Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV5082 .I6 1899a Christian mysticism : considered in eight lectures delivered before the University of Oxford / 1
BV5082 .I6 1956 Christian mysticism. 1
BV5082 .I6 1956a Christian mysticism. 1
BV5082 .J6 New studies in mystical religion / 1
BV5082 .R5 The meaning of mysticism / 1
BV5082 .U5 1976 The essentials of mysticism, and other essays / 1
BV5082 .W37 Behold the spirit : a study in the necessity of mystical religion. 1
BV5082 .W37 1971 Behold the spirit : a study in the necessity of mystical religion /
Behold the spirit; a study in the necessity of mystical religion
BV5082.2 .A5416 1990 Il libro della beata Angela da Foligno / 1
BV5082.2 .B64 Vom lebendigen Glauben : ausgewählte Schriften / 1
BV5082.2 .C313 The mystery of Christian worship : and other writings / 1
BV5082.2 .G72 1983 Literature of mysticism in Western tradition / 2
BV5082.2 .H37 Mysticism: its meaning and message / 1
BV5082.2 .J45 Teología de la místíca. 1
BV5082.2 .K6 The nature of mysticism / 1
BV5082.2 .K6 1968 What is mysticism? / 1
BV5082.2 .M25 Christian mysticism : a psychotheology / 1
BV5082.2 .M58 2001 Mysticism & social transformation / 1
BV5082.2 .O66 God and man / 1
BV5082.2 .S7 This double thread. 1