Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV43 .H37 2003eb Carnival and other Christian festivals : folk theology and folk performance / 2
BV43 .P48 New liturgical feasts in later medieval England / 1
BV45 Christmas in the crosshairs : two thousand years of denouncing and defending the world's most celebrated holiday /
Les + belles histoires vraies de Noël /
BV45 .A94 1969 Meditação do Natal / 1
BV45 .C45 1656 A Christian plea against Chrismass and an out-cry against Chrismas-mongers. 1
BV45 .C548 2010 Christmas : philosophy for everyone : better than a lump of coal / 1
BV45 .C55 Christmas. 1
BV45 .H34 A letter concerning Christmasse sent to a knight in Suffolke 2
BV45 .H44 2010 Christmas : festival of Incarnation / 1
BV45 .L5 A short ansvver of Iohn Ling to the 16. quæres of Ioseph Heming, about Christmas. Wherein all the care that can be is taken to avoyd expence of paper, so much having beene spoyled already .. 1
BV45 .L63 1915 The first Christmas story, "Let us go even unto Bethlehem" / 1
BV45 .L813 1956 Christmas morning in the snowy North / 1
BV45 .R33 Christmas in Bethlehem, and Holy Week at Mount Athos. 1
BV45 .R34 The Holy Land at Christmastime. 1
BV45 .R52 The substance of a letter occasioned by a discourse of the time called Christmas, from an abuse on it 2
BV45 .S73 Christmas tide. 1
BV45 .S78 Zvychaï nashoho natodu; etnografichnyĭ narys. 1
BV45 .T32 1990 A Christmas longing / 1
BV45 ebook El significado de la Navidad 1
BV47 .M3 1974 St. Nicholas : his legend and his role in the Christmas celebration and other popular customs / 1