Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1759 .V3 | Psychiatry and Catholicism / | 1 |
BX1759.5.M4 I5 | De miseria humane conditionis / | 1 |
BX1759.5.M4 M3 | Medicine and morals. | 1 |
BX1759.5.S4 J45 | The blind obedience of an humble penitent the best cure for scruples | 2 |
BX1759.5.T7 C8 | The morality of organic transplantation / | 1 |
BX1759.5 .W44 1672 |
Popery anatomized, or, A learned, pious, and elaborat treatise wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and papists, are handled, and the truth of our doctrine clearly proved : and the falshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scripture, fathers, and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their own writers : in answer to M. Gilbert Brown, priest / Popery anatomized, or, A learned, pious, and elaborat treatise wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and papists, are handled, and the truth of our doctrine clearly proved : and the falshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scripture, fathers, and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their own writers : in answer to M. Gilbert Brown, priest / |
2 |
BX1760.A6 K5 | An episode in anti-Catholicism : the American Protective Association / | 1 |
BX1760 .C58 | A remonstrance by way of address from the Church of England to both houses of Parliament upon the account of religion together with some remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's sermon preached the 24th May, 1685. | 2 |
BX1760 (INTERNET) | A Discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. | 1 |
BX1760 .S36 1867 | The Scottish Reformation Society London Organisation commencement of operations / | 1 |
BX1760 .T46 | A Discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. | 2 |
BX1760 .T46 1687 | A discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. | 2 |
BX1760 .T54 | The third part of the growth of popery and arbitrary government in England | 2 |
BX1760 ebook | El incendio del Templo de San Antonio en Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua en 1961 : crónica de una infamia / | 1 |
BX1762 .F72 | The proceedings of the Parliament of Paris upon the Pope's bull concerning the franchises in the city of Rome and the following ordonnance of the 26th of December / | 1 |
BX1762 .O27 | A discourse of the unlawfulness of praying to saints and angels being a full answer to a letter of Sabran the Jesuite : wherein the practice of the Church of Rome, in praying to saints and angels is plainly proved to be contrary to the doctrine of Christ and the presented authority by him produc'd, to be either forged or impertinent / | 2 |
BX1762 .T7 | Reflections on The relation of the English reformation, lately printed at Oxford. In two parts. | 1 |
BX1763 |
The Jesuits last farevvel, or, The Romish priests grievous complaint being forc'd to leave England : with their invitation to the rest of their brethren to bear them company, and excellent advice to their lay-children that stay behind. The voluntarie recantation of foure great learned men, professed fryers in sundry monasteries in France, lately conuerted from poperie to the true religion Dr. Daniel Whitby's several tracts collected into one volume viz .. The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady from the errors and superstition of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant : wherein is shewed her great and unparallel'd sufferings on the account of her said conversion, as also her wonderful deliverance from two assassines hired by a popish priest to murther her, and of her miraculous preservation in a wood for two years, and how she was at last providentially found by her husband, who (together with her parents) was brought over by her means to the embracing of the true religion, as were divers others also / A treatie of the Churche, conteining a true discourse, to knowe the true Church by, and to discerne it from the Romish Church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations. / Here begynneth a boke, called the faull of the Romyshe churche, with all the abhomynations, where by euery manne may know and perceyue the diuersytie of it, betwene, ye prymatyue churche, of the whiche our souereigne Lorde and kynge is the supreme head, & ye malingnau[n]t church asunder. An exhortation to styrre all Englyshe men to the defence of theyr countreye, The workes of the most reverend father in God, Iames Vssher, Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. Containing, I. An answer to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland: wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is deliuered, and the nouelty of the now Romish doctrine is plainly discouered. II. A sermon preached before the Commons house of Parliament, Febr. 18. 1620. III. A briefe declaration of the vniuersality of the Church of Christ, in a sermon before his Maiestie, anno 1624. IV. A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. V. A speech deliuered in the Castle-Chamber at Dublin, concerning the oath of supremacie. : All newly reuised and published with priuiledge. The professions of the true church, and of poperie compared together: A discourse for the comfort of the godlie, confirming of the weake, and conuerting of the well inclined, by the working of the holie spirit: exceeding necessarie. : The summe hereof, is to be seene in the next page following. The loue of the soule, made by that excellent learned man Mr. Gregorie Martin: and addressed by him to his owne sisters, brought vp in heresie. : Together with a letter of the same author to a schismatique gentleman of authority, touching his dissembling in religion, against his consciencs and knowledge. : Wherein is annexed, a sure and certaine rule for the vnlearned, how to discerne betwixt the true & false interpretation of holy scripture. Taken out of the apology of Fridericus Staphlius, exceeding profitable for these perillous times. The travels of time: Loaden vvith popish trumperies: From Great Britaine to Rome. : With A dialogue betwixt time and truth, popery and policy: each of them declaring what seruice they haue done to their masters. |
11 |
BX1763 .A33 | A dissuasive from popery | 2 |
BX1763 .A47 1687 | Some queries to Protestants answered with an explanation of the Roman Catholick's belief in four great points considered, I. concerning their Church, II. their worship, III. justification, IV. civil govenment. | 2 |