Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4831 (INTERNET) A paradise of prayers containing the purity of deuotion and meditation /
A spyrytuall and moost precyouse pearle teachyng all men to loue and imbrace the crosse, as a mooste swete and necessary thyng, vnto the sowle, and what comfort is to be taken thereof, and also where and howe, both consolacyon and ayde in all maner of afflyccyons is to be soughte, and agayne, how all men should behaue them selues therein, accordynge to the word of God /
The rule and exercises of holy living In which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every vertue, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations. Together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and furnish'd for all necessities.
Good thoughts in bad times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, historicall applications, mixt contemplations /
Hunnies recreations : conteining foure godlie and compendious discourses, intituled Adams Banishment : Christ his crib. The lost sheepe. The complaint of old age. Whereunto is newly adioyned these two notable and pithie treatises : The creation or first weeke. The life and death of Ioseph. /
The water of life, or, A discourse shewing the richness and glory of the grace and spirit of the gospel, as set forth in Scripture by this term, The water of life
To all the faithfull and suffering members in all holes, prisons, and goals for the Word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ, with the rest of the faithful where-ever scatter'd upon the face of the earth
To all the faithful and suffering members in all holes, prisons and gaoles, for the word of God, and testimony of Jesus Christ, with the rest of the faithfull, wherever scattered upon the face of the earth.
Devotions for the helpe and assistance of all Christian people in all occasions and necessities.
Horæ consecratæ, or, Spiritual pastime concerning divine meditations upon the great mysteries of our faith and salvation : occasional meditations and gratulatory reflexions upon particular providences and deliverances, vouchsafed to the author and his family : also a scripture-catechisme dedicated to the service of his wife and children, and now published, together with other treatises mentioned in the following page for common use /
Boanarges and Barnabas, or, Judgment and mercy for afflicted soules containing of [brace] meditations, soliloquies, and prayers /
A godlie mans guide to happinesse A manuell of necessary motiues, holy meditations, and godly prayers, to stirre vp the hearts of men vnapt to pray : To the great comfort of all, that with due and holy attention will practise this most godly and Christian dutie : Written for his owne, and published for the comfort of them that long for trv[e] happinesse /
Historical applications and occasional meditations upon several subjects
[The remedy against the troubles of temptations]
Divine meditations and holy contemplations
A Christian almanacke Needefull and true for all countryes, persons and times. Faithfully calculated by the course of holy Scripture, not onely for this present yeere 1613, but also for many yeeres to come. /
Miscelanea, meditations, memoratiues
A spiritual spicerie containing sundrie sweet tractates of devotion and piety. /
Grace and mercy to a sinner in a time of afflictions, or, The serious meditations of M. Tho. Ford of Rochester during the time of his imprisonment, before his execution, faithfully delivered from his own copie : together with his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Wil. Sandbrook, P.M. Rochester /
The meditat[i]ons of saint Bernard
The spiritual bee, or, A miscellany of scriptural, historical, natural observations and occasional occurencyes applyed in divine meditations
Gerards prayers, or, A daylie practice of pietie divided into foure parts. 1 of Confession of sinnes. 2 of Thanksgiving, for benefits. 3 of Petitions for our selues 4 of Supplicatio[n]s for our neighbours /
Gerards meditations
A progresse of pietie, or, The harbour of heauenly harts ease to recreate the afflicted soules of all such as are shut vp in anye inward or outward affliction. /
Spare-minutes, or, Resolved meditations and premeditated resolutions
Soliloquium animæ The sole-talke of the soule, or, a spirituall and heauenlie dialogue betwixt the soule of man and God. Which, for the great affinitie it hath with other bookes of the auctor published heeretofore in our natiue tongue, is now entituled The fourth booke of the Imitation of Christ /
The saints recreation, third part, upon the estate of grace containing and methodicially [sic] delineating a Christians progress, priviledges, comforts and duties, beginning at conversion : describing also the Blessed Redeemer Jesus, both absolutely and comparatively : and all these in spiritual hymns and songs, suted to grave sweet and melodious tunes, together with a plain paraphrase upon the margent, confirming all by Scriptures, explaining difficulties and methodizing the songs /
Devotionis Augustinianae flamma, or, Certaine devout, godly, and learned meditations
The balm of Gilead, or, Comforts for the distressed, both morall and divine most fit for these woful times /
A choice manual containing what is to be believed, practised, and desired or prayed for; the prayers being fitted to the several days of the week. Also festival hymns, according to the manner of the ancient church. Composed for the use of the devout, especially of younger persons /
The confession and conversion of the chiefest and greatest of sinners, with his frequent communion with God, in Christ, by the spirit, or, A garden of spiritual fruits and flowers
Drops of myrrhe, or, Meditations and prayers fitted to divers of the preceding arguments.
Scala sancta, or, The exaltation of the soul being a train of pious thoughts, compleating the whole duty of man, or, Devotions compiled /
The soules heavenly exercise set downe in diuerse godly meditations, both prose and verse
The saints everlasting rest, or, A treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory wherein is shewed its excellency and certainty, the misery of those that lose it, the way to attain it, and assurance of it, and how to live in the continual delightful forecasts of it /
Testimony for the Lord God, and his work in the Earth
Obiectorum reductio, or, Daily imployment for the soule in occasional meditations upon severall subjects /
The promises, or, A treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort against all the distresses which by reason of any afflictions or temptations can befall him in this life. Containing al the most comfortable places through the whole Bible, orderly digested. /
Of the imitation of Christ, three, both for wisedome, and godlines, most excellent bookes; made 170. yeeres since by one Thomas of Kempis, and for the worthines thereof oft since translated out of Latine into sundrie languages by diuers godlie and learned men
The Christians pattern, or, A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ
Marie Magdalens funeral teares
Verus Christianus, or, Directions for private devotions and retirements dedicated to ... Gilbert Ld. Arch Bishop of Canterbury ... /
Here after folowith the boke callyd the myrroure of Oure Lady very necessary for all relygyous persones.
