with the lively, and lovely characters, of [bracket] justice, thankfulnesse ... : being a subject very seasonable, for these atheistical, and self-seeking times /
BV4627.59 D57 A Discourse against profane swearing and cursing wherein I. Those vices are describ'd and reprov'd, II. Both magistrates and private persons are excited to their duty in order to the suppressing 'em by the execution of the late act of Parliament against 'em, III. And the objections commonly rais'd against the present practice of private informations are modestly consider'd. 2
BV4629.S9 .J46 A letter to a gentleman of note, guilty of common swearing recommended now to all such of that rank as are under the same guilt, and fit to be perused by all Their Majesties good subjects that would please both God and the king, in helping to suppress this crying sin / 1
BV4630 Faith and virtue formation : Christian philosophy in aid of becoming good /
Wonder as a new starting point for theological anthropology : opened by the world /
La doctrina de la virtud posibilidades para la teologia contemporanea.
BV4630 .B613 1968b Meeting God in man. / 1
BV4630 .C25 1978 Delle virtĂș e dei vizi in particolare : inediti / 1
BV4630 .C25 1980 Delle virtĂș e dei vizi in particolare : inediti / 1
BV4630 .C36 2001 On the virtues / 1
BV4630 .C3613 2001eb On the virtues / 2
BV4630 .C47 2009eb The moral virtues and theological ethics / 2
BV4630 .C62 2011 Receptive human virtues : a new reading of Jonathan Edwards's ethics / 1
BV4630 .F25 2021 Faith and virtue formation : Christian philosophy in aid of becoming good / 1