Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1529 .B88 2010 | The rise and fall of theological enlightenment : Jean-Martin de Prades and ideological polarization in eighteenth-century France / | 1 |
BX1529 .C35 2019 | Assassins des pauvres : l'Église et l inaliénabilité des terres à l époque carolingienne / | 1 |
BX1529 .C37 | Proceedings of the French clergy against the Court of Rome, or, Acts of the assembly of my lords the archbishops and bishops that were in Paris held by the kings order in the arch-bishoprick, on Thursday the thirtieth of the month of September, 1688. S.N. / | 2 |
BX1529 .C378 2019 | Scandal in the parish : priests and parishioners behaving badly in eighteenth-century France / | 1 |
BX1529 .D5 | A discourse of a citizen of Paris, concerning the power of His Eminency the Lord Cardinal Chigi, Legate à Latere in France. : To which is added, the commission of his legation; the particulars whereunto his power extends: together with the six propositions of the doctors of Sorbonne, touching the papal jurisdiction in France : with some reflections on them, and on the liberties of the Gallicane Church. | 1 |
BX1529 .D54 2019 | Planting the cross : Catholic reform and renewal in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France / | 2 |
BX1529 .D78 | Journal d'un curé de campagne au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
BX1529 .D8 | Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule / | 1 |
BX1529 .D8 1907 | Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule / | 1 |
BX1529 .F675 2004 | Fathers, pastors and kings : visions of episcopacy in seventeenth-century France / | 1 |
BX1529 .F675 2004eb | Fathers, pastors and kings : visions of episcopacy in seventeenth-century France / | 2 |
BX1529 .F73 1682 | The French king's edict upon the declaration made by the clergy of France, of their opinion concerning the ecclesiastical power: wherein is set forth, that the King is independent in things temporal, that general councils are above the Pope, that the Popes power is to be limited by the antient canons, that the Popes decisions are not infallible without the consent of the Church. Together with the said declaration of the clergy as they were registered in the Parliament of Paris, the 23 of March 1682. | 1 |
BX1529 .G68 2006 | Catholic activism in south-west France,1540-1570 / | 1 |
BX1529 .G685 2016 | Catholic activism in south-west France, 1540-1570 / | 1 |
BX1529 .H39 2005eb | Six hundred years of reform : bishops and the French church, 1190-1789 / | 2 |
BX1529 .H55 2014 | Female piety and the Catholic reformation in France / | 1 |
The letter writ by the last Assembly General of the Clergy of France to the Protestants, inviting them to return to their communion together with the methods proposed by them for their conviction / The political mischiefs of popery, or, Arguments demonstrating I. that the romish religion ruines all those countries where 'tis establish'd II. that it occasions the loss of above 200 millions of livres ... to France in particular, III. that if popery were abolished in France, that kingdom would become incomparably more rich and populous ..., IV. that it is impossible that France should ever be re-established whilst popery is their national religion / News from France in a letter giving a relation of the present state of the difference between the French king and the court of Rome : to which is added the Popes brief to the assembly of the clergy, and the protestation made by them in Latin : together with an English translation of them. |
3 |
BX1529 .J3 | Die päpstlichen Legaten in Frankreich, vom Schisma Anaklets II. bis zum Tode Coelestins III. (1130-1198) | 1 |
BX1529 .K39 2002 | The Council of Bourges, 1225 : a documentary history / | 1 |
BX1529 .L338 1995 | Le service des ames a la cour : confesseurs et aumoniers des rois de France du XIIIe au XVe siecle / | 1 |