Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4647.P5 C65 Pietas Austriaca : Ursprung und Entwicklung barocker Frömmigkeit in Österreich. 1
BV4647.P5 F76 1984 Frömmigkeit in der frühen Neuzeit : Studien zur religiösen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland / 1
BV4647.P5 G35 An essay to revive the necessity of the ancient charity and piety wherein God's right in our estates and our obligations to maintain his service, religion, and charity is demonstrated and defended against the pretences of covetousness and appropriation : in two discourses written to a person of honour and vertue / 2
BV4647.P5 H47 Piety the best rule of orthodoxy, or, An essay upon this proposition, that the conduciveness of doctrines to holiness or vice is the best rule for private Christians to judge the truth or falshood of them by in a letter to his honoured friend H.M. / 2
BV4647.P5 (INTERNET) The religious loyalist, or, A good Christian taught how to be a faithful servant both to God and the King in a visitation-sermon preached at Coles-hill in Warwick-shire, Aug. 28, 1685 : at the triennial visitation of my Lords Grace of Canterbury, during the suspension of the Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry /
The practice of piety directing a Christian how to walk, that he may please God /
Autarkeia, or, The art of divine contentment
A guide to the Holy City, or, Directions and helps to an holy life containing rules of religious advice, with prayers in sundry cases, and estates ... /
The practise of pietie directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God.
A plea for the Godly wherein is shown the excellency of a righteous person /
BV4647.P5 P54 2012eb Piety and modernity / 1
BV4647.P5 S48 2010eb Piety and responsibility : patterns of unity in Karl Rahner, Karl Barth, and Vedanta Desika / 1
BV4647.P5 W37 A coale from the altar to kindle the holy fire of zeale in a sermon preached at a generall visitation at Ipswich / 1
BV4647.P5 W37 1658 Autarkeia, or, The art of divine contentment 2
BV4647.P5 W377 1654 Autarkeia, or, The art of divine contentment 2
BV4647.P6 D35 2006 God and the welfare state / 2
BV4647.P6 ebook El Pacto de las Catacumbas : la misión de los pobres en la Iglesia / 1
BV4647.P6 H4713 1999 The poverty of Christ and the apostles / 1
BV4647.P6 (INTERNET) The prevention of poverty, together with the Cure of melancholy, alias discontent, or, The best and surest way to wealth and happiness being subjects very seasonable for these times, wherein all are poor, or not pleased, or both, when they need be neither. / 1
BV4647.P6 L47 Less is more : the art of voluntary poverty / 1
BV4647.P6 L57 1978 Religious poverty and the profit economy in medieval Europe / 1
BV4647.P6 L57 1983 Religious poverty and the profit economy in medieval Europe / 1
BV4647.P6 P334 1994 Storia dei poveri in occidente / 1
BV4647.P6 .P74 2013eb The preferential option for the poor beyond theology / 2
BV4647.P6 T43 2017 Global poverty : a theological guide / 1