Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV656.3 .B55 | Religious television programs : a study of relevance / | 1 |
BV656.3 .F73 1987 | Televangelism : the marketing of popular religion / | 2 |
BV656.3 .F74 2015eb | Colored television : American religion gone global / | 1 |
BV656.3 .F74 2016 | Colored television : American religion gone global / | 1 |
BV656.3 .G56 2012eb |
Global and local televangelism : / Global and local televangelism / Global and local televangelism |
3 |
BV656.3 .G64 1988 | Godwatching : viewers, religion and television / | 1 |
BV656.3 .G86 1994 | Seeing is believing : religion and television in the 1990s / | 1 |
BV656.3 .H66 1988 | Mass media religion : the social sources of the electronic church / | 2 |
BV656.3 .H67 1984 | Religious television : the American experience / | 1 |
BV656.3.J365 2010 | McDonaldisation, Masala McGospel and Om Economics Televangelism in Contemporary India. | 1 |
BV656.3 .L56 1996 | The reception of religious television : social semeiology applied to an empirical case study / | 1 |
BV656.3 .N38 1996 | Religion vs. television : competitors in cultural context / | 1 |
BV656.3 .P3 | The television-radio audience and religion / | 1 |
BV656.3 .P43 1993 |
The gods of televangelism / The gods of televangelism / |
2 |
BV656.3 .R42 1990 | Religious television : controversies and conclusions / | 1 |
BV656.3 .S385 1991 | Televangelism and American culture : the business of popular religion / | 2 |
BV656.3 .W35 2009 | Watch this! : the ethics and aesthetics of black televangelism / | 1 |
BV656.3 .W35 2009eb | Watch this! : the ethics and aesthetics of black televangelism / | 1 |
BV659 .B55 | Speculum Culmerianum wherein all persecuting, and malitious priests may behold the blindnesse of their zeale, the shame of their hypocricy, and the just reward of their unsatisfied malice. Being an answer to a scandalous book called A parish looking-glasse for persecutors of ministers, pretended to be writ by Richard Culmer the younger, in defence of his father Richard Culmer, Minister of Minster in the County of Kent ... / | 1 |
BV659 .B72 1671a | An answer to a letter of enquiry into the grounds and occasions of the contempt of the clergy. | 1 |