Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV649 .G6 Certaine briefe obseruations [sic] and antiquæries on Master Prin his twelve questions about church-government. Wherein is modestly shewed how un-usefull and frivolous they are, how bitter and unchristian in censuring that way; : whereas there are no reasons brought to contradict it. / 1
BV649 .H66 Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie eight bookes / 1
BV649 .H66 1617i Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie eight bookes / 1
BV649 .H66 1666i The works of Mr. Richard Hooker, (that learned and judicious divine) in eight books of ecclesiastical polity, compleated out of his own manuscrips, never before published : with an account of his life and death. 1
BV649 .H66 1676 The works of that learned and judicious divine Mr. Richard Hooker in eight books of ecclesiastical polity compleated out of his own manuscripts : with several other treatises by the same author and an account of his life and death ..
The works of that learned and judicious divine Mr. Richard Hooker in eight books of ecclesiastical polity compleated out of his own manuscripts : with several other treatises by the same author and an account of his life and death.
BV649 .H66 1820i The works of that learned and judicious divine Mr. Richard Hooker containing eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, and several other treatises; with an index to the whole : to which is prefixed The life of the author / 1
BV649 .H8 1888 The works / 1
BV649 .H8 1907 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity / 1
BV649 .H825 1989 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity : preface, book I, book VIII / 2
BV649 .H826 2003 Richard Hooker on Anglican faith and worship : Of the laws of Ecclesiatical polity, book V, a modern edition / 1
BV649 .H85 1594A Of the lawes of ecclesiasticall politie, eyght bookes. 1
BV649.H9 M3 1963 Hooker and the Anglican tradition; an historical and theological study of Hooker's Ecclesiastical polity.
Hooker and the Anglican tradition : an historical and theological study of Hooker's Ecclesiastical polity.
BV649 (INTERNET) A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians and are delivered in a book called The cure of church-divisions ... /
A vindicaton of churches, commonly called Independent, or, A briefe answer to two books the one, intituled, Twelve considerable serious questions, touching church-government, the other, Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, &c. : both lately published by William Prinne ... /
A treatise of miscellany questions wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved ... /
A iust and temperate defence of the fiue books of ecclesiastical policie written by M. Richard Hooker, against an vncharitable letter of certain English Protestants (as they tearme themselues) crauing resolution, in some matters of doctrine, which seeme to ouerthrow the foundation of religion, and the Church amongst vs /
The ivstification of the independant chvrches of Christ being an answer to Mr. Edvvards his booke, which hee hath written against the government of Christ's chvrch and toleration of Christs, publike worship : briefely declaring that the congregations of the saints ought not to have dependancie in government upon any other : or direction in worship from any other than Christ their head and lavv-giver /
Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated including the chief part of the government of Christian princes and popes, and a true account of the most troubling controversies and heresies till the Reformation ... /
An ansvvere to the fifth part of Reportes lately set forth by Syr Edvvard Cooke Knight, the Kinges Attorney generall Concerning the ancient & moderne municipall lawes of England, vvhich do apperteyne to spirituall power & iurisdiction. By occasion vvherof, & of the principall question set dovvne in the sequent page, there is laid forth an euident, plaine, & perspicuous demonstration of the continuance of Catholicke religion in England, from our first Kings christened, vnto these dayes /
A short historical essay touching general councils, creeds, and impositions in matters of religion ...
The works of Mr. Richard Hooker (that learned and judicious divine), in eight books of ecclesiastical polity compleated out of his own manuscripts, never before published : with an account of his life and death.
Judicious Hooker's illustrations of Holy Scripture in his ecclesiastical policy
A pacifick discourse of the causes and remedies of the differences about religion, which distract the peace of Christendom
Baxter's book entitul'd The cure of church-divisions answer'd & confuted and he prov'd to be a physitian of no value who hath manifested his folly and weakness in undertaking a work which he hath so little understanding in /
The cure of church-divisions, or, Directions for weak Christians to keep them from being dividers or troublers of the church with some directions to the pastors how to deal with such Christians /
BV649 .K56 1691 An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity & worship, of the primitive church, that flourished within the first three hundred years after Christ. Faithfully collected out of the extant writings of those ages. / 1
BV649 .O84 1690 Bishop Overall's convocation-book, MDCVI concerning the government of God's catholick church, and the kingdoms of the whole world. 2
BV649 .P35 1670 A Pair of spectacles, very useful, and needful, for all those that read Mr. Baxters Catholick charity, in his book called the Cure of church divisions, that so they may see and understand what they read, and not be led away with errour instead of truth. / 1
BV649 .R84 An answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's Irenicum 2
BV649 .S74 1662 Irenicum A weapon-salve for the churches wounds, or The divine right of particular forms of church-government : discuss'd and examin'd according to the principles of the law of nature ... /
Irenicum A weapon-salve for the churches wounds, or The divine right of particular forms of church-government : discuss'd and examin'd according to the principles of the law of nature .../
BV649 .S75 1662i Irenicum a weapon-salve for the churches wounds, or The divine right of particular forms of church-government : discuss'd and examin'd according to the principles of the law of nature, the positive laws of God, the practice of the apostles, and the primitive church, & the judgment of Reform'd divines : whereby a foundation is laid for the churches peace, and the accommodation of our present differences : humbly tendered to consideration / 1
BV649 .T39 Baxter's book entitul'd The cure of church-divisions answer'd & confuted and he prov'd to be a physitian of no value who hath manifested his folly and weakness in undertaking a work which he hath so little understanding in / 2