Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV5091.R4 J35 |
A wonderful prophesie declared by Christian James, a maid of twenty years of age (late daughter to Daniel James) ... with a true relation of her behaviour, both in her life-time, and at the hour of her death; worthy to be had in perpetual memory. To the tune of In summertime. A vvonderful prophesie |
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BV5091.R4 K47 2006 | Books under suspicion : censorship and tolerance of revelatory writing in late medieval England / | 2 |
BV5091.R4 K83 | A.Z. Salomon a Kaiserstein Cosmopolita de monarchia jesuelitica ultimo ævo reservata ad politicos aulicosque orbis terrarum | 1 |
BV5091.R4 K83 1682 | A.Z. Salomon a Kaiserstein cosmopolita de monarchia jesuelitica, ultimo ævo reservata, ad politicos aulicosque orbis terrarum. | 1 |
BV5091.R4 L1 1661 | A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / | 1 |
BV5091.R4 L42 |
The Enochian walks with God found out by a spiritual-traveller, whose face towards Mount-Sion above was set ... : with an experimental account of what was known, seen, and met withal there, as to an essay to a further revelation of an immense and infinite latitude of God's love ... / A revelation of the everlasting gospel-message which shall never cease to be preach'd till the hour of Christ's eternal judgment shall come : whereby will be proclaim'd the last-love jubilee, in order to the restitution of the whole lapsed creation, whether human or angelical, when by the blood of the everlasting covenant all prisoners shall be set free. |
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BV5091.R4 P54 1581 | The wonderfull worke of God shewed vpon a chylde whose name is William Withers, being in the towne of Walsam, within the countie of Suffolke : who being eleven yeeres of age, laye in a traunce the space of tenne dayes, without taking any manner of sustenance, and at this present lyeth, and neuer speaketh, but once in twelue, or four and twentie houres, and when he commeth to himselfe, he declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come, and hath continued the space of three weeks. | 1 |
BV5091.R4 R34 |
A Relation of several hundreds of children and others that prophesie and preach in their sleep &c first examined and admired by several ingenious men, ministers and professors of philosophy at Geneva and sent from thence in two letters to Roterdam. A Relation of several hundreds of children and others that prophesie and preach in their sleep &c. first examined and admired by several ingenious men, ministers and professors of philosophy at Geneva and sent from thence in two letters to Roterdam. |
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BV5091.R4 R52 | Lay by your pleading, law lies a-bleeding | 1 |
BV5091.R4 R62 | The peoples plea for the exercise of prophesie. Against Mr. Iohn Yates his monopolie. / | 1 |
BV5091.R4 T5 | The gospel net being, heaven opened to all nations, or a discovery by the scriptures, of visions, dreams, voyces, illuminations, and divine leadings (made especially in the years 1660-61- 62-63 and 1664) to be the works of the spirit of prophesie .. | 1 |
BV5091.R4 V62 1999 | God's words, women's voices : the discernment of spirits in the writing of late-medieval women visionaries / | 1 |
BV5091.R4 W36 | The revelation of Jesus Christ just as he spake it in verses at several times, and sometimes in prose, unto his faithful servant Anne Wentworth, who suffereth for his name : containing mercy and judgment, comforts to Zion, but woes to Babylon / | 2 |
BV5091.R4 W37 | The Oxford wonder giving a true and strange relation of Mr. Henny [sic] Watts, minister of St. Clements parish, in the city of Oxford, who lay in a trance forty-eight hours and six minutes .. | 1 |
BV5091.S7 |
The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c. 1800-1950 : between saints and celebrities / The stigmata in medieval and early modern Europe / |
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BV5091.S7 H37 1994 | Stigmata : a medieval mystery in a modern age / | 1 |
BV5091.S7 S740 2001 | Stigmates / | 1 |
BV5091.S7 W55 1989 | Stigmata : an investigation into the mysterious appearance of Christ's wounds in hundreds of people from Medieval Italy to modern America / | 2 |
BV5091.V6 |
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BV5091.V6 A33 2007 | Visions in late medieval England : lay spirituality and sacred glimpses of the hidden worlds of faith / | 1 |