Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1295 .M66 1626 Amedeus pacificus, seu de Eugenii IV. et Amedei Sabaudiae Ducis in sua obedientia felicis papae V. nuncupati controuersijs commentarius jussu ... Ducis ab eius historiographo digestus. 1
BX1300 .B28 1983 Babylon on the Rhone : a translation of letters by Dante, Petrarch, and Catherine of Siena on the Avignon Papacy / 1
BX1300 .F35 2017eb The Avignon papacy contested : an intellectual history from Dante to Catherine of Siena / 1
BX1300 .G8 1966 La Cour pontificale d'Avignon, 1309-1376. : Étude d'une société 1
BX1300 .H543 2013eb Počátky avignonského papežství a české země / 1
BX1300 .M6 1950 Les papes d'Avignon (1305-1378) 1
BX1300 .M613 1963 The popes at Avignon, 1305-1378. : Translated from the 9th French ed., 1949 / 1
BX1300 .M85 2017 Avignon of the popes : city of exiles / 1
BX1300 .M86 2008 The popes of Avignon : a century in exile / 2
BX1300 .P4713 Petrarch's Book without a name : a translation of the Liber sine nomine / 1
BX1300 .W44 2003 Rechnungswesen und Buchhaltung des Avignoneser Papsttums (1316-1378) : eine Quellenkunde / 1
BX1301 .B53 2006 Poets, saints, and visionaries of the Great Schism, 1378-1417 / 1
BX1301 .C7 1984 De substraccione obediencie / 1
BX1301 .G25 The three Popes : an account of the great schism when rival Popes in Rome, Avignon, and Pisa vied for the rule of Christendom. 1
BX1301 .L36 1985 Il papa deposto : Pisa 1409 : l'idea conciliare nel Grande Scisma / 1
BX1301 .L384 1994 Laurentii Vallae de falso credita et ementita Constantini donatione declamatio. 1
BX1301 .L63 The age of the great western schism / 1
BX1301 .M547 2009 L'église du grand schisme : 1378-1417 / 1
BX1301 .M55 1988 Le vote de la soustraction d'obédience en 1398 / 1
BX1301 .M65 Gerson and the Great Schism / 1