Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV779 .W9213 1992 | On simony / | 2 |
BV800 .A46 | Des Sacrements : Des mystères / | 1 |
BV800 .A53 1637 | Andrewes golden chaine, to linke the penitent sinner vnto almighty God. Richly adorned with the ornaments of holy scripture, which was neuer in print, nor from any man elsewhere to be had. Newly made in a right zealous and godly prayer, taken out of the pure fountaine of holy scripture, very necessary to cure the sicke soule of the carelesse sinner, (if there be but the least sparke of grace in him) be hee neuer so infected with the poyson of sinne, and to draw him from desperation, if with a true heart, and beleeuing faith, he will daily vse it, in deuout praying vnto Almighty God. | 1 |
BV800 .A57 | Andrewes Golden chaine to linke the penitent sinner unto Almighty God richly adorned with ornaments of Holy Scripture ... : newly made in a godly prayer taken out of the pure fountaine of Holy Scripture, very necessary to cure the sick soule of a sinner, and to draw him from desperation, if with a beleeving faith he will daily use it in prayer unto Almighty God. | 2 |
BV800 .B4713 | The sacraments / | 1 |
BV800 .B64 |
The guard of the tree of life, or, A sacramental discourse shewing a Christians priviledge, in approaching to God in ordinances; duty, in his sacramentall approaches; danger, if he do not sanctifie God in them / The guard of the tree of life, or, A sacramental discourse shewing a Christians priviledge in approaching to God in ordinances, duty in his sacramentall approaches, danger if hee do not sanctifie God in them / The guard of the tree of life, or, A sacramentall discourse shewing a Christians [brace] priviledge in approaching to God in ordinances, duty in his sacramental approaches, danger if he do not sanctifie God in them / |
6 |
BV800 .B65 1985 | John Wesley on the sacraments : a theological study / | 1 |
BV800 .B68 2016 | Être et signifier : structure de la sacramentalité comme signification chez Augustin et Thomas d'Aquin / | 1 |
BV800 .C525 2017 | Christian theologies of the sacraments : a comparative introduction / | 1 |
BV800 .C525 2017eb | Christian theologies of the sacraments : a comparative introduction / | 1 |
BV800 .C525 2018 | Christian theologies of the sacraments : a comparative introduction / | 1 |
BV800 .C983 | Catéchèses mystagogiques / | 1 |
BV800 .D38 2013 | Why sacraments? / | 1 |
BV800 .G35 1969 | The Jewish antecedents of the Christian sacraments. | 1 |
BV800 .H64 | The covenant sealed : the development of Puritan sacramental theology in old and New England, 1570-1720 / | 1 |
A second admonition to the dissenting inhabitants of the diocess of Derry concerning Mr. J. Boyse's Vindication of his Remarks on A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God : with an appendix containing an answer to Mr. B's objections against the sign of the cross / Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops a bowt the nomber of the sacramen[n]ts and other things, very necessary to be known / The badges of Christianity., or , A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... / |
3 |
BV800 .J45 | Visible words : the interpretation and practice of Christian sacraments / | 2 |
BV800 .O3 | Of baptism and the Lord's Supper two short discourses, opening the nature, design, and ends of those two great gospel ordinances, and teaching the holy use and improvement of them. | 1 |
BV800 .O524 2020 | On the sacraments : a selection of works of Hugh and Richard of St. Victor, and of Peter of Poitiers / | 1 |
BV800 .O94 2015 | The Oxford handbook of sacramental theology / | 1 |