Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV5095.J84 C6 2008eb A companion to Julian of Norwich / 1
BV5095.J84 J36 2000 Julian of Norwich : mystic and theologian / 1
BV5095.J84 J83 1998 Julian of Norwich : a book of essays / 1
BV5095.J84 J85 2012eb Julian of Norwich : a book of essays / 1
BV5095.J84 K73 1997 The life and text of Julian of Norwich : the poetics of enclosure / 2
BV5095.J84 M34 2006 Julian of Norwich : mystic or visionary? / 1
BV5095.J84 M34 2006eb Julian of Norwich : mystic or visionary? / 1
BV5095.J84 N49 2006 Julian of Norwich's legacy : medieval mysticism and post-medieval reception /
Julian of Norwich's legacy medieval mysticism and post-medieval reception /
BV5095.J84 R36 2016 Julian of Norwich : a very brief history / 1
BV5095.K4 K35 2020 Margery Kempe's spiritual medicine : suffering, transformation and the life-course / 1
BV5095.K4 T5 1960 Margery Kempe : an example in the English pastoral tradition. 1
BV5095.L3 O8 1881 William Law, nonjuror and mystic : ... a sketch of his life, character, and opinions / 1
BV5095.L3 R83 William Law / 1
BV5095.L3 T3 William Law : a study in literary craftsmanship. 1
BV5095.L4 F68 A fountain of gardens watered by the rivers of divine pleasure, and springing up in all the variety of spiritual plants, blown up by the pure breath into a paradise : to which is prefixed a poem, introductory to the Philadelphian Age, called Solomons porch, or The beautiful gate to wisdoms temple /
A fountain of gardens, or, A spiritual diary of the wonderful experiences of a Christian soul under the conduct of heavenly wisdom. continued for the year MDCLXXVIII /
BV5095.L4 (INTERNET) The revelation of revelations particularly as an essay towards the unsealing, opening and discovering the seven seals, the seven thunders, and the New-Jerusalem state ... / 1
BV5095.L4 R48 The revelation of revelations particularly as an essay towards the unsealing, opening and discovering the seven seals, the seven thunders, and the New-Jerusalem state ... / 2
BV5095.L43 H57 2005 Jane Leade : biography of a seventeenth-century mystic / 1
BV5095.L43 H57 2006 Jane Leade : biography of a seventeenth-century mystic / 1
BV5095.L43 H57 2017 Jane Leade biography of a seventeenth-century mystic / 1