Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV824 .D66 1689 A treatise concerning the Lords Supper with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak in the nature and use of this sacrament / 2
BV824 .D66 1690 A treatise concerning the Lords Supper with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak in nature and use of this sacrament / 2
BV824 .D66 1697 A treatise concerning the Lords Supper: with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak, in the nature and use of this sacrament. / 1
BV824 .D66 1700 A treatise concerning the Lord's Supper: with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak, in the nature and use of this sacrament /
A treatise concerning the Lords Supper: With three dialogues for the more full information of the weak, in the nature and use of this sacrament. /
BV824 .D69 A treatise tending to direct the weak Christian how he may rightly celebrate the sacrament of the Lords Supper what he must do before in the time of preparation, what in the action itself, and what afterwards ... : unto which are annexed divers meditations ... with some short prayers and ejaculations / 2
BV824 .D9 1642 A worthy communicant: or, A treatise, shewing the due order of receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper. 1
BV824 .D92 1548 A Dyalogue or disputacio[[n] bytwene a gentylman and a prest concernyng the Supper of ye Lorde. 1
BV824 .E27 The receiver undeceived, or, An Answer to the author of a late sheet entituled Of receiving the Communion in the company of such, whom we conceive not so good, holy, and rightly principled, as we wish they were with an appendix for this proposition, Vngodly persons ought not to be admitted to the Holy Supper / 1
BV824 .F74 [A boke made by Iohan Fryth, prysoner in the Towr of London] [answering vnto. M. Mores letter, which he wrote against the fyrst lytle treatyse that Iohan Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ: vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his examination before the bysshoppes ... for whych Iohn Frith was condempned and after brente ... the forth day of Iuly. Anno. 1533.] 1
BV824 .G37 1546 A detection of the Deuils sophistrie wherwith he robbeth the vnlearned people, of the true byleef, in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter. 1
BV824 .G37 1551 An explicatio[n] and assertion of the true Catholique fayth, touchyng the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter with confutacion of a booke written agaynst the same / 1
BV824 .G72 The resolution of a case of conscience, wherein some persons of piety and sincerity seem to be at a loss viz. the case, whether as matters now stand, it be lawful to frequent our parish churches for communion and divine worship. 1
BV824 .G76 V. Cl. Hugonis Grotii De coenæ administartione [sic] ubi pastores non sunt item an semper communicandum per symbola : dissertatio cum diversorum responsionibus, quarum catalogum versa pagina exhibebit. 2
BV824 .H47 An exhortation to frequent receiving the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper, or, A plain and practical discourse upon part of I Cor. II, 26 being the substance of several sermons preached in St. Hellens Church, London / 2
BV824 .H67 1695 The crucified Jesus, or, A full account of the nature, end, design and benefits of the sacrament of the Lords Supper with necessary directions, prayers, praises and meditations to be used by persons who come to the Holy Communion / 2
BV824 (INTERNET) Here is a shorte resytal of certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not conteyned in the Sacrame[n]t of the Lordes supper but fyguratyuely
Meditations on the holy sacrament of the Lords last Supper
Wycklyffes wycket whyche he made in Kyng Rycards daye the second in the yere of our lorde God M.CCCCCV.
A declaration of thee power of Gods worde concerning the holy supper of the Lord, confutynge all lyers and fals teachers, whych mayntayne theyr maskynge mass inuented agaynst the woorde of God, and the Kynges Maiesties most godly proceadynge compyled anno d[omi]ni M.D.XLVIII.
An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury ... Vnto a craftie and sophisticall cauillation /
The communicant's guide, shewing a safe and easie way to the Lord's table in compassion to the poorer and weaker sort of Christians /
A briefe declaration of the sacraments expressing the fyrst oryginall how they came vp, a[n]d were institute with the true and mooste syncere meaning and vnderstandyng of the same very necessarye for all men, that wyl not erre in the true vse and receauing therof /
A treatyse made by Johan Lambert vnto kynge Henry the .viij. concerynge hys opynyon in the sacrame[n]t of the aultre as they call it, or supper of the lorde as the scripture nameth it. Anno do. 1538
Grace to the humble· as preparations to receive the Sacrament /
The crucified Jesus, or, A full account of the nature, end, design and benefits of the sacrament of the Lords Supper with necessary directions, prayers, praises and meditations to be used by persons who come to the Holy Communion /
The case of lay-communion with the Church of England considered and the lawfulness of it shew'd from the testimony of above an hundred eminent non-conformists of several perswasions.
