Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1775.K6 B35 2017 Catholics and anti-Catholicism in Chosŏn Korea / 1
BX1775.M6 A58 2008 El anticlericalismo en México / 1
BX1775 .P76 1681 The Protestants petition against popery, &c. 1
BX1775.S3 24 2004 Sectarianism in Scotland / 1
BX1775 .S36 The History of the late proceedings of the students of the colledge at Edenborough. VVhich hath occasioned the Kings proclamation for banishing them fifteen miles from the said city. / 1
BX1775 .S36 1606 By the king. Whereas during our stay in that our kingdome, we were euer carefull of the aduancing of true religion, and of the suppressing of all contrarie professors: and hauing for that purpose cause make many seuerall statutes, acts, and proclamations, aswell against Iesuits, seminarie priests, and excommunicate papists as gainst their resetters and interteiners .. 1
BX1775.S36 1680 An advertisement. These are to give notice to all noblemen, gentlemen, citizens, and others, that we, the students in the Royal Colledge of Edinburgh .. 1
BX1775.S6 B5 Freedom and Catholic power in Spain and Portugal : an American interpretation / 1
BX1777.M6 P4 1944 The monk who lived again : a tale of South America / 1
BX1779 .B39 Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lord Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion together with a vindication of the Protestant cause from the pretences of the Marquesse his last papers which the necessity of the King's affaires denyed him oportunity to answer. 2
BX1779.B39 1662 Certamen religiosum, or, A conferenc[e] between His late Maje[stie] Charles King of Engl[and], and Henry late Marquess and Earl of Worcester, concerning religion; at His Majesties being at Raglan Castle, 1646 Wherein the maine differences [(now] in controversie) between the Pap[ists] and the Protestants is no lesse briefly then accuratly discusss'd and bandied. Now published for the worlds s[atis]faction of His Majesties constant a[f]fection to the Protestant religion. / 1
BX1779 .B67 Vox rugientis leonis, sive, Epistola exhortatoria ad papismum Patris Georgii Borovii ord. praedicatorum una cum responsoria ad eandem cura G.J. 2
BX1779 .C37 Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lo. Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion
Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lo. Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion together with a vindication of the Protestant cause from the pretences of the Marquesse his last papers, which the necessity of the King's affaires denyed him opportunity to answer : also the aspersions of the Marquesse cast upon the famous divines, chiefe instruments of the Protestants cause, viz. Luther, Calvin, Zvinglius, Melancthon, and Beza fairly wiped off : a worke comprehending all the materiall points controverted 'twixt Protestants and papists /
BX1779 .C45 Christians in conversation : [papers] / 1
BX1779 .C6 Is the Catholic Church anti-social? : A debate between G. G. Coulton and Arnold Lunn. 1
BX1779 .C713 Catholics and Protestants : separated brothers / 1
BX1779 .G3 Le Dialogue irénique Bossuet-Paul Ferry à Metz (1652-1669) 1
BX1779.5 .B35 1988 The Pope and the mavericks / 2
BX1779.5 .B38 1993 A crisis of conscience : a Catholic doctor speaks out for reform / 2
BX1779.5 .B74 2004 The church that forgot Christ / 1