Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1763 .P47 1604 | A reformed Catholike, or, A declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of religion, and wherein we must for euer depart from them with an advertisment to all fauourers of the Romane religion, shewing how the said religion is against the Catholike principles and grounds of the catechisme. | 1 |
BX1763 .P47 1611 | A reformed Catholike, or, A declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of religion and wherein we must for euer depart from them with an aduertisement to all fauourers of the Romane religion, shewing how the said religion is against the Catholike principles and grounds of the catechisme. | 1 |
BX1763 .P5 | Pieuse exhortation à la perseverance dans l'affliction de L'Eglise | 1 |
BX1763 .P54 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1695, being the third after bissextile or leap-year wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, diabolical conjunctions, and pernicious revolutions of the papacy against the Lord and His anointed, are described : with the change of the moon, some probable conjectures concerning the VVeather, the eclipses, the moons place in the zodiac, and an account of some principal martyrs in each month ... / The Protestant almanack for the year 1695, being the third after bissextile or leap-year wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, diabolical conjunctions, and pernicious revolutions of the papacy against the Lord and His anointed, are described : with the change of the moon, some probable conjectures concerning the VVeather, the eclipses, the moons place in the zodiac, and account of some principal martyrs in each month ... / |
2 |
BX1763 .P6 1672 | A dialogue between a Popish priest and an English protestant. Wherein the principal points and arguments of both religions are truly proposed and fully examined. / | 1 |
BX1763 .P66 |
The Popes dolefull lamentation for the unfortunate miscariage of his severall late plots The Pope burnt to ashes, or, Defiance to Rome being a perfect account how the exact image of His Holiness was solemnly carried in procession through the greatest part of the city of London, and at last exposed to the flames of a stately bonfire near the Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, on Friday the 17th of Novemb. 1676 : with loud acclamations of several thousand spectators, there being a terse of claret, a barrel of ale, and a barrel of beer there distributed amongst the beholders, which was far better excepted than the blood of the martyrs. The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the Churches infallibility, and of all those severall methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith, wherein the reader will find all the materiall objections and cavils of their most considerable writers, viz., Richworth (alias Rushworth) in his Dialogues, White in his treatise De fide and his Apology for tradition, Cressy in his Exomologesis, S. Clara in his Systema fidei, and Captaine Everard in his late account of his pretended conversion to the Church of Rome discussed and answered / Mr. Matthew Pool, author of that elaborate work, Sinopsis critticorum his late sayings a little before his death, concerning the material points of the popish party, charged against the Protestants, wherein the desperate tenets of popish Jesuitical principles are detected and sollidly censured : for the settlement of all real professors, and practical opposers of those demnable delusions, in a few words to the wise : he dyed the 12th of this instant stilo nova, at Amstersdam. Mr. Matthew Pool, author of that elaborate work, Sinopsis critticorum his late sayings a little before his death, concerning the material points of the popish party, charged against the Protestants, wherein the desperate tenets of popish Jesuitical principles are detected and sollidly censured : for the settlement of all real professors, and practical opposers of those demnable delusions, in a few words to the wise : he dyed the 12th of this instant stilo nova, at Amstersdam. The Pope burnt to ashes, or, Defiance to Rome being a perfect account how the exact image of His Holiness was solemnly carried in procession through the greatest part of the city of London, and at last exposed to the flames of a stately bonfire near the Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, on Friday the 17th of Novemb. 1676 : with loud acclamations of several thousand spectators, there being a terse of claret, a barrel of ale, and a barrel of beer there distributed amongst the beholders, which was far better excepted than the blood of the martyrs. The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the Churches infallibility, and of all those severall methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith, wherein the reader will find all the materiall objections and cavils of their most considerable writers, viz., Richworth (alias Rushworth) in his Dialogues, White in his treatise De fide and his Apology for tradition, Cressy in his Exomologesis, S. Clara in his Systema fidei, and Captaine Everard in his late account of his pretended conversion to the Church of Rome discussed and answered / |
8 |
BX1763 .P66 1667 |
The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those severall methods which their most famous and approved writers have used to the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith : wherein the reader will find all the materiall objections and cavils of their most considerable writers ... / The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those several methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith ... / The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blow at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamentall doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those severall methods which their most famous and approved writers have used to the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith : wherein the reader will find all the materiall objections and cavils of their most considerable writers ... / The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blovv at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamental doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those several methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith ... / |
6 |
BX1763 .P66 1679 | The nullity of the Romish faith, or, A blovv at the root of the Romish Church being an examination of that fundamental doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those several methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof : together with an appendix tending to the demonstration of the solidity of the Protestant faith ... / | 2 |
BX1763 .P67 | An interpretation of the number 666 wherein, not onely the manner, how this number ought to be interpreted, is clearely proved and demonstrated : but it is also shewed [that] this number is an exquisite and perfect character, truly, exactly, and essentially describing that state of government to [which] all other notes of Antichrist doe agree : with all knowne objections solidly and fully answered [that] can be materially made against it / | 2 |
BX1763 .P67 1606 | [The popes eschucheon, or coate of armes. In a field sable he beareth tripartite, three furies, heresie, frenzy and hypocrisy. His fiue gracelesse children, which he hath begotten vpon the whore of babylon (whose name is idolatry) are: a papist lormant, a papist cowchant, a papist passant, a papist rampant, a papist pendant]. / | 1 |
BX1763 .P67 1633 | Want of charitie iustly charged, on all such Romanists, as dare (without truth or modesty) affirme, that Protestancie destroyeth salvation in answer to a late popish pamphlet intituled Charity mistaken &c. / | 1 |
BX1763 .P67 1634 | Want of charitie justly charged on all such Romanists as dare (without truth or modesty) affirme, that Protestancie destroyeth salvation, or, An answer to a late popish pamphlet intituled Charity mistaken, &c. | 1 |
BX1763 .P76 |
A Protestant antidote against popery with a brief discourse of the great atheisticalness and vain amours now in fashion / The Protestant tutor instructing children to spel and read English, and ground them in the true Protestant religio., and discovering the errors and deceits [...] |
4 |
BX1763 .P76 1680 | The Protestant grind-stone. | 1 |
BX1763 .P76 1689 | The Protestants thanks for the downfall of popery, or, Madam popery rocked to sleep | 1 |
BX1763 .Q212 | The Quakers caveat and testimonies against popery | 1 |
BX1763 .R23 | Martyrs in flames, or, Popery (in its true colours) displayed. Being a brief relation of the horrid cruelties and persecutions of the Pope and Church of rome for many hundred years past, to this present age, inflicted upon Protestants in Piedmont ... : With an abstract of the cruel persecution lately exercised upon the Protestants in France and Savoy, in the year 1686 and 1687. : Together with a short account of Gods judgment upon popish persecutors. / | 1 |
BX1763 .R43 | A Refutation of a false and impious aspersion cast on the late Lord Cottington by the writer of the Popish currant. | 2 |
BX1763 .R44 1632 | Three sermons viz. 1. The churches hazard. 2. Nabals arraignement. 3. Moses old square for judges. Delivered vpon severall occasions in the cathedrall church of Norvvich. / | 1 |
BX1763 .R46 | Dispute entre Mr. Renoult et un missionaire papiste, sur le retranchement de la coupe | 2 |