Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV664.5 .R49 | The ordinals of Christ from their origins to the twelfth century / | 1 |
BV665 .K8 | Apostolic succession : rethinking a barrier to unity / | 1 |
BV665 .P65 |
Pomphaia distomos Hoxeia, or, The Church of England defended in two treatises against the fabulous and slanderous imputations cast upon her in those two points of [brace] succession of bishops and schisme : wherein the fable of the nags-head ordination is detected and the accusation of schisme retorted / Pomphaia dixomos Hoxeia, or, The Church of England defended in two treatises against the fabulous and slanderous imputations cast upon her in those two points of succession of bishops and schisme : wherein the fable of the nags-head ordination is detected and the accusation of schisme retorted / |
2 |
BV665 .P7 1846 | An essay on apostolical succession being a defence of a genuine protestant ministry, against the exclusive and intolerant schemes of papists and high churchmen, and supplying a general antidote to popery : also, a critique on the Apology for apostolical succession / | 1 |
BV665 .T34 | The nullity of the prelatique clergy, and Church of England further discovered in answer to the plaine prevarication, or vaine presumption of D. John Bramhall in his booke, intituled, The consecration and succession of Protestant bishops justified, &c. : and that most true story of the first Protestant bishops ordination at the Nagshead verified their fabulous consecration at Lambeth vvith the forgery of Masons records cleerely detected / | 2 |
BV669 | A speech made to the House of commons concerning episcopacy | 1 |
BV669 .A33 | The divine right of episcopacy demonstrated from Calvin and Beza together with a letter to a Presbyterian minister. | 2 |
BV669 .A42 1637 | Saint Ambrose his Christian offices in 3. bookes : whereunto is added his conviction of Symmacus the Gentile : a worke tending to the advancement of vertue, and holinesse of life : also, shewing how much the moralitie of the gentiles is exceeded by the doctrine of Christianitie / | 1 |
BV669 .B72 | Sundry particulars concerning bishops humbly offered to the consideration of this honourable Parliament. | 2 |
BV669 .C44 | The apostolical institution of episcopacy demonstrated | 2 |
BV669 .C47 | A Christian beleefe concerning bishops | 2 |
BV669 .D54 1695 | A defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops wherein the case of Abiathar is particularly considered, and the invalidity of lay-deprivations is further proved, from the doctrine received under the Old Testament, continued in the first ages of christianity, and from our own fundamental laws, in a reply to Dr. Hody and another author : to which is annexed, the doctrine of the Church of England, concerning the independency of the clergy on the lay-power, as to those rights of theirs which are purely spiritual, reconciled with our oath of supremancy, and the lay-deprivations of the Popish Bishops in the beginning of the Reformation / | 1 |
BV669 .H49 | The historie of episcopacie | 1 |
Episcopacie asserted, as it now stands established in our church and common-wealth with the titles of honours, the dignity of authority, the endowments of revenues : by these following argumnts taken 1 from the Word of God, 2 from the light of nature, 3 from the rights of His Majesty, 4 from the lawes of the kingdome, 5 from the lawes of civility and common humanity / The recantation and hvmble svbmission of two ancient prelates of the kingdome of Scotland subscribed by their own hands and sent to the generall assemblie : as also the act of the said assemblie condemning episcopacy and other abuses which are contrary to the Word of God and the laws of this church and kingdome. Lex talionis, or, The author of Naked truth stript naked The reason of church-government urg'd against prelaty A Christian beleefe concerning bishops The qvestion concerning the divine right of episcopacie truly stated The Copie of tvvo letters Of the sacred order and offices of episcopacie by divine institution, apostolicall tradition and catholique practice together with their titles of honour, secular employment, manner of election, delegation of their power and other appendant questions asserted against the Aerians and Acephali new and old / The diocesans tryall wherein all the sinnewes of Doctor Dovvnhams defence are brought into three heads, and orderly dissolved / Eleutherosis tēs aletheias, truth asserted by the doctrine and practice of the apostles, seconded by the testimony of synods, fathers, and doctors, from the apostles to this day viz. that episcopacie is jure