A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lords Supper
Three rare monuments of antiquitie or Bertram, priest, a French-man, of the body and blood of Christ, (written 800 yeares agoe) with the late Romish purging thereof: Ælfricus, Arch-bishop of Canterburie, an English-man, his sermon of the sacrament, (preached 627 yeares agoe:) and Maurus, abbot, a Scots-man, his discourse of the same (820 yeares agoe:) all stronglie convincing that grosse errour of transubstantiation. /
The vvay to true peace and rest Deliuered at Edinborough in xvi. sermons: on the Lords Supper: Hezechiahs sicknesse: and other select Scriptures. /
The souper of the Lorde wher vnto, that thou mayst be the better prepared and suerlyer enstructed: haue here firste the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. Joha[n], beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the crosse, at these wordis: merely were. [et]c wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenst Johan Frythe is confuted.
A briefe homily wherein the most comfortable and right vse of the Lords Supper, is very plainly opened and deliuered, euen to the vnderstanding of the vnlearned and ignorant. Made to be vsed throughout the Diocesse of Lincolne, before euerie celebration of the Lordes Supper, in all such churches and parishes as haue not a sufficient hable preacher allowed vnder the hand and authentike seale of the Bishop there, and to be read by the minister of each such place, so distinctly and in such sorte, that all which shalbe then assembled, may well heare and marke the same.
Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion
A short and faythful instruction, gathered out of holy Scripture composed in questions and answeres, for the edifyeng and comfort of the symple Christianes, whych intende worthely to receyue the holy supper of the Lorde.
A faythfull and moost godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst
Three letters to Dr. Sherlock concerning church-communion wherein 'tis enquired whether the doctor's notion of church communion be not too narrow and uncharitable, both to dissenters, and men of larger principles /
A letter to Anonymus in answer to his Three letters to Dr. Sherlock about church-communion
The Christians sacrifice Seene, and allowed.
A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Vniuersitee.
A treatise of sacramental convenanting with Christ shewing the ungodly their contempt of Christ, in their contempt of the Sacremental covenant : and calling them (not to a profanation of this holy ordnanice [sic], but) to an understanding, serious, entire dedication of themselves to God in the sacramental covenant, and a believing commemoration of the death of Christ /
An help and exhortation to worthy communicating, or, A treatise describing the meaning, worthy reception, duty, and benefits of the Holy Sacrament and answering the doubts of conscience, and other reasons, which most generally detain men from it together with suitable devotions added /
The confutation of the mishapen aunswer to the misnamed, wicked ballade, called the Abuse of ye blessed sacrame[n]t of the aultare Wherin, thou haste (gentele reader) the ryghte vnderstandynge of al the places of scripture that Myles Hoggard, (wyth his learned counsail) hath wrested to make for the transubstanciation of the bread and wyne. /
A faithful declaration of Christes holy supper comprehe[n]ded in thre sermo[n]s /
The holy Eucharist, or, The mystery of the Lords Supper
Sacramental meditations upon divers select places of scripture wherein believers are assisted in preparing their hearts, and exciting their affections and graces, when they draw nigh to God in that most awful and solemn ordinance of the Lords Supper /
The pious communicant rightly prepar'd, or, A discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament wherein the nature of it is described, our obligation to frequent communion enforced, and directions given for due preparation for it, behaviour at, and after it, and profiting by it : with prayers and hymns, suited to the several parts of that holy office : to which is added, a short discourse of baptism /
Three sermons vpon the sacrament of the Lords Supper
A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper
An introduction to the worthy receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper
A persuasive to frequent communion in the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... /
A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ with a confutacion of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, [and] approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche /
BV824 .J3 Some arguments to prove I. The certain salvation of the christened infants of ungodly ... II. That unconverted Christians are to receive the Lords Supper ... III. That ministers may not repel those of their own parish ... IV. That the common sort of sinners are not to be excommunicated, V. With an enquiry into Mr. Baxter's doctrine of particular churches ... / 2
BV824 .L58 The spirit of the Lord in power and at liberty as at first to give a being to, so still to give a blessing by His ordinances : in three sermons, preacht at Great Budvvorth to some persons of honour, and several of the clergy, then present to communicate in reference to the late act / 1
BV824 .M3 1639 Meditations and deuout discourses vpon the B. Sacrament 1
BV824 .M47 The divine portrait. Or, A true and liuely representation of the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper: with our due preparation how to receive the same worthily. / 1