Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1492 .P663 | The Popes nuntioes, or, The negotiation of Seignior Panzani, Seignior Con, &c. resident here in England with the Queen and treating about the alteration of religion with the Archbishop of Canterbury and his adherents in the yeares of our Lord, 1634, 1635, 1636, &c. : together with a letter to a nobleman of this kingdom concerning the same. | 2 |
BX1492 .P68 1603 |
The Catholikes supplication vnto the Kings Maiestie, for toleration of Catholike religion in England: with short notes or animaduersions in the margine. : Whereunto is annexed parallel-wise, a supplicatorie counterpoyse of the Protestants, vnto the same most excellent Maiestie. : Together with the reasons of both sides, for and against toleration of diuers religions. The Catholikes supplication vnto the Kings Maiestie, for toleration of Catholike religion in England with short notes or animaduersions in the margine : whereunto is annexed parallel-wise, a supplicatorie counterpoyse of the Protestants, vnto the same Most Excellent Maiestie : together with the reasons of both sides, for and against toleration of diuers religions. |
2 |
BX1492 .P76 | Protestants demonstration for Catholicks recusancie all taken from such English Protestant bishops, doctors, ministers, parlaments, lawes, decrees, and proceedings, as haue beene printed, published, or allowed among them in England since the cominge of our King Iames into this kingdome, and for the most parte within the first six or seuen yeares thereof : and euidentlie prouinge by their owne writings, that English Catholiks may not vnder damnable syn communicate with English Protestants in their seruice, sermons, or matters of religion : and soe conuincinge by themselues, their religion to bee most damnable, & among other things, their ministry to bee voide, false and vsurped. | 1 |
BX1492 .P78 | Catholic loyalism in Elizabethan England / | 2 |
BX1492 .Q47 2006 | Catholicism and community in early modern England : politics, aristocratic patronage and religion, c. 1550-1640 / | 1 |
BX1492 .Q47 2006eb | Catholicism and community in early modern England : politics, aristocratic patronage and religion, c. 1550-1640 / | 1 |
BX1492 .R3 |
Biographical studies, 1534-1829. Recusant history. |
2 |
BX1492.R3 1686 | Reflections upon the bulls of the Popes Paul the Third and Pius the Fifth emitted against King Henry the 8 and Queen Elizabeth of England. | 1 |
BX1492 .R42 | Reasons why Roman-Catholicks should not be persecuted | 2 |
BX1492 .R428 2010 | Recusancy and conformity in early modern England : manuscript and printed sources in translation / | 1 |
BX1492 .R43 | Reflections upon bulls of the Popes Paul the Third, and Pius the Fifth emitted against King Henry the 8 and Queen Elizabeth of England. | 2 |
BX1492 .R43 1986 | Recusants in the exchequer pipe rolls, 1581-1592 / | 1 |
BX1492 .R46 2012 | Redrawing the map of early modern English Catholicism / | 1 |
BX1492.R46 2012 |
Redrawing the Map of Early Modern English Catholicism / Redrawing the map of Early Modern English Catholicism / |
2 |
BX1492 .S47 | Reflexions upon the oathes of supremacy and allegiance | 2 |
BX1492 .S65 2022 | Transnational Catholicism in Tudor England : mobility, exile, and counter-reformation, 1530-1580 / | 1 |
BX1492 .S68 1636 | To the Catholickes of England. Right honorable, right worshipfull, and much respected: we vnderwritten being appointed to serue the infected Catholicks of the citty and suburbs of London, with our spiritual assistance, hauing seene with our eyes the extreme necessity which many of the poorer sort are fallen into .. | 1 |
BX1492 .S85 1878i | The victims of the penal laws or, Legends of history / | 1 |
BX1492 .T7 | The Catholic laity in Elizabethan England, 1558-1603. | 1 |
BX1492 .U53 2014 | Childhood, youth and religious dissent in post-Reformation England / | 2 |