Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1302 .R44 1999 Kirche und Macht im römischen Trecento : die Colonna und ihre Klientel auf dem kurialen Pfründenmarkt (1278-1378) / 1
BX1304 Imperial museum dynasties in Europe : Papal ethnographic collections and material culture /
Making Truth in Early Modern Catholicism
BX1304 .B57 1999 The refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 : a reassessment of the counter Reformation / 1
BX1304 .B57 1999eb The refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 : a reassessment of the Counter Reformation / 1
BX1304 .C37x 1988 Catholicism in early modern history : a guide to research / 1
BX1304 .H44 Die katholische Kirche vom westfälischen Frieden bis zum ersten vatikanischen Konzil / 1
BX1304 .H75 1998 The world of Catholic renewal, 1540-1770 / 1
BX1304 .H75 2005 The world of Catholic renewal, 1540-1770 / 1
BX1304 .M34 2022 Catholicism : a global history from the French Revolution to Pope Francis / 1
BX1304 .M35 2021 Making truth in early modern Catholicism / 2
BX1304 .S35 1975 Die katholische Reform und die Gegenreformation / 1
BX1304 .T73 2014 Translating catechisms, translating cultures : the expansion of Catholicism in the early modern world / 2
BX1305 .B42 1860 Il diario di Burcardo : quadro dei costumi della corte di Roma nei secoli XIV e XV. Aggiuntavi la famosa bolla di Leone X, una biografia del cardinale Antonelli ed altri documenti. Strenna pel 1861. 1
BX1305 .B873 1854 Johannis Burchardi Argentinensis protonotarii apostolici et episcopi hortani, cappellae pontificiae sacrorum rituum magistri : Diarium Innocentii VIII, Alexandri VI, Pii III, et Julii II tempora complectens : nunc primum publici juris factum, commentariis et monumentis quamplurimis et arcanis adjectis / 1
BX1305 .C48 2006 Popes, cardinals and war : the military church in Renaissance and early modern Europe / 1
BX1305 .E18 2001eb Early Modern Catholicism : Essays in Honour of John W. O'Malley, S.J. /
Early modern Catholicism : essays in honour of John W. O'Malley /
BX1305 .E27 2001 Early modern Catholicism : essays in honour of John W. O'Malley, S.J. / 1
BX1305 .H36 2020 Bad Christians, new Spains : Muslims, Catholics, and Native Americans in a Mediterratlantic world / 2
BX1305 .L36 1997 Concilio e Papato nel Rinascimento (1449-1516) : un problema irrisolto / 1
BX1305 .M287 Geschichte der katholischen reformation / 1