Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1421.2 .F294 2002eb A history of Canadian Catholics : Gallicanism, Romanism, and Canadianism / 1
BX1421.3 .G473 2018 Beyond the Altar : Women Religious, Patriarchal Power, and the Church. 1
BX1422.A85 K44 2022 Empire and emancipation : Scottish and Irish Catholics at the Atlantic fringe, 1780-1850 / 2
BX1422.M2 M37 2018eb Bayanihan and belonging : Filipinos and religion in Canada / 1
BX1422.O6 C48 Language and religion : a history of English-French conflict in Ontario / 1
BX1422.Q4 B38 2014eb Truth and relevance : Catholic theology in French Quebec since the Quiet Revolution / 1
BX1422.Q8 L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis / 1
BX1422.Q8 G38 2005 The Catholic origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970 / 1
BX1422.Q8 G38 2005eb The Catholic origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970 / 1
BX1424.L6 J645 1996eb Life and religion at Louisbourg, 1713-1758 / 1
BX1424.T67 M38 2003 Governing charities : church and state in Toronto's Catholic archdiocese, 1850s-1950s / 1
BX1424.T67 M38 2003eb Governing charities : church and state in Toronto's Catholic archdiocese, 1850s-1950s / 2
BX1425.A1 C365 2010 Catequesis y derecho en la América colonial : fronteras borrosas / 1
BX1425.A1 C64 1993 Santo Domingo and beyond : documents and commentaries from the Fourth General Conference of Latin American Bishops / 1
BX1425.A1 ebook La nueva evangelización del mundo de la ciencia en América Latina /
Catequesis y Derecho en la América Colonial Fronteras Borrosas.
BX1425.A1 H864 1995 La Nueva Evangelización Del Mundo de la Ciencia en América Latina VI Seminario Interdisciplinar Del ICALA, 26-30 de Julio de 1993, Asunción, Paraguay. 1
BX1425.A2 B67 1990 Born of the poor : the Latin American Church since Medellín / 2
BX1425.A2 E37 2002 Early printed books on religion from colonial Spanish America, 1543/44-c. 1800 holdings of the British Library. 1
BX1425 .A84 2004 Angeli novi : prácticas evangelizadoras, representaciones artísticas y construcciones del catolicismo en América (siglos XVII-XX) / 1
BX1425 .G6 1959 Teatro eclesiástico de la primitiva iglesia de la Nueva España en las Indias Occidentales. 1