Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV813.A2 I93 | Infants-baptism disproved and believers baptism proved, or, An answer to several arguments propounded in a paper by Mr. Alexander Kellie, minister at Giles Criple Gate London, and sent to Mr. Jeremiah Ives of the said parish | 2 |
Christianismus redivivus Christndom both un-christ'ned and new-christ'ned, or, that good old way of dipping and in-churching of men and women after faith and repentance professed, commonly (but not properly) called Anabaptism, vindicated ... : in five or six several systems containing a general answer ... : not onely a publick disputation for infant baptism managed by many ministers before thousands of people against this author ... : but also Mr. Baxters Scripture proofs are proved Scriptureless ... / An addition to the Apology for the two treatises concerning infant-baptisme, published December 15, 1645 in which the author is vindicated from 21 unjust criminations in the 92 page of the book of Mr. Robert Baille, minister of Glasgow, intituled Anabaptisme and sundry materiall points concerning the covenant, infants-interest in it, and baptisme by it, baptism by an unbaptized person, dipping, erastianism and church-government, are argued, in a letter, now enlarged, sent in September 1647, to him / The church-membership of children, and their right to baptisme according to that holy and everlasting covenant of God, established between Himself and the faithfull ... cleared up in a letter, sent unto a worthy friend of the author ... / An appendix to the answer unto two Athenian Mercuries concerning pedo-baptism containing twenty seven syllogistical arguments proving infant-baptism a mere humane tradition : the gentlmen called the Athenian Society desiring in the last of the said Mercuries to have syllogism / Pedo-baptism disproved being an answer to two printed papers (put forth by some gentlemen called the Athenian Society, who pretend to answer all questions sent to them of what nature soever) called the Athenian Mercury, one put forth November 14, the other November 28, 1691 : in which papers they pretend to answer eight queries about the lawfulness of infant-baptism : likewise divers queries sent to them about the true subjects of baptism, &c. Præcursor, or, A forerunner to a large review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism wherein many things both doctrinall and personal are cleared, about which Mr. Richard Baxter, in a book mock-titled Plain Scripture-proof of infants church-membership and baptism hath darkned the truth / A discovrse of baptisme its institution and efficacy upon all beleevers : together with a consideration of the practice of the church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents and the practice justified / Vindiciæ vindiciarum, or, A vindication of a late treatise, entituled, Infant-baptism asserted and vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to Mr. Hen. D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / Vindiciæ pædo-baptismi, or, A confirmation of an argument lately emitted for infants baptism in a letter to a reverend divine of the Church of England / The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3. 10. : being the substance of two sermons lately preached, with some additions, wherein is shewed that God made a two-fold covenant with Abraham, and that circumcision appertained not to the covenant of grace, but to the legal and external covenant God made with Abraham's natural seed, as such : together with an answer to Mr. John Flavel's last grand arguments in his Vindiciarum Vindex, in his last reply to Mr. Philip Cary, also to Mr. Rothwell's Pædo-baptisms vindicatur, as to what seems most material / An examen of the sermon of Mr. Stephen Marshal about infant-baptisme in a letter sent to him : divided into foure parts. Rich. Baxter's review of the state of Christian's infants whether they should be entered in covenant with God by baptism ... or whether Christ, the Saviour of the world, hath shut all mankind out of his visible kingdom ... 'till they come of age? : occasioned by the importunity of Mr. E. Hutchinson (and of Mr. Danvers and Mr. Tombes) who called him to this review in order to his retractation [sic] The ministration of publick baptism of infants to be used in the church, or, A disswasive from baptising children in private Anabaptism routed, or, A survey of the controverted points Concerning [brace] 1. Infant-Baptisme. 2. Pretended necessity of dipping. 