Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV30 .N37 1991 The story of the Christian year / 1
BV30 .R8 1967 Ruperti Tuitiensis Liber de divinis officiis / 1
BV30 .S67 2010 Performing the Reformation : public ritual in the city of Luther / 1
BV30.S72 O27 The observation of the three great festivals asserted in the Christian church and that objection answered, from Gal 4. 10, 11., and also the right manner of the observance of them made known, in a sermon, preach'd on Easter-Day / 1
BV30 .S73 1996 Calendar : Christ's time for the Church / 1
BV30 .W37 New prayers and meditations with pious exhortations for fast-days pursuant to Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary's injunctions to suppress irreligion and prophaneness / 2
BV30 .W4 Handbook of Christian feasts and customs : the year of the Lord in liturgy and folklore. 1
BV34 Pygmalion's Chisel : For Women Who Are "Never Good Enough." 1
BV35 .W3513 2006 Christianity : the origins of a pagan religion / 1
BV40 .G8 Sermons / 1
BV40 .R885 2018 Advent : the Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ. 1
BV40 ebook Salimos al encuentro : Adviento y Navidad, ciclo B /
Agraciados : adviento y navidad, ciclo A, 27 de noviembre al 8 de enero de 2023 /
Hacia la luz : reflexiones sobre la navidad /
Volveremos a esperar : adviento y navidad, ciclo C, 28 de noviembre al 9 de enero de 2022 /
BV42 Philosophy and Synergy of Information : Sustainability and Security. 1
BV43 .C37 A devoção do Senhor J. do Bom-Fim e sua historia. 1
BV43 .C37x A devoção do Senhor J. do Bom-Fim e sua historia. 1
BV43 .C67 [A copy of th[e] acte made for th[e] abrogacyon of certrayne holydayes] 1
BV43 .D43 1650 Dear Christian friends, as it hath pleased our heavenly Father to call both you and us in these latter days to wait upon him in his great and terrible works, so the glory of his appearances hath been exceeding great in those services. And we trust the record of his love is kept with delight in your hearts, as we desire it may be upon our own for ever. And surely, the true use of those precious experiments wherewith he hath enriched us in this work, is to strengthen our faith, and quicken our hearts to a more chearfull attendance on Christ in what further service he shall appoint us. To what end tends that wonderfull return of [th]e prayers of his people in those continued and swift successes God hath afforded our brethren in Ireland, ... 1
BV43.E54 1646 All ordinances and orders for the better observation of the Lords-Day and the fast 9. Decemb. 1646. ordered &c. that the ordinances for the better observation of the publick dayes of fast and humiliation and for the better observation of the Lords-Day be printed together .. 1
BV43.G6 P72 A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the aldermen and citizens of London at St. Mary le Bow, on Thursday, Sept. 2. 1697 / 2
BV43 .H37 2003 Carnival and other Christian festivals : folk theology and folk performance / 1