Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV80 .M37 Christian humiliation, or, The Christians fast a treatise declaring the nature, kindes, ends, uses, and properties of a religious fast : together with a briefe discourse concerning the fast of Lent : whereunto is added The epicures fast / 1
BV80.M37 1674 At a general court held at Boston, March the eleventh 1673/4. Whereas it pleaseth God still to exercise his people here & else-where, with many and various difficulties & trialls: particularly, the breaking forth of notorious & scandolous sinns among us ... these and other consideration hath moved this court, who do hereby order & appoint that the twenty sixt day of this instant March, be set apart & kept as a day of humiliation and prayer, to seek the lord in these things .. 1
BV80.M37 1675 At a Council held at Boston the 25th. of June, 1675 the governour and magistrates being assembled in Council to consider of the publick affairs of this common-weal, ... doe nominate and appoint the 29th. day of this instant June to be kept as a day of humiliation and prayer ..
At a Council held at Boston, September the seventeenth 1675 It having pleased the Holy God ... The governour and Council of this jurisdiction therefore ... do appoint and order the seventh day of the next moneth; to be a day of public humiliation, with fasting and prayer ..
At a general court held at Boston the 11th of Octob. 1675. Whereas it hath pleased our gracious God, contrary to the many evill-deservings of an unworthy and sinfull people such as we are ... this court doth appoint and set apart the ninth day of November next to be a day of solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for such his singular and fatherly mercyes ..
At a sessions of the General Court held at Boston the 3d. of November 1675. This court being in some measure sensible of the hand of the Lord being stretched forth against us in the way of his judgments, by sickness and war shortning our numbers ... This court doth appoint and set apart the second day of December next to be kept a day of solemn humiliation and prayer throughout the severall churches, congregations and town in this colony ..
BV80.M37 1676 At a sessions of the general court held at Boston the 11th October 1676. this court having had manifold exper[ience] as in former dayes, so lately of the most high God ... This court doth appoint and set apart the first Thursday in December, being the seventh day of the moneth to be kept, a day of solemn humiliation and prayer in the several churches, congregations and towns throughout this jurisdiction ..
At a general court held at Boston, February the 21st 1675. upon the serious consideration of that cloud of the Lords anger wherewith he hath covered this land ... This court doth appoint the second day of March next to be kept as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer by all the inhabitants of the jurisdiction, respecting all ranks and orders amongst us both in Church and Commonwealth ..
BV80.M37 1678 At a general court held at Boston May 8. 1678. This court, considering how the Lord hath been pleased of late years, by many wayes and means ... and in particular do appoint Thursday, the sixt day of June next ensuing, to be solemnly kept as a day of humiliation and prayer, throughout this jurisdiction.
At a council held at Boston, January the 3rd. 1677. whereas the Holy God, who out of his tender mercy and bowels of compassion hath preserved this people, and these churches from the malice and rage of their enemies ..
BV80.M37 1690 At a general court held at Charlstown by adjournmnet. Feb. 12th 1689/90. This court taking into their serious consideration the many calls of God's providence upon his people, to be much and often in solemn manner imploring his favour ... This court doth appoint the sixth of March next, to be observed as a day of publick prayer and fasting throughout this jurisdiction; hereby forbidding all servile labour thereon. 1
BV80.M37 1691 At a meeting of the Council in Boston in the Massachusets in New-England March the fourth, 1674/5. Upon consideration of the condition of the people of God in other parts of the world, and also matters of common concernment among our selves, in reference to our sins and afflictions ... The Council, have thought it expedient, to appoint the twenty fifth day of this instant, to be kept as a day of humiliation, in fasting, and prayer, throughout this jurisdiction. 1
BV80.M37 1692 By the Governour, Council, and representatives, convened in a great and general court, or assembly of Their Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay: held at Boston the 8th of June. 1692. It having pleased almighty God, in his rich mercy to preserve the persons of Their Majesties, and to continue peace within their three kingdoms ... It is ordered, that Thursday, the fourteenth day of July next, be kept as a day of solemn Thanksgiving unto God: for which end, all servile labour on that day is hereby inhibited .. 1
BV80.N49 1690 A new letany for the general fast day 1
BV80 .P37 Whereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament have made an ordinance for the more strict and solemn keeping of the dayes of publike fast, which are not by all persons duly observed ... 2
BV80 .V47 1582 The holy exercise of a true fast, described out of Gods vvord. 1
BV85 Why Go to Church? : the Drama of the Eucharist.
Escape Or Freedom? : Journey from Illusion to Reality.
BV85 .C48 1692 A pastoral letter sent from the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, to all the clergy of his diocese, concerning their behaviour during the approaching Lent. All glory be to God. 1
BV85 .E5 By the Queene the Queenes Maiestie considering the euyll disposition of sundry her subiectes to obserue the auncient orders for abstinence from eating of fleshe, aswell in the tyme of Lent as of other vsuall fasting dayes ..
By the Queene the Queenes Highnesse vpon many great considerations for the benefit of her common weale doeth will and straightly command all maner of persons ... to absteine from killing, dressing, or eating of any flesh upon ... Lent ..
By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie consyderynge the euyll dysposition of sundrye her subiectes to kepe the auncyent orders for abstynence from eatynge of fleshe, aswell in the tyme of Lent as vpon other vsuall fastynge dayes ..
BV85 .F7 A discourse concerning the holy fast of Lent together with the sentiment of Dr. John Cosens, late Bishop of Durrham, concerning the same holy fast. 1
BV85 .H64 The Holy fast of Lent defended against all its prophaners, or, A Discourse shewing that Lent-fast was first taught the world by the apostles, as Dr. Gunning, now Bishop of Ely learnedly proved in a sermon printed by him in the year 1662 by His Majesties special command together with a practical direction how to fast. 2
BV85 .H66 A discourse concerning Lent in two parts : the first an historical account of its observation, the second an essay concern[ing] its original : this subdivided into two repartitions whereof the first is preparatory and shews that most of our Christian ordinances are deriv'd from the Jews, and the second conjectures that Lent is of the same original. 2
BV85 .H66 1696 A discourse concerning Lent in two parts : the first an historical account of its observation, the second an essay concerning its original : this subdivided into two repartitions : whereof the first is preparatory and shews that most of our Christian ordinances are derived from the Jews and the second conjectures that Lent is of the same original. 2
BV85 (INTERNET) A potacio[n] or dri[n]kynge for this holi time of le[n]t very co[m]fortable for all penitent synners /
By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish daies, appointed by the law to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people.
The Holy fast of Lent defended against all its prophaners, or, A discourse shewing that Lent-fast was first taught the world by the apostles, as Dr. Gunning, now Bishop of Ely learnedly proved in a sermon printed by him in the year 1662 by His Majesties special command together with a practical direction how to fast.
A pastoral letter from the Bishop of Bath and Wells to his clergy, concerning their behaviour during Lent
BV85 .M363 1995 Our hope for years to come : the search for spiritual sanctuary / 1