3. The dangerous practise of re-baptising. : Together, with a particular answer to all that is alledged in favour of the Anabaptists, by Dr. Jer. Taylor, in his book, called, the liberty of Prophesying / Anti-pædobaptism, or, The second part of the full review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism in which the invalidity of arguments ... is shewed ... / Felo de se, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's self-destroying manifested in twenty arguments against infant-baptism / Anti-pædobaptism, or, The third part being a full review of the dispute concerning infant baptism : in which the arguments for infant baptism from the covenant and initial seal, infants visible church membership, antiquity of infant baptism are refelled [sic] : and the writings of Mr. Stephen Marshal, Mr. Richard Baxter ... and others are examined, and many points about the covenants, and seals and other truths of weight are handled / An argument for infants baptisme deduced from the analogy of faith, and [of the] harmony of the [Scr]iptures : in which in a method wholly new, and upon grounds not commonly observed bo[th the] doctrine (of infants baptism) is fully asserted, and the objections against it are obviated / A defense of infant-baptism in answer to a letter (here recited) from an anti-pædo-Baptist / A just reply to Mr. John Flavell's arguments by way of answer to a discourse lately published, entitled, A solemn call, &c wherein it is further plainly proved that the covenant made with Israel on Mount Sinai, as also the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham, whereon so much stress is laid for the support of infants baptism ... : together with a reply to Mr. Joseph Whiston's reflections on the forementioned discourse, in a late small tract of his entituled, The right method for the proving of infants baptism ... / [The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3, 10] Vindiciæ legis & fœderis, or, A reply to Mr. Philip Cary's Solemn call wherein he pretends to answer all the arguments of Mr. Allen, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Sydenham, Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. Roberts, and Dr. Burthogge, for the right of believers infants to baptism, by proving the law at Sinai, and the covenant of circumcision with Abraham, were the very same with Adam's covenant of works, and that because the gospel-covenant is absolute. / An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation with some just reflections on Dr. Russel's pretended narrative : with an abrigdment of those discourses that were the innocent occasion of that disputation / A dialogue between a pædo-baptist and an anti-pædo-baptist containing the strength of arguments offered on both sides at the Portsmouth disputation, with the addition of a few more arguments then ready to be offered in vindication of infant baptism / Light broke forth in Wales, expelling darkness, or, The Englishman's love to the antient Britains [sic] being an answer to a book, iutituled [sic] Children's baptism from Heaven, published in the Welsh tongue by Mr. James Owen / |
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BV813.A2 K42 |
The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3. 10. : being the substance of two sermons lately preached, with some additions, wherein is shewed that God made a two-fold covenant with Abraham, and that circumcision appertained not to the covenant of grace, but to the legal and external covenant God made with Abraham's natural seed, as such : together with an answer to Mr. John Flavel's last grand arguments in his Vindiciarum Vindex, in his last reply to Mr. Philip Cary, also to Mr. Rothwell's Pædo-baptisms vindicatur, as to what seems most material / Light broke forth in Wales, expelling darkness, or, The Englishman's love to the antient Britains [sic] being an answer to a book, iutituled [sic] Children's baptism from Heaven, published in the Welsh tongue by Mr. James Owen / |
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BV813.A2 O44 1694 | A brief defence of infant-baptism with an appendix, wherein is shewed that it is not necessary that baptism should be administred by dipping / | 2 |
BV813.A2 P37 | Confidence corrected, error detected, and truth defended; or Some farther reflections upon the two Athenian Mercuries lately publish'd about infant-baptism. By Philalethes Pasiphilus. | 1 |
BV813.A2 R44 | A relation of a dispute of baptisme of infants of Christians at Holgate in the county of Salop, Maii. 30. 1650. | 1 |
BV813.A2 S5 | Truth prevailing against the fiercest opposition being a vindication of Dr. Russel's True narrative of the Portsmouth disputation ... Also, a sermon upon Mat. 28. 19. by Mr. John Williams ... As also An answer to the Presbyterian dialogue, by another hand / | 1 |
BV813.A2 S65 | Some brief directions for improvement of infant-baptism | 1 |
BV813.A2 T39 | A discovrse of baptisme its institution and efficacy upon all beleevers : together with a consideration of the practice of the church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents and the practice justified / | 1 |
BV813.A2 T65 |
Anti-pædobaptism, or, The third part being a full review of the dispute concerning infant baptism : in which the arguments for infant baptism from the covenant and initial seal, infants visible church membership, antiquity of infant baptism are refelled [sic] : and the writings of Mr. Stephen Marshal, Mr. Richard Baxter ... and others are examined, and many points about the covenants, and seals and other truths of weight are handled / Felo de se, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's self-destroying manifested in twenty arguments against infant-baptism / Anti-pædobaptism, or, The second part of the full review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism in which the invalidity of arguments ... is shewed ... / Two treatises and an appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme the former treatise being an exercitation presented to the chair-man of a committee of the assembly of divines : the later [sic] an examen of the sermon of Mr. Stephen Marshall, about infant-baptisme, in a letter sent to him. |