A vindication of the divine perfections illustrating the glory of God in them, by reason and revelation: methodically digested into several meditations /
Conclusions of peace, betweene God and man containing comfortable meditations for the children of God. /
Meditations divine & morall
Meditations of instruction, of exhortation, of reprofe indeauouring the edification and reparation of the house of God.
Mixt contemplations in better times
Good thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations /
Holy devotions, with directions to pray also a brief exposition upon [brace] the Lords prayer, the creed, the Ten commandments, the 7 penitential psalms, the 7 psalms of thanksgiving : together with a letanie /
The affections of a pious soule, unto our Saviour-Christ expressed in a mixt treatise of verse and prose /
Granados deuotion exactly teaching how a man may truely dedicate and deuote himselfe vnto God, and so become his acceptable votary /
The castell of comforte in the whiche it is euidently proued, [that] God alone absolueth, and freli forgeueth the sinners of so many as vnfaynedly repent, and turne vnto hym /
Private devotion and a brief explication of the ten commandments
Ancilla pietatis, or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion presenting a manuell to furnish her with necessary principles of faith. Forcible motiues to a holy life. Vsefull formes of hymnes and prayers. ... /
The fourth part of the true watch containing prayers and teares for the churches. Or a helpe to hold up the hearts and hands of the poorest servants of God, untill our Lord Iesus Christ shall have rescued his glorie, kingdome, and people in all the world, and fully prepared the way to his most glorious appearing.
The garden of prudence Wherein is contained, a patheticall discourse, and godly meditation, most brieflie touching the vanities of the world, the calamities of hell, and the felicities of heauen. You shal also find planted in the same, diuers sweet and pleasant flowers, most necessarie and comfortable both for body and soule.
A most comfortable and Christian dialogue, betweene the Lord, and the soule
A companion for the penitent, and for persons troubled in mind consisting of an office for the penitent, to carry on their reconciliation with God, and a tryal or judgment of the soul, for discovering the safety of their spiritual estate, and an office for persons troubled in mind, to settle them in peace and comfort /
Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. /
A pleasaunt newe nosegaye full of many godly and swete floures /
The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: /
Judgement & mercy for afflicted soules, or, Meditations, soliloquies, and prayers
The sanctuarie of a troubled soule
The Christian's charter shewing the priviledges of a believer
The Mount of Olives, or, Solitary devotions
Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes digested into I. Meditations vpon our humane condition, 2. Expostulations, and debatements with God, 3. Prayers, vpon the seuerall occasions, to Him /
Mr. Richard Baxter's last legacy in select admonitions and directions to all sober dissenters.
The duty of heavenly meditation
A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry now published according to the copy written with his own hand and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon.
BV4831 .J78 1955a Juliana of Norwich : an introductory appreciation and an interpretative anthology / 1
BV4831 .J8 1978 Showings / 2
BV4831 .J8 1978b A book of showings to the anchoress Julian of Norwich / 1
BV4831 .J8 1993 A revelation of love / 1
BV4831.J8 2008 A revelation of love / 1
BV4831.J8 M65 Julian of Norwich : the teaching of a 14th century English mystic / 1
BV4831.J8 Y84 2003 Religious experience and interpretation : memory as the path to the knowledge of God in Julian of Norwich's Showings / 1
BV4831 .J813 2001 Showing of love : extant texts and translation / 1
BV4831.J83 Julian of Norwich. 1
BV4831.J83 B34 1994 Julian of Norwich's Showings : from vision to book / 1
BV4831.J83 B34 1994eb Julian of Norwich's Showings : from vision to book / 1
BV4831.J83 J8513 1996 Revelation of love / 1
BV4831.J83 P44 1982 Love was His meaning : the theology and mysticism of Julian of Norwich / 1
BV4831.J83 V5 1983 An understanding of love according to the anchoress Julian of Norwich / 1
BV4831 .J86 The practice of the faithful containing many godly prayers both for morning and evening, and other necessary occasions : together with divers profitable and comfortable meditations, necessary to be remembred and practised of every Christian.
The practice of the faithful containing many godly prayers both for morning and evening, and other necessary occasions : together with divers profitable and comfortable meditations, necessary to be remembred and practised of every Christian ..
BV4831 .L38 A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry now published according to the copy written with his own hand and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon. 2
BV4831 .L84 A paradise of prayers containing the purity of deuotion and meditation / 1
BV4831 .M26 A Manual of devotions collected (chiefly) from the most eminent writers of this age, viz. [brace] the author of the Whole duty of man, Bishop Patrick, Bishop Taylor, Lord Chief Justice Hales, Dr. Lucas, &c. containing certain directions for a devout behaviour at all times, and particularly on Sundays and holidays, and at the time of receiving the Lord's Supper, with suitable prayers and devotions / 1
BV4831 .M26 1644 A manuall of devotions, serving to ground the mind in the knowledge, and guide the heart in the practice of religion 1