Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4817 .D85 1628 The love of God a diuine treatise containing fiue [brace] degrees, marks, aids [brace] of Gods loue / 1
BV4817 .D86 Idiota's, or, Duns contemplations of divine love 2
BV4817 .F3 1961 The Creator and the creature, or, The wonders of divine love / 1
BV4817 .F3 1961b The Creator and the creature, or, The wonders of divine love. 1
BV4817 .G34 Theophilie, or, A discourse of the saints amitie with God in Christ wherein is explicated and improved I. The idea of amitie in the general, and more particularly, the laws both fundamental, essential, and perfective of the saints amitie with God in Christ, II. The gracious vouchesafements and privileges which Christ confers on his friends / 2
BV4817 .G35 Theophilie, or, A discourse of the saints amitie with God in Christ 2
BV4817 .G64 2012 Godly love : impediments and possibilities / 1
BV4817 .G753 1962a Meditations on the love of God / 1
BV4817 .G8 Deux traités de l'amour de Dieu : De la contemplation de Dieu ; De la nature et de la dignité de l'amour / 1
BV4817 .G815 La contemplation de Dieu. : L'oraison de Dom Guillaume / 1
BV4817 .H267 1996 God's ways with the world : thinking and practising Christian faith / 1
BV4817 .H37 1996 God's ways with the world : thinking and practising Christian faith / 1
BV4817 .H85 Foure discourses of praise unto God. To wit, 1 In praise of the mercie and goodnesse of God. 2 In praise of his justice. 3 In praise of his power. 4 In praise of his Providence. / 1
BV4817 (INTERNET) Scala perfecc[i]onis
An Address from earth to heaven, or, A defensative against the portentous significations of the late comets and blazing-stars that may concern London or Oxford.
A visitation of love, peace, and good will from the spirit of the Lord sent unto the whole flock of God, now in this their day of tryal and hour of temptation, for the refreshing, strengthening, comforting and building of them up in their most precious holy faith, that they may be encouraged to hold fast the profession thereof through all tryals and sufferings, unto the end, that the crown immortal they may come to receive /
A vindication of The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God in answer to a book intituled The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God, examined, stated on the behalf of the dissenters and calmly argued.
A breathing after God, or, A Christians desire of Gods presence
Practical discourses concerning obedience and the love of God.
An antidote against distractions, or, An indeavour to serve the church, in the daily case of wandrings in the worship of God
Letters concerning the love of God between the author of the Proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris, wherein his late discourse, shewing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified /
A discourse of the love of God shewing that it is well consistent with some love or desire of the creature, and answering all the arguments of Mr. Norris in his sermon on Matth. 22, 37, and of the letters philosohical and divine to the contrary /
Mount Ebal, or, A heavenly treatise of divine love shewing the equity and necessity of his being accursed that loves not the Lord Iesus Christ : together with the motives meanes markes of our love towards him /
The Christians converse with God, or, The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God with some of the author's breathings after him /
BV4817 .L39 Something concerning my convincement of God's truth the way, work & manner thereof. 2
BV4817.M48 2010 Begehrend Glauben, Glaubend Begehren : Christentum Als Kultur des Begehrens. 1
BV4817 .P513 The worship of God / 1
BV4817 .S36 Practical discourses concerning obedience and the love of God. 2
BV4817 .S37 1984 Thomas Peuntner, "Büchlein von der Liebhabung Gottes" : Edition und Untersuchungen / 1
BV4817 .S377 2012 The science and theology of Godly love / 1