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BV813.A2 T73 | A friendly epistle to Mr. George Keith and the reformed Quakers at Turners-Hall with some animadversions on a discourse about a right administration of baptism, &c, and of episcopacy : with a postscript about the education of children / | 2 |
BV813.A2 T78 | Truth and duty, mans chief interest, or, A modest essay to advance the knowledge and practice of Gods will, in those two main truths of God, and controversies of the church baptism and the Sabbath day, humbly offered to the due examination, and impartial judgement, of every ingenious and well-disposed christian, especially such as labour in the word and doctrine. | 2 |
BV813.A2 W3 1707 | The History of infant baptism / | 1 |
BV813.A2 W34 | A necessary treatise for this age, or, A plain discovery of that great error of denying baptisme with water to the children of believers in justification of the arguments of John Turner, for infants basptisme, against Robert Admond : together with several other useful particulars on this subject, the contents whereof follow in the next page / | 2 |
BV813.A2 W44 |
An essay to revive the primitive doctrine and practice of infant-baptism in the resolution of four questions I. What are the reasons of God's appointing the token of the covenant to be applyed to the infant-seed of his people? II. What is the good or benefit they receive thereby? III. What is the duty of parents towards their children as bearing the token of the covenant? IV. What is the improvement that children as grown up to years of maturity, may and ought to make of the token, as applyed to them in their infancy / Infant-baptism from heaven, and not of men, or, A moderate discourse concerning the baptism of the infant-seed of believers whereunto is prefixed, a large introductory preface, preparing the readers way to a more profitable perusal of the ensuing treatise / An essay to revive the primitive doctrine and practice of infant-baptism in the resolution of four questions I. What are the reasons of God's appointing the token of the covenant to be applyed to the infant-seed of his people? II. What is the good or benefit they receive thereby? III. What is the duty of parents towards their children as bearing the token of the covenant? IV. What is the improvement that children as grown up to years of maturity, may and ought to make of the token, as applyed to them in their infancy / |
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BV813.A2 W54 |
Aime at an up-shot for infant baptisme by the good will of Christ as priest, prophet and King, to fill the earth with his glory / Infant=baptism asserted & vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to a treatise of baptism lately published by Mr. Henry Danvers : together with a full detection of his misrepresentations of divers councils and authors both ancient and modern : with a just censur of his essay to palliate the horrid actings of the anabaptists in Germany : as also a perswasive to unity among all Christians, though of different judgments about baptism / Vindiciæ vindiciarum, or, A vindication of a late treatise, entituled, Infant-baptism asserted and vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to Mr. Hen. D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / / The right method for the proving of infant-baptism. With some reflections on some late tracts against infant-baptism. / Vindiciæ vindiciarum, or, A vindication of a late treatise, entituled, Infant-baptism asserted and vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to Mr. Hen. D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / Infant-baptism from heaven, and not of men, the second part, or, An answer to Mr. Danvers his treatise of baptism wherein, as the vanity of his authorities are, though briefly, yet sufficiently detected, so his doctrinal part is especially examined and confuted, and infants right to baptism further confirmed / |
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BV813.A2 W54 1675 | Infant baptism from heaven, and not of men, or, An answer to Mr. Danvers his treatise of baptism wherein, as the vanity of his authorities are, though briefly, yet sufficiently detected, so his doctrinal part is especially examined and confuted, and infants right to baptism further confirmed / | 2 |
BV813 .A83 | Paedo-baptisme, or, The baptizing of infants maintained | 2 |
BV813 .B54 | [A] rejoynder to Mr. Henry Danvers his brief friendly reply to my ansvver about infant-baptism / | 2 |
BV813 .C52 | A dialogue between a pædo-baptist and an anti-pædo-baptist containing the strength of arguments offered on both sides at the Portsmouth disputation, with the addition of a few more arguments then ready to be offered in vindication of infant baptism / | 2 |