Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1200 .C87 2005 Reform and the papacy in the eleventh century : spirituality and social change / 1
BX1200 .M3 2010 Sex, gender, and episcopal authority in an age of reform, 1000-1122 / 1
BX1200 .P67 2017 The papacy and the rise of the universities / 2
BX1210 .B45 2013 Das begrenzte Papsttum : Spielräume päpstlichen Handelns : Legaten - "delegierte Richter" - Grenzen / 1
BX1210 .F7 1928a Die päpstlichen legaten in Deutschland und Italien am ende des XII. jahrhunderts (1181-1198) / 1
BX1210 .O75 1999 Original papal documents in England and Wales from the accession of Pope Innocent III to the death of Pope Benedict XI (1198-1304) / 1
BX1210 .P46 1984 Pope and bishops : the papal monarchy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / 1
BX1210 .P67 2004eb Pope, church, and city : essays in honour of Brenda M. Bolton / 1
BX1210 .P87 Papal crusading policy : the chief instruments of papal crusading policy and crusade to the Holy Land from the final loss of Jerusalem to the fall of Acre 1244-1291 / 1
BX1210 .R63 1990eb The papacy, 1073-1198 : continuity and innovation / 1
BX1210 .R65 2012 Rom und die Regionen : Studien zur Homogenisierung der lateinischen Kirche im Hochmittelalter / 1
BX1210 .R66 2008 Römisches Zentrum and kirchliche Peripherie : das universale Papsttum als Bezugspunkt der Kirchen von den Reformpäpsten bis zu Innozenz III / 1
BX1210 .T48 2005 Cities of God : the religion of the Italian communes, 1125-1325 / 1
BX1210 .T99 2002 Papal ceremonial at Rome in the twelfth century / 1
BX1216 Papacy and ecclesiology of Honorius II (1124-1130) : church governance after the Concordat of Worms / 2
BX1218 Pope Innocent II (1130-43) : the world vs the city / 1
BX1218 .M85 1876a Die streitige Papstwahl des jahres 1130. 1
BX1218 .P67 2016 Pope Innocent II (1130-43) : the world vs the city / 1
BX1218 .S77 1987 The Jewish pope : ideology and politics in the papal schism of 1130 / 1
BX1223 .P67 2018 Pope Eugenius III (1145-1153) : the first Cistercian pope / 1