Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV720 .T53 1955 Foundations of the conciliar theory the contribution of the medieval canonists from Gratian to the Great Schism / 1
BV720 .V35 2012eb Conciliarism : a History of Decision-Making in the Church. 2
BV740 .D47 2007 Discipline and diversity : papers read at the 2005 Summer Meeting and the 2006 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society / 1
BV740 .D85 La tyrannie des prejugez, ou, Reflexions sur le fragment d'une lettre de Mademoiselle Marie du Moulin avec plusieurs eclaircissemens en forme d'epitres sur la puissance ecclesiastique et l'excommunication : pour servir de response a Monsieur Jurieu. 2
BV740 (INTERNET) The dangerous schismatick clearly detected and fully confuted for the saving of a distracted nation from that which would destroy Christian love and unity : occasioned by a resolver of three cases about church-communion /
The glory of a true church, and its discipline display'd wherein a true gospel-church is described : together with the power of the keys, and who are to be let in, and who to be shut out /
Coleman-street conclave visited, and, that grand imposter, the schismaticks cheater in chief (who hath long, slily lurked therein) truly and duly discovered containing a most palpable and plain display of Mr. John Goodwin's self-conviction (under his own hand-writing) and of the notorious heresies, errours, malice, pride, and hypocrisie of his most huge garagantua, in falsly pretended piety, to the lamentable misleading of his too-too credulous soul-murthered proselytes of Coleman-street & elsewhere : collected, principally, out of his own big-bragadochio and wavelike-swelling and swaggering writings, full-fraught with six-footed terms, and flashie rhetoricall phrases, far more than solid and sacred truths, and may fitly serve (if it be the Lords will) like Belshazzars hand-writing, on the wall of his conscience, to strike terrour and shame into his own soul, and shamelesse face, and to un-deceive his most miserably cheated and inchanted, or bewitched followers /
BV740 .K57 1994 Kirchenzucht und Sozialdisziplinierung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa : mit einer Auswahlbibliographie / 1
BV740 .L68 1675 The Discipline and order of particular churches, no novelty. Proved from Scripture, reason, autiquity, and the most eminent modern divines. Or, A discourse of the church, in a scripture notion, with her extent, power and practice, tending to moderate the minds of men, toward dissenters in matters ecclesiastical, and to acquit such from the charge of innovation, faction, separation, schism, and breach of union and peace in the church, who cannot conform in many things to the rules, canons, and practices of others. / 1
BV741 Free exercise of religion in the liberal polity : conflicting interpretations /
Gay rights vs. religious liberty? : the unnecessary conflict /
A letter to the Honourable Collonel Okey member of parliament, and to his honoured and worthy friends Collonel Biscoe, Colonel Salmon, and Lievetenant Collonel Allen : communicating to them another letter written by T.F. to a person of condition, perswading to a toleration of popery.
His Majesties gracious declaration to all his loving subjects for liberty of conscience James R. It having pleased almighty God not only to bring us to the imperial crown of these kingdoms through the greatest difficulties, ..
Freedom of Religion and Belief in Turkey /
Religion during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict /
Varieties of Religious Establishment.
Freedom of religion, secularism, and human rights /
Freedom of religion and religious diversity : state accommodation of religious minorities /
BV741 .A32 Against universall libertie of conscience. Being animadversions upon two letters written to a friend pleading for it. 1
BV741 .A33 Moon-shine, or, The restoration of jews-trumps and bagpipes being an answer to Dr. R. Wild's letter, and his Poetica licentia, &c. 1
BV741 .A38 Advice from a dissenter in the city to his friends in the countrey shewing it to be their duty and safety to concur with those who are for abolishing the penal laws and tests. 2
BV741 .A5 An answer by an Anabaptist to the three considerations proposed to Mr. William Penn, by a pretended Baptists, concerning a magna charta for liberty of conscience. 1
BV741 .A54 Animadversions upon Mijn Heer Fagels letter concerning our penal laws and tests with remarks upon that subject, occasioned by the publishing of that letter. 2
BV741 .B26 1958 The travail of religious liberty / 1
BV741 .B38 1946i Religious liberty an inquiry / 1
BV741 .B57 1662 An illumination to open the eyes of the papists (so called) and of all other sects; and to give them to see that whilst they would have liberty of conscience themselves, and yet deny the same liberty to others which themselves would have, they are not for but against liberty of conscience. In the pursuance of which, these questions are laid down and resolved, viz. What conscience is? What religion? What the exercise of religion in the conscience? What the liberty of conscience in the exercise of religion? Wherefore conscience cannot be compelled in the exercise of religion? Together with certain corollaries flowing from thence fit for the information of all such as are yet ignorant what conscience is, or the liberty thereof. / 1
BV741 .B57 1664 To the King, and both houses of Parliament, thus saith the Lord; meddle not with my people because of their conscience to me; and banish them not out of the nation, because of their conscience: for, if you do, I will send my plagues upon you; and you shall know that I am the Lord. / 1
BV741 .B64 A sermon against persecution preached March 26, 1682, being the fourth Sunday in Lent on Gal. IV: 29 ... /
A sermon against persecution, preached March 26, 1682, being the fourth Sunday in Lent (on Gal. IV. 29. part of the epistle for that day) and the time when the brief for the persecution Protestants in France was read in the parish-church of Shapwicke. /
BV741 .B64 1682 A sermon against persecution preached March 26, 1680, being the fourth Sunday in Lent, (on Gal. IV. 29. part of the epistle for that day) and the time when the brief for the persecuted Protestants in France was read in the parish-church of Shapwicke : and now published to the consideration of violent and headstrong men, as well as to put a stop to false reports : to which is added, a plea for moderation towards dissenters / 1
BV741 .B64 1683 A sermon against persecution preached March 26, 1682, being the fourth Sunday in Lent, (on Gal. IV. 29. part of the epistle for that day) and the time when the brief for the persecuted Protestants in France was read in the parish-church of Shapwicke : and now published to the consideration of violent and headstrong men, as well as to put a stop to false reports : to which is added, a plea for moderation towards dissenters / 2