Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV813.A2 C42 Master Bakewells sea of absurdities concerning sprinkling calmely driven back / 2
BV813.A2 C53 An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation with some just reflections on Dr. Russel's pretended narrative : with an abrigdment of those discourses that were the innocent occasion of that disputation / 2
BV813.A2 C6 1648 A just vindication of the covenant and church-estate of children of church-members. As also of their right unto bastisme. Wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R., Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den, are revised and answered. Hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled, The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism. / 1
BV813.A2 C63 A just vindication of the covenant and church-estate of children of church-members as also of their right unto bastisme : wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R. Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den are revised and answered : hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism / 2
BV813.A2 C64 The font-guard routed, or, A brief answer to a book written by Thomas Hall superscribed with this title, The font guarded with 20 arguments therein endeavouring to prove the lawfulness of infant baptism wherein his arguments are examined and being weighed in the ballance of the sanctuary are found too light : the most considerble of Mr. Baxters arguments for infant-baptism being produced by Tho. Hall are here answered likewise /
The antidote proved a counterfeit, or, Error detected and believers baptism vindicated containing an answer to a nameless author's book entituled An antidote to prevent the prevalency of anabaptism /
BV813.A2 D36 A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ ... and that the famous Waldensian and old British churches and Christians witnessed against it : with the examination of the stories about Thomas Munzer, and John a Leyden : as also, the history of Christianity amongst the ancient Britains and Waldenses : and, a brief answer to Mr. Bunyan about communion with persons unbaptized /
A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ ... and that the famous Waldensian and old British churches and Christians witnessed against it : with the examination of the stories about Thomas Munzer, and John a Leyden : as also, the history of Christianity amongst the ancient Britains and Waldenses : and, a brief answer to Mr. Bunyan about communion with persons unbaptized /
BV813.A2 D36 1675 A treatise of baptism wherein that of believers and that of infants is examined by the Scriptures, with the history of both out of antiquity : making it appear that infants baptism was not practised for near 300 years after Christ &c. : with a reply to Mr. Wills in defence of the said treatise and a second reply to Mr. Baxter in defence of the same : as also a rejoynder to Mr. Wills his Vindiciæ, with an answer to his appeal / 1
BV813.A2 D46 1646 Antichrist vnmasked, in three treatises ... 2
BV813.A2 D57 A Discourse of infant-baptism by way of a dialogue between Pædobaptista, a minister for infant-baptism, Antipædobaptista, his friend, against it, Aporeticus, an ingenuous doubter 2
BV813.A2 D63 The reason why not infant sprinkling but believers baptism ought to be approved is because the Lord Jesus Christ, his forerunner, and apostles preach't it, and practic'd it as hereby will further appear by Scripture authority in about fourty texts, with notes on every text : to which is added, how infant sprinkling came in fashion, the evil tendencies of infant sprinkling, answers to objections, differences betw. believ. baptism and inf. sprink. with several other things /
The reason why not infant sprinkling but believers baptism ought to be approved is because the Lord Jesus Christ, his forerunner, and apostles preach't it, and practic'd it as hereby will further appear by Scripture authority in about fourty texts, with notes on every text : to which is added, how infant sprinkling came in fashion, the evil tendencies of infant sprinkling, answers to objections, differences betw. believ. baptism and inf. sprink. with several other things /
BV813.A2 E45 1679 A brief ansvver to a small book written by John Norcot against infant-baptisme. 1
BV813.A2 E73 An essay tending to issue the controversie about infant baptism from the parity, at least, of Scripture-light concerning infant-baptim [sic] with that of women's being admitted to the Lord's Supper, shewing that there is as good grounds out of Scripture for the one as for the other : occasioned by a tender made by H.D. in his late book against infant-baptism who is willing to put the whole controversie concerning it, upon this issue : together with an answer to the most material things in that book / by Eremnalēthēs.
