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Amedeus pacificus, seu de Eugenii IV. et Amedei Sabaudiae Ducis in sua obedientia felicis papae V. nuncupati controuersijs commentarius jussu ... Ducis ab eius historiographo digestus. |
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Babylon on the Rhone : a translation of letters by Dante, Petrarch, and Catherine of Siena on the Avignon Papacy / |
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The Avignon papacy contested : an intellectual history from Dante to Catherine of Siena / |
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La Cour pontificale d'Avignon, 1309-1376. : Étude d'une société |
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Počátky avignonského papežství a české země / |
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Les papes d'Avignon (1305-1378) |
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The popes at Avignon, 1305-1378. : Translated from the 9th French ed., 1949 / |
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Avignon of the popes : city of exiles / |
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The popes of Avignon : a century in exile / |
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Petrarch's Book without a name : a translation of the Liber sine nomine / |
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Rechnungswesen und Buchhaltung des Avignoneser Papsttums (1316-1378) : eine Quellenkunde / |
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Poets, saints, and visionaries of the Great Schism, 1378-1417 / |
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De substraccione obediencie / |
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The three Popes : an account of the great schism when rival Popes in Rome, Avignon, and Pisa vied for the rule of Christendom. |
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Il papa deposto : Pisa 1409 : l'idea conciliare nel Grande Scisma / |
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Laurentii Vallae de falso credita et ementita Constantini donatione declamatio. |
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The age of the great western schism / |
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L'église du grand schisme : 1378-1417 / |
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Le vote de la soustraction d'obédience en 1398 / |
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Gerson and the Great Schism / |
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