Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV825.7 .G72 A defence of Christian liberty to the Lords table except in case of excommunication and suspension wherein many arguments, queres, supposition, and objections are answered by plain texts and consent of Scriptures ... / 2
BV825.7 .H85 1651 An humble vindication of a free admission unto the Lords-Supper published for the ease, support, and satisfaction of tender consciences (otherwise remediles) in our mixt congregations /
An humble vindication of a free admission unto the Lords-Supper published for the ease, support, and satisfaction of tender consciences (otherwise remediless) in our mixt congregations /
BV825.7 .M67 1660 Coena quasi koinh, or, The common right to the Lords Supper asserted in a diatribe & defence thereof against the apology of some ministers and godly people (as their own mouth praiseth them) asserting the lawfulness of their administring the Lords Supper in a select company : as it was set forth by their prolocutor Mr. Humphry Saunders / 2
BV825.8 (INTERNET) A sermon about frequent communion preached before the University of Oxford, August the 17th, 1679 / 1
BV825.8 .T54 A perswasive to frequent communion
A persuasive to frequent communion in the holy sacrament of the Lords Supper
BV825.8 .T54 1693 A persuasive to frequent communion in the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper 2
BV826.5 .C62 A treatise of self-examination in order to the worthy receiving of the Holy Communion together with suitable prayers / 2
BV826.5 C68 1800 Counsels to communicants 1
BV826.5 D85 1657 A week of soliloquies and prayers. With a preparation for the Holy Communion. / 1
BV826.5 .D94 A worthy communicant, or, A treatise shewing the due order of receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper 4
BV826.5 .D94 1696 The worthy communicant: or, A treatise, shewing the due order of receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 1
BV826.5 .F52 1700 Sacramental meditations upon divers select places of Scripture wherein believers are assisted in preparing their hearts, and exciting their affections and graces, when they draw nigh to God in that most awful and solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper / 2
BV826.5 .G67 1977 El comulgatorio / 1
BV826.5 .G7 1977 El comulgatorio / 1
BV826.5 .H67 The fire of the altar, or, Certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames before, at, and after receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper : with suitable prayers and devotions, to which is prefix'd a dialogue betwixt a Christian and his own conscience : concerning the true nature of the Christian religion, intended chiefly for the inhabitants of St. Mary le Strand, and the precinct of the Savoy / 2
BV826.5 (INTERNET) Godly meditations vpon the most holy sacrament of the Lordes Supper with manie thinges apperteininge to the highe reuerenee [sic] of soe greate a mysterie : in the end.
The fire of the altar, or, Certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames before, at, and after receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper : with suitable prayers and devotions, to which is prefix'd a dialogue betwixt a Christian and his own conscience : concerning the true nature of the Christian religion, intended chiefly for the inhabitants of St. Mary le Strand, and the precinct of the Savoy /
BV826.5 .M36 1973 Earnest-pennies : an anthology of prayers and meditations on the Holy Eucharist / 1
BV826.5 .S97 Godly meditations vpon the most holy sacrament of the Lords Supper with manie things appertaining to the due receiuing of so great a mystery, and to the right disposing our selues vnto the same : together with an appendix touching the controuersie about the Holy Eucharist : also godly meditations concerning the diuine presence. 1
BV826.5 .S97 1658 Godly meditations upon the most holy sacrament of the Lords Supper with many things appertaining the due receiving of so great a mystery, and to the right disposing our selues unto the same : together with an appendix touching the controversie about the Holy Eucharist : also godly meditations concerning the divine presence / 1
BV826.5 .W47 Enter into thy closet, or, A method and order for private devotion with an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. 2