Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV812 .S88 | Of publick baptism a sermon / | 2 |
BV812 .S88 1699 | Of publick baptism a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chapel, Sunday, November 20th, 1692 / | 2 |
BV812 .Y37 1971 | The awe-inspiring rites of initiation: baptismal homilies of the fourth century / | 1 |
BV813.A2 | The infants plea for baptisme, or, Childrens baptisme justified by undeniable consequence out of Holy Scripture written for the recalling and restoring of some erronious and mis-lead people, now living in the Parish of Chertsey, Surrie / | 1 |
BV813.A2 A83 | A short exposition (of the preliminary questions and answers) of the church-catechism being an introduction to a defence of infant-baptism / | 2 |
BV813.A2 B3 1647 | Mr. Balls grounds & arguments for infants baptisme, subscribed with his own hand. As also foure quæres, which he sent unto Captaine Francis Freeman. Together with Captaine Freemans answer thereunto. Now published and set forth for the benefit of others. | 1 |
BV813.A2 B39 1700 | Rich. Baxter's Review of the state of Christian infants: Whether they should be entered in covenant with God by baptism, and be visible members of his church, and have any covenant-right to pardon and salvation? Or whether Christ, the Saviour of the world, hath shut all mankind out of his visible kingdom, and covenant-rights and hopes, till they come to age? And whether he did so from the beginning of the world, or after his incarnation? Occasioned by the importunity of Mr. E. Hutchinson, (and of Mr. Danvers, and Mr. Tombes,) who called him to this review in order to his retractation [sic]. An impartial reading is humbly requested, of those dissenters who would not be found despisers of holy truth, nor such as judge before they hear. | 1 |
BV813.A2 B87 |
Vindiciæ pædo-baptismi, or, A confirmation of an argument lately emitted for infants baptism in a letter to a reverend divine of the Church of England / An argument for infants baptisme deduced from the analogy of faith, and [of the] harmony of the [Scr]iptures : in which in a method wholly new, and upon grounds not commonly observed bo[th the] doctrine (of infants baptism) is fully asserted, and the objections against it are obviated / An argumentative and practical discourse of infant-baptism in which I. The lawfulness of infant-baptism is demonstrated, II. The objections against infant-baptism are answered, III. The usefulness of the ordinance is asserted, IV. The sinfulness of re-baptizing manifested, V. The non-necessity of dipping evidenced, VI. The practical use of infant-baptism urged and inforced / |
6 |
BV813.A2 C37 | The anabaptist, washt and washt, and shrunk in the washing, or, A scolasticall discussion on the much-agitated controversie concerning infant baptism / occasioned by a publike disputation ... betwixt Mr. Gibs ... and the author, Rich. Carpenter, independent : wherein also the author occasionally declares his judgement concerning the papists and afterwards concerning episcopacy. | 2 |
BV813.A2 C37 1684 | A disputation between a doctor and an apothecary, or, A reply to the new argument of Dr. R. Burthogge, M.D. for infants baptism wherein the novelty in which it glories is justly censured and its harmony proved to be no better than self repugnancy and a manifest abuse of scripture / | 2 |
BV813.A2 C37 1690 |
A just reply to Mr. John Flavell's arguments by way of answer to a discourse lately published, entitled, A solemn call, &c wherein it is further plainly proved that the covenant made with Israel on Mount Sinai, as also the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham, whereon so much stress is laid for the support of infants baptism ... : together with a reply to Mr. Joseph Whiston's reflections on the forementioned discourse, in a late small tract of his entituled, The right method for the proving of infants baptism ... / A solemn call unto all that would be owned as Christ's faithful witnesses, speedily and seriously, to attend unto the primitive purity of the Gospel doctrine and worship, or, A discourse concerning baptism wherein that of infants is disproved as having no footing nor foundation at all in the Word of God, by way of answer to the arguments made use of by Mr. William Allen, Mr. Sidenham, Mr. Baxter, Dr. Burthogge, and others for the support of that practice : wherein the covenant made with Israel at Mount Sinai ... : together with a description of that truly evangelical covenant God was pleased to make with believing Abraham ... / A solemn call unto all that would be owned as Christ's faithful witnesses, speedily and seriously, to attend unto the primitive purity of the Gospel doctrine and worship, or, A discourse concerning baptism wherein that of infants is disproved as having no footing nor foundation at all in the Word of God, by way of answer to the arguments made use of by Mr. William Allen, Mr. Sidenham, Mr. Baxter, Dr. Burthogge, and others for the support of that practice : wherein the covenant made with Israel at Mount Sinai ... : together with a description of that truly evangelical covenant God was pleased to make with believing Abraham ... / A just reply to Mr. John Flavell's arguments by way of answer to a discourse lately published, entitled, A solemn call, &c. wherein it is further plainly proved that the covenant made with Israel on Mount Sinai, as also the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham, whereon so much stress is laid for the support of infants baptism ... : together with a reply to Mr. Joseph Whiston's reflections on the forementioned discourse, in a late small tract of his entituled, The right method for the proving of infants baptism ... / |
4 |
BV813.A2 C42 | Master Bakewells sea of absurdities concerning sprinkling calmely driven back / | 2 |
BV813.A2 C53 | An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation with some just reflections on Dr. Russel's pretended narrative : with an abrigdment of those discourses that were the innocent occasion of that disputation / | 2 |
BV813.A2 C6 1648 | A just vindication of the covenant and church-estate of children of church-members. As also of their right unto bastisme. Wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R., Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den, are revised and answered. Hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled, The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism. / | 1 |
BV813.A2 C63 | A just vindication of the covenant and church-estate of children of church-members as also of their right unto bastisme : wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R. Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den are revised and answered : hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism / | 2 |
BV813.A2 C64 |
The font-guard routed, or, A brief answer to a book written by Thomas Hall superscribed with this title, The font guarded with 20 arguments therein endeavouring to prove the lawfulness of infant baptism wherein his arguments are examined and being weighed in the ballance of the sanctuary are found too light : the most considerble of Mr. Baxters arguments for infant-baptism being produced by Tho. Hall are here answered likewise / The antidote proved a counterfeit, or, Error detected and believers baptism vindicated containing an answer to a nameless author's book entituled An antidote to prevent the prevalency of anabaptism / |
4 |
BV813.A2 D36 |
A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ ... and that the famous Waldensian and old British churches and Christians witnessed against it : with the examination of the stories about Thomas Munzer, and John a Leyden : as also, the history of Christianity amongst the ancient Britains and Waldenses : and, a brief answer to Mr. Bunyan about communion with persons unbaptized / A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ ... and that the famous Waldensian and old British churches and Christians witnessed against it : with the examination of the stories about Thomas Munzer, and John a Leyden : as also, the history of Christianity amongst the ancient Britains and Waldenses : and, a brief answer to Mr. Bunyan about communion with persons unbaptized / |
2 |
BV813.A2 D36 1675 | A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ &c. : with a reply to Mr. Wills in defence of the said treatise and a second reply to Mr. Baxter in defence of the same : as also a rejoynder to Mr. Wills his Vindiciæ, with an answer to his appeal / | 1 |
BV813.A2 D46 1646 | Antichrist vnmasked, in three treatises ... | 2 |
BV813.A2 D57 | A Discourse of infant-baptism by way of a dialogue between Pædobaptista, a minister for infant-baptism, Antipædobaptista, his friend, against it, Aporeticus, an ingenuous doubter | 2 |