An essay tending to issue the controversie about infant baptism from the parity, at least, of Scripture-light concerning infant-baptim [sic] with that of women's being admitted to the Lord's Supper, shewing that there is as good grounds out of Scripture for the one as for the other : occasioned by a tender made by H.D. in his late book against infant-baptism who is willing to put the whole controversie concerning it, upon this issue : together with an answer to the most material things in that book /
BV813.A2 E84 A serious enquiry into, and certain producing of plain and express Scripture proofs that John Baptist did as certainly baptize infants when he administered baptism to the church of the Jews as the adult with an answer to several objections, but especially of these two, their coming to him and confessing their sins when they came, and Scripture proofs that John's administrations were for a farther accomplishing to that people, the covenant made with Abraham : and likewise that children, infants, issue, seed and off-spring are synonimous terms in the Holy Scripture : and the confirmation of the truth with various arguments grounded upon express tests of Scripture /
A serious enquiry into, and certain producing of plain and express Scripture proofs that John Baptist did as certainly baptize infants when he administered baptism to the church of the Jews as the adult with an answer to several objections, but especially of these two, their coming to him and confessing their sins when they came, and Scripture proofs that John's administrations were for a farther accomplishing to that people, the covenant made with Abraham : and likewise that children, infants, issue, seed and off-spring are synonimous terms in the Hold Scripture : and the Scripture : and the confirmation of the truth with various arguments grounded upon express tests of Scripture /
BV813.A2 F5 The answer of Giles Firmin, to the vain and unprofitable question put to him, and charged upon him by Mr. Grantham, in his book, entituled, The infants advocate : viz. whether the greatest part of dying infants shall be damned? : Which advocate, while he shuts all infants out of the visible church, and denies them baptism, opens heaven to all dying infants, justifying those of his party, who admit them all as he doth, into Heaven without regeneration. 1
BV813.A2 F57 Christianismus redivivus Christndom both un-christ'ned and new-christ'ned, or, that good old way of dipping and in-churching of men and women after faith and repentance professed, commonly (but not properly) called Anabaptism, vindicated ... : in five or six several systems containing a general answer ... : not onely a publick disputation for infant baptism managed by many ministers before thousands of people against this author ... : but also Mr. Baxters Scripture proofs are proved Scriptureless ... /
Christianismus redivivus Christndom both un-christ'ned and new-christ'ned, or, that good old way of dipping and in-churching of men and women after faith and repentance professed, commonly (but not properly) called Anabaptism, vindicated ... : in five or six several systems containing a general answer ... : not onely a publick disputation for infant baptism managed by many ministers before thousands of people against this author ... : but also Mr. Baxters Scripture proofs are proved Scriptureless ... /
BV813.A2 F57 1689 The answer of Giles Firmin, to the vain and unprofitable question put to him, and charged upon him by Mr. Grantham, in his book, entituled, The infants advocate : viz. whether the greatest part of dying infants shall be damned? : Which advocate, while he shuts all infants out of the visible church, and denies them baptism, opens heaven to all dying infants, justifying those of his party, who admit them all as he doth, into Heaven without regeneration. 1
BV813.A2 F57 1692 Some remarks upon the Anabaptist answer (sold by John Harris) to the Athenian mercuries: and some upon his answer, who styles himself Philalethes Pasiphilus. 1
BV813.A2 F67 The second part of The dialogue concerning the practical use of infant-baptism wherein many things dubiously expressed in the former part are satisfactorily cleared ... /
A dialogue concerning the practicall use of infant-baptisme penned and published for a profitable diversion from the hot and eager disputes of this age concerning the lawfulness to an improvement of the grounds, and practice thereof ... whereunto is added a 2d dialogue on the same subject /
BV813.A2 F73 A brief description of a conference betwixt a nationall Presbyterian and an independent (so called) (lately held at Doubting in the county of Somerset) : with the arguments of the said dispute briefly handled / 2
BV813.A2 G72 The infants advocate against the cruel doctrine of those Presbyterians who hold, that the greatest part of dying infants shall be damned : in answer to a book of Mr. Giles Firmin's entituled, Scripture warrant, &c. /
Truth and peace, or, The last and most friendly debate concerning infant-baptism being a brief answer to a late book intituled, The case of infant-baptism (written by a doctor of the Church of England) ... whereunto is annexed a brief discourse of the sign of the cross in baptism, and of the use of the ring, and bowing at the altar, in the solemnization of marriage /