Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV659 .L38 A treatise relating to the call, work & wages of the ministers of Christ as also to the call, work & wages of the ministers of antichrist : wherein a testimony is born ... / 2
BV659 .M37 A warning to the flocks against wolves in sheeps cloathing, or, A Faithful advice, from several ministers of the Gospel, in and near Boston, unto the churches of New-England, relating to the dangers that may arise from imposters pretending to be ministers with a brief history of some impostors, remarkably and seasonably detected / 2
BV659 .N377 1683 A narrative of the holy life, and happy death of that very reverend, faithful and zealous man of God, and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Angier, wherein are related many passages that concern his birth, education, his entrance into the ministry, discharge of his trust therein, and his death. Likewise a collection of his experiences for many years application of scriptures, answers to cases of conscience, his dying speeches grave sayings, &c: Published for the good of the church. 1
BV659 .N92 1654 Mr Sadler re-examined, or, His disguise discovered. Shewing, the grosse mistakes and most notorious falshoods in his dealing with the Commissioners for Approbation of Publike Preachers in his Inquisitio Anglicana. : Wherein also a brief and true account is given of their righteous proceedings with him and those that come before them. / 1
BV659 .P37 The work of the ministry represented to the clergy of the Diocese of Ely / 2
BV659 .S65 Some reason tenderly offered to the serious consideration of the commissioners, for executing the Poll Act; why such persons should not be rated 20 s. as preachers, or teachers, who do not receive any profits, or salaries for such their preaching or teaching. 1
BV659 .S7 Because that in the following discourse the reason is recited and answered, why my ministry is rejected and not received by this ignorant, but more especially corrupt world; therefore I thought it expedient and necessary to publish the same. 1
BV659 .S73 1997 Stella clericorum / 1
BV659 .U56 1656 The unprofitable servants talent put into the bank, in sure hope of acceptance by a merciful Lord; or, The mean mans gift towards the helping forward of the Lords great work. With an information and message from the Lord, to all sorts of people concerned herein; written in plain simplicity. 1
BV659 .W45 The hirelings ministry none of Christs, or, A discourse touching the propagating the Gospel of Christ Jesus 2
BV659 .W66 1656 A ministers dvty to reprove sin in the pulpit, as God himselfe doth in his scriptures 2
BV659 .Z434 2009 Rebellische Kleriker? : eine unbekannte kanonistisch-patristische Polemik gegen Bischof Hinkmar von Laon in Cod. Paris, BNF, nouv. acq. lat. 1746 / 1
BV660 .F76 1943 Priesthood and prayer / 1
BV660 .I544 1939 Die religiös-kirchlichen Verhältnisse : im heutigen Württemberg am Vorabend der Reformation / 1
BV660 .M7 Some qualities associated with success in the Christian ministry / 1
BV660 .N48 The ministry in historical perspectives / 1
BV660.2 .B35 1971 The vanishing parson /
The vanishing parson
BV660.2 .C335 1996 The Call to serve : biblical and theological perspectives on ministry in honour of Bishop Penny Jemieson / 1
BV660.2 .G7 Called to serve : ministry and ministers in the church / 1
BV660.2 .G74 Can I make it one more year? : Overcoming the hazards of ministry / 1