Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV880 .O76 1996 English church dedications : with a survey of Cornwall and Devon / 1
BV880 .W45 Beth-hak-kodesh, or, The separation and consecration of places for God's publick service and worship and the reverence due unto them vindicated 2
BV890 .B69 2006 La politique des reliques de Constantin à Saint Louis : protection collective et légitimation du pouvoir / 1
BV890 .B76 Relics and social status in the age of Gregory of Tours / 1
BV890 .R36 2020 Relics, shrines, and pilgrimages : sanctity in Europe from late antiquity / 1
BV890 .S66 2005 Treasures from heaven : relics from Noah's Ark to the Shroud of Turin / 1
BV890 ebook Las reliquias y sus usos : de lo terapéutico a lo taumatúrgico / 1
BV895 .I54 2016 A Christian theology of place / 1
BV895 .O46 2007 Adomnan and the Holy Places : the Perceptions of an Insular Monk on the Locations of the Biblical Drama. 1
BV895 .P34 2003 Shopping malls and other sacred spaces : putting God in place / 1
BV895 .S54 2001 Spaces for the sacred : place, memory, and identity / 1
BV895 .S84 2001 Suffer the little children : urban violence and sacred space / 1
BV896.B97 P47 2018 Perceptions of the body and sacred space in late antiquity and Byzantium /
Perceptions of the body and sacred space in late antiquity and Byzantium
BV896.E85 D66 2023 Standing on Holy ground in the Middle Ages / 1
BV896.E85 D665 2022 Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages / 1
BV896.E85 H39 2003 Body and sacred place in medieval Europe, 1100-1389 / 1
BV896.E85 H39 2003eb Body and sacred place in medieval Europe, 1100-1389 1
BV896.E85H39 2003eb BV896.E85 Body and Sacred Place in Medieval Europe, 1100-1389 : Interpreting the Case of Chartres Cathedral. 1
BV896.E85 P56 1999 Pilgrimage explored / 1
BV896.E85 S23 2005 Sacred space in early modern Europe / 1