Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV824 .S88 1626 | Go[dly] medit[ations] vpon the m[ost holy [sac]ram[e]nt of th[e] L[ordes] Supper ... | 1 |
BV824 .T39 1981 | Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard : the nature of the Lord's Supper / | 2 |
BV824 .T393l | The last will and testament of Iesvs Christ, touching the blessed Sacrament of His body, and bloud, signed, sealed and delivered to the vse of all faithfull Christians, in the presence of many witnesses, and proved in the prerogatiue of the church of Christ, by reverend bishops, learned doctors and ancient fathers of the same church. / | 1 |
BV824 .T45 |
The bar to free admission to the Lords Supper removed, or, A vindication of Mr. Humfreys free admission to the sacrament of the Lords Supper wherein the most materiall exceptions and objections of Doctor Drake against it in his book called A bar to free admission &c. are taken off and answered : whereunto is annexed an expostulatory speech unto them of the Congregationall way : and also an examination of the book called A Scripture rail to the communion table, by some ministers in Glocester-shire / The bar to free admission to the Lords Supper removed, or, A vindication of Mr. Humfreys free admission to the sacrament of the Lords Supper wherein the most materiall exceptions and objections of Doctor Drake against it in his book called A bar to free admission &c. are taken off and answered : whereunto is annexed an expostulatory speech unto them of the Congragationall way : and also an examination of the book called A Scripture rail to the communion table, by some ministers in Glocester-shire / |
2 |
BV824 .T55 1688 | A perswasive to frequent communion | 1 |
BV824 .T65 1608 | A fruitfull conference, or communication, touching the receiving of the holy communion, otherwise called the sacrament of the Lords Supper: compiled and set downe in forme and maner of a dialogue, for the better instruction of the ignorant and unlearned, for whose sake it was chiefly written. | 1 |
BV824 .T69 1628 | [Directions for a godly life especially for communicating at the Lords table | 1 |
BV824 .T96 | The supper of the Lorde. After the true meaning of the sixte of John and the .xi. of the fyrst epistle to the Corinthis [sic], w herunto [sic] is added an epystle to the reader. And incidently in the expositio[n] of the supper: is co[n]futed the letter of master More agaynst John Fryth. | 1 |
BV824 .U55 1640 | [Horti Carolini] | 1 |
BV824 .V46 | A notable oration, | 1 |
BV824 .W34 1688 | A discourse of the Holy Eucharist, in the two great points of the real presence and the adoration of the Host in answer to the two discourses lately printed at Oxford on this subject : to which is prefixed a large historical preface relating to the same argument. | 2 |
BV824 .W37 |
The holy Eucharist, or, The mystery of the Lords Supper Twoo notable sermons made the thirde and fifte Fridayes in Lent last past, before the Quenes highnes, concerninge the reall presence of Christes body and bloude in the blessed sacrament, & also the masse, which is the sacrifice of the newe Testament / |
2 |
BV824 .W47 | The pious communicant rightly prepar'd, or, A discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament wherein the nature of it is described, our obligation to frequent communion enforced, and directions given for due preparation for it, behaviour at, and after it, and profiting by it : with prayers and hymns, suited to the several parts of that holy office : to which is added, a short discourse of baptism / | 2 |
BV824 .W54 1587 | A forme of preparation to the Lordes Supper meete for all such as minde with fruite and comfort to communicate in the same / | 2 |
BV824 .W66 | Law-power, or, The law of relation written in the heart of ministers and people by the finger of God, is mighty through Him, to prevaile with both : to live as a people separated to their God, and from the world, specially at the Lord's Table. | 2 |
BV824 .W92 | Wycklyffes wycket: whych he made in Kyng Rychards days the second in the yere of our lorde God a M.CCC.XLV. | 1 |
BV825 | The Eucharist in Modern Philosophy. | 1 |
BV825 .H69 1800 | Holy Communion | 1 |
BV825.2 .A713 | The Lord's Supper. | 1 |
BV825.2 .B554 1993 | Some bodies : the Eucharist and its implications / | 1 |