Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV845 .T39 2009eb | The culture of confession from Augustine to Foucault : a genealogy of the 'confessing animal' / | 1 |
BV850 .C65 | The case of the two absolvers that were tryed at the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster on Thursday the 2d of July 1696 for giving absolution at the place of execution to Sir John Friend and Sir William Parkens. | 2 |
BV850 (INTERNET) | The case of the two absolvers that were tryed at the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster on Thursday the 2d of July 1696 for giving absolution at the place of execution to Sir John Friend and Sir William Parkens. | 1 |
BV859 .O45 1993 | The oil of gladness : anointing in the Christian tradition / | 1 |
BV873.E8 |
Having the spirit of Christ : spirit possession and exorcism in the early Christ groups / The social scientific study of exorcism in Christianity |
2 |
BV873 .E8 1691 | The evil spirit cast-out. Being a true relation of the manner of performing the famous operation or cure, on the maiden gentlewoman, whose body was possessed with an evil spirit. With the carriage and behaviour of the evil spirit ... the several ways and means that were used to drive or cast-out the devil ... the contest between the devil and the doctor ... the strange noise, horrid cry, and great blast of wind, which happened just at the spirits departure. | 1 |
BV873.E8 C86 2001 | American exorcism : expelling demons in the land of plenty / | 1 |
BV873.E8 D37 | ||
BV873.E8 G54 2006 | Possession, Puritanism and print : Darrell, Harsnett, Shakespeare and the Elizabethan exorcism controversy / | 1 |
BV873.E8 (INTERNET) | The copy of a letter describing the wonderful woorke of God in deliuering a mayden within the city of Chester, from an horrible kinde of torment and sicknes 16. of february 1564 | 1 |
BV873.E8 L48 2013eb |
The Devil within : possession and exorcism in the Christian West / The Devil within possession & exorcism in the Christian West / |
2 |
BV873.E8 W35 2020 | The English exorcist : John Darrell and the shaping of early modern English protestant demonology / | 1 |
BV873.E8 Y68 2018 | A history of Anglican exorcism : deliverance and demonology in church ritual / | 1 |
BV873.I54 J64 1999 | The rites of Christian initiation : their evolution and interpretation / | 1 |
BV873.I54 L58 1995 | Living water, sealing spirit : readings on Christian initiation / | 1 |
BV873.L3 C677 1925 | L'imposition des mains et les rites connexes dans le Nouveau Testament et dans l'eglise ancienne : étude de théologie positive / | 1 |
BV873.L3 G72 | The fourth principle of Christs doctrine vindicated being a brief answer to Mr. H. Danvers book, intituled, A treatise of laying on of hands, plainly evincing the true antiquity and perpetuity of that despised ministration of prayer with imposition of hands for the promise of the spirit ... / | 1 |
BV873.L3 H34 | Cheirothesia, or, A confirmation of the apostolicall confirmation of children setting forth the divine ground, end, and use of that too much neglected institvtion, and now published as an excellent expedient to truth and peace / | 2 |
Laying on of hands asserted, or, A plain discovery of the truth thereof under those several considerations, minded in the New Testament. 1. Upon persons for healing: with a brief discovery of that ordinance of Christ, (to wit) anointing with oile. 2. Upon persons to office. 3. Upon believers, baptized, as such: and that principle of Christs doctrine cleared, for their obedience: with objections answered to each particular ... / To Sions louers, being a golden egge to avoid infection, or, A short step into the doctrine of laying on of hands to provoke such as have time, hart, and parts to prosecute, resting upon the promise the tongue of the stutterers shall speake plaine, and out the mouthes of babes, Jehovah shall have praise : looke not to Scottish, nor Dutch, New-England, nor olde, behold the pattern, the Apostles fellowship and so goe up by the tents of the shepheards. |
2 |
BV875 .R54 2006 | On the purification of women : churching in northern France, 1100-1500 / | 2 |