divino / A vindication of the answer to the humble remonstrance from the unjust imputation of frivolousnesse and falshood wherein, the cause of liturgy and episcopacy is further debated / Archiepiscopal priority instituted by Christ, proved by plaine testimonies of Scripture Asserted by the ancient fathers. And whereunto all the moderne divines of the Protestant side doe fully assent, without contradiction of any one man. / Of episcopacy three epistles of Peter Moulin ... / Tentamen novum continuatum, or, An answer to Mr Owen's Plea and defense Wherein Bishop Pearson's chronology about the time of St. Paul's constituting Timothy Bishop of Ephesus, and Titus of Crete, is confirm'd ... and all Mr. Owen's arguments ... for Presbyterian parityand ordination by Presbyters, are overthrown. Herein is more particularly prov'd, that the Church of England, ever since the Reformation, believ'd the divine right of bishops. / Of prelatical episcopacy, and vvhither it may be deduc'd from the apostolical times by vertue of those testimonies which are alledg'd to that purpose in some late treatises one whereof goes under the name of Iames, Arch-bishop of Armagh. A compendious discourse, proving episcopacy to be of apostolicall, and conseqvently of divine, institution by a cleare and weighty testimony of St. Irenaeus, a glorious martyr, and renowned Bishop of Lyons in France, upon the yeere of our Lord, 184 : the said testimony being so declared, pressed, and vindicated from all exceptions : that thereby an intelligent and conscionable reader may receive abundant satisfaction in this behalfe / The consecration and succession, of Protestant bishops justified, the Bishop of Duresme vindicated, and that infamous fable of the ordination at the Nagges head clearly confuted A speech made by Master Waller esquire in the honourable House of Commons concerning episcopacie whether it should be committed or rejected. The principles of the Cyprianic age with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself and his contemporaries : by which it is made evident that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obligated by his own concession to acknowledge that he and his associates are schismaticks : in a letter to a friend / A defence of the sermon preached at the consecration of the L. Bishop of Bath and VVelles against a confutation thereof by a namelesse author. Diuided into 4. bookes: the first, prouing chiefly that the lay or onely-gouerning elders haue no warrant either in the Scriptures or other monuments of antiquity. The second ... / A discourse of Episcopacy and sacrilege by way of letter written in 1646 / The apostolical institution of episcopacy demonstrated The divine right of episcopacy demonstrated from Calvin and Beza together with a letter to a Presbyterian minister. The Bishop of Gallovvay his dikaiologie contayning a iust defence of his former apologie. Against the iniust imputations of Mr. Dauid Hume. The hierarchical bishops claim to a divine right, tried at the scripture-bar, or, A consideration of the pleadings for prelacy from pretended Scriptural arguments, presented and offered by Dr. Scott, in his book intituled, The Christian life, part II, A.M., D.D. in his Enquiry into the New Opinions, &c., and by the author of the second part of the Survey of Naphtali ... / The iudgement of Doctor Rainoldes touching the originall of episcopacy more largely confirmed out of antiquity / |
26 |
BV669 .J47 1660 | The angel of the Church of Ephesus no bishop of Ephesus distinguished in order from, and superiour in power to a presbyter / | 2 |
BV669 .L56 | A treatise of the episcopacy, liturgies, and ecclesiastical ceremonies of the primitive times and of the mutations which happened to them in the succeeding ages gathered out of the works of the ancient fathers and doctors of the church / | 1 |
BV669 .M28 1700 | A defence of diocesan episcopacy in answer to a book of Mr. David Clarkson lately published, entituled, Primitive episcopacy / | 2 |
BV669.M47 J6 1951 | An apology against a pamphlet called A modest confutation of the animadversions upon the remonstrant against Smectymnuus. | 1 |
BV669 .R2 | The second and third treatises of the first part of ancient church-government the second treatise containing a discourse of the succession of clergy. | 2 |
BV669 .R5 | The bishop's appeale, or, An addresse to the brethren of the presbyteriall judgement in twenty considerations, wherein among other things is manifested, that the reformed churches, both Lutheran and Calvinist, yea, Calvin, Bona, and the Church of Scotland it self, have given their suffrages for episcopacy. | 1 |