Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV824 .A33 1651 Ioannis Adamsoni carmen Eucharistikon, ob eximia beneficia in se à Deo collata, ac certo conferenda, in Iesv Christo Domino. 1
BV824 .A34 A testimony of antiquity shewing the ancient faith in the Church of England, touching the sacrament of the body and blood of the Lord here publickly preached, and also received in the Saxons time, above 600 years agoe. 2
BV824 .A35 1697 Advice to those who never received the sacrament, or, The true penitent instructed before, at, and after the receiving the Lord's Supper with meditations suited to the several parts of that solemn ordinance, particularly with respect to Easter, Whitsuntide and Christmas, the whole written in a different method from any thing published on this subject / 1
BV824 .A53 A collection or gatherynge together, of certayne scriptures, both of the holy scripture, and also of the auncient and catholyke doctours of Christes churche, cõcernyng the most the most holy and blessed body and blode of Christ to be royally present in the Sacrament of the Aulter. 1
BV824 .A553 The whole duty of receiving worthily the blessed sacrament. 1
BV824 .B35 1963 Le sacrement de l'autel / 1
BV824 .B48 A discourse being the substance of several sermons on the sacrament of the Lords Supper wherein the true spiritual nature thereof is opened, and unfolded, shewing also in what sence it is, that true believers do eat and drink the body and blood of Christ, with exhortations to come to that ordinance, and several directions in order to a constant habitual and actual preparation for it / 2
BV824 .B67 A treatise of Communion under both species 2
BV824 .B69 A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... / 1
BV824.B69 1656 Sacramentum eucharistiæ est salutaris & perpetui usus in Iclesia Christi 1
BV824 .B72 1615 A direction for the vveaker sort of Christians shevving in vvhat manner they may bee prepared to the vvorthy receiuing of the sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ : with a short forme of triall or examination annexed ... / 1
BV824 .B72 1623 A preparation to the receiving of the sacrament, of Christs body and bloud directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same / 1
BV824 .B72 1630 A preparation to the receiuing of Christs body and blood directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same / 1
BV824 .B72 1636 A preparation to the receiuing of Christs body and bloud directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same / 1
BV824 .B72 1643 A preparation to the receiving of Christs body and blood. Directing weake Christians how they may worthily-receive the same. / 1
BV824 .C34 1548 A faythful and moste godly treatyse concernynye [sic] the most sacred sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our Sauiour Christ 1
BV824 .C53 The Catholick doctrine of the Eucharist in all ages in answer to what H. Arnaud, Doctor of the Sorbon alledges, touching the belief of the Greek, Moscovite, Armenian, Jacobite, Nestorian, Coptic, Maronite, and other eastern churches : whereunto is added an account of the Book of the body and blood of our Lord published under the name of Bertram : in six books.
The Catholick doctrine of the Eucharist in all ages in answer to what H. Arnaud, Doctor of the Sorbon alledges, touching the belief of the Greek, Moscovite, Armenian, Jacobite, Nestorian, Coptic, Maronite, and other eastern churches : whereunto is added an account of the Book of the body and blood of our Lord, published under the name of Bertram : in six books.
BV824 .C57 A Christen sentence and true iudgement of the moste honorable sacrament of Christes bodye & bloud declared both by the auctorite of the holy Scriptures and the auncient doctores. Very necessary to be redde in this tyme of all the faythfull. 1
BV824 .C72 Advice to communicants for necessary preparation and profitable improvement of the great and comfortable ordinance of the Lords Supper that therein true spiritual communion with Christ may be obtained, and the eternal enjoyment of God sealed / 2
BV824 .C73 1550 A defence of the true and Catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ, with a confutation of sundry errors concernyng thesame [sic], grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, & approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche: / 1