BV5075 .J49 2020
Jewish roots of Eastern Christian mysticism : studies in honor of Alexander Golitzin / |
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BV5075 .J62 1923x
Studies in mystical religion. |
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BV5075 .K33
The Western mystical tradition : an intellectual history of Western civilization / |
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BV5075 .L68
The origins of the Christian mystical tradition from Plato to Denys / |
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BV5075 .L68 2007eb
The origins of the Christian mystical tradition : from Plato to Denys / |
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BV5075 .M32 2004
Spirituality as insight : mystical texts and theological reflections / |
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BV5075 .M365 2003
Early Christian mystics : the divine vision of the spiritual masters / |
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BV5075 .M37 1994 vol. 1
The foundations of mysticism / |
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BV5075 .M37 1994 vol. 2
The growth of mysticism / |
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BV5075 .M37 1994 vol. 3
The flowering of mysticism : men and women in the new mysticism (1200-1350) / |
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BV5075 .M37 1994 vol. 4
The harvest of mysticism in medieval Germany (1300-1500) / |
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BV5075 .M37 1994 vol. 6 pt. 3
The persistence of mysticism in Catholic Europe : France, Italy, and Germany, 1500-1675 / |
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BV5075 .M4 1954a
Mediaeval mystical tradition and Saint John of the Cross / |
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BV5075 .M45 1994
Meister Eckhart and the Beguine mystics : Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete / |
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BV5075 .M86 2000
The mystical gesture : essays on medieval and early modern spiritual culture in honor of Mary E. Giles / |
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BV5075 .M86 2018eb
The mystical gesture : essays on medieval and early modern spiritual culture in honor of Mary E. Giles / |
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BV5075 .M88 2003
Mystics : presence and aporia / |
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BV5075 .P46 1988
Religiƶse Erfahrung als literarisches Faktum : zur Vorgeschichte und Genese frauenmystischer Texte des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts / |
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BV5075 .S4313 2007
Thinkers, saints, heretics : spiritual paths of the Middle Ages / |
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BV5075 .S584 2018
Into the Dark Night and Back. |
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