Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV810 .G38 Reverendi viri Dom. Joannis Davenantii, Sarisburiensis Episcopi, ad virum clarissimum Dominum Samuelem Wardum, collegii in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi sidnejensis prafectum, epistola in qâ de infantium qorumvis rite baptizatorum statu disseritur, nec ad controversiam de sanctorum perseverantiâ atque apostasiâ pertinere desinitur : unâ cum stricturis in eandem nonnullis / 2
BV810 .H48 Baptismal bonds renewed being some meditations upon Psalm 50, 5 / 2
BV810 .H6 The covenant of grace opened wherein these particulars are handled; viz. 1. What the covenant of grace is, 2. What the seales of the covenant are, 3. Who are the parties and subjects fit to receive these seals. From all which particulars infants baptisme is fully proved and vindicated / 1
BV810 (INTERNET) Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered /
A practical discourse concerning vows with a special reference to baptism and the Lord's Supper /
A counter-antidote, to purge out the malignant effects of a late counterfeit, prepared by Mr. Gyles Shute ... being an answer to his vindication of his pretended Antidote to prevent the prevalency of Anabaptism, shewing that Mr. Hercules Collins's reply to the said author remains unanswered : wherein the baptism of believers is evinced to be God's ordinance, and the baptized congregations proved true churches of Jesus Christ : with a further detection of the error of pedo-baptism : to which is added, An answer to Mr. Shute's reply to Mr. Collins's half-sheet /
Differences in judgment about vvater-baptism, no bar to communion, or, To communicate with saints, as saints, proved lawful in answer to a book written by the Baptists, and published by Mr. T.P. and Mr. W.K. entituled, Some serious reflections on that part of Mr. Bunyan's confession of faith, touching church-communion with unbaptized believers : wherein, their objections and arguments are answered, and the doctrine of communion still asserted and vindicated : here is also Mr. Henry's Jesse's judgment in the case, fully declaring the doctrine I have asserted /
Baby-baptism meer babism, or, An answer to nobody in five words to every-body who finds himself concern'd in't
Baptismōn didachē, or, The doctrine of baptisms reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity, according to the word of truth, the substance of faith & the nature of Christ's kingdom /
The defence of Iohn Etherington against Steven Denison and his witnesses their accusatons and depositions vvherein their whole proceedings and ground whereupon he was censured and committed to prison by the high commission court is in brief declared : which he having now opportunitie and speciall occasion also urging, thought needfull to publish.
A refutation of three opposers of truth by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ ... : II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children ... : III. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts ... : and a few words of a letter to John Cotton ... /
John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed being a treatise concerning baptism in the type, and baptism in the mystery /
BV810 .J65 1990 Trois catéchèses baptismales / 1
BV810 .L38 Of baptism the heads and order of such things as are especially insisted on, you will find in the table of chapters. 2
BV810 .N67 1675 Baptism discovered plainly and faithfully, according to the word of God. Wherein is set forth the glorious pattern of our blessed saviour Jesus, the pattern of all believers in his subjection to baptism. Together with the example of thousands who were baptized after they believed. / 1
BV810 .N7 Bedydd gwedi i amlygu yn eglir ag yn fyddlon, yn ol gair Duw. Ymha un y gosodir allan y gogoneddus batrwn o'n Bendigedig Jachawdwr Jesu, Patrwn yr hôll Gredadwy yn ei ymmostyngiad i fedydd ynghyda siampalau miloedd o'r rhai a fedyddiwyd yn ôl iddynt gredu. / 1
BV810 .P37 1676 Aqua genitalis a discourse concerning baptism, first delivered in a sermon at Alhallows Lumbard-street, Octob 4. 1658, and now a little inlarged : into which is since inserted, a brief discourse to perswade to a confirmation of the baptismal-vow / 2
BV810 .P38 The doctrine of baptism and the disinction of the covenants, or, A plain treatise wherein the four essentials of baptism .... are diligently handled as also the business of the two covenants, wherein is proved that the covenant of life is not made to the seed of believers as coming out of their loins, and therefore that the baptism of infants is drawn from thence by a false consequence / 2
BV810 .R69 A glimpse of some truths to be made known in these last times in three particulars / 2
BV810.R87 1696 An epistle concerning baptism. [occai]sionally written upon the sight [of] two treatises published by Thomas James father of a Presbyterian congre[ga]tion at Ashford in Kent : who [ha]th reflected upon the baptized [C]hristians / 1
BV810 .S6 Forasmuch as many and various, have been the reports concerning me, which have been industriously (altho' falsly) spread up and down both city and country; and in particular concerning my being baptized, I think to give the world this following account in that particular, concerning baptism : to which I shall add a scripture collection by way of testimony relating thereunto. 1
BV810 .S69 1609 The character of the beast, or, The false constitution of the church discovered in certayne passages betwixt Mr. R. Clifton & Iohn Smyth, concerning true Christian baptisme of new creatures, or new borne babes in Christ, &nd false baptisme of infants borne after the flesh : referred to two propositions, 1. That infants are not to bee baptized, 2. That antichristians converted are to bee admitted into the true church by baptisme. 1
BV810 .T78 1699 A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation, between some ministers of the Presbyterian, and others of the Baptist persuasion, concerning the subjects and manner of baptism held in Mr. Williams's meeting-place there on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1698/9 : the managers for the Presbyterians were, Mr. Samuel Chandler ... Mr. Leigh ... Mr. Robinson ..., moderator : for the Baptists were, Dr. William Russel ... Mr. John Williams ... Mr. John Sharp ..., moderator / /
A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation, between some ministers of the Presbyterian, and others of the Baptist persuasion, concerning the subjects and manner of baptism held in Mr. Williams's meeting-place there on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1698/9 : the managers for the Presbyterians were, Mr. Samuel Chandler ... Mr. Leigh ... Mr. Robinson ..., moderator : for the Baptists were, Dr. William Russel ... Mr. John Williams ... Mr. John Sharp ..., moderator /
BV810 .W34 1678 Baptismōn didachē, the doctrine of baptisms, or, A discourse of dipping and sprinkling wherein is shewed the lawfulness of other ways of baptization, besides that of a total immersion, and objections against it answered / 2
BV811 .B9 The act of baptism in the history of the Christian church / 1
BV811 .F45 Christian baptism : action and subject / 1
BV811 .F49 1800 A few words to parents who have brought their child to be baptised 1
BV811 .L5 1865 Scripture baptism defended, and Anabaptist notions proved to be anti-Scriptural novelties 1