Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1775.K6 B35 2017 | Catholics and anti-Catholicism in Chosŏn Korea / | 1 |
BX1775.M6 A58 2008 | El anticlericalismo en México / | 1 |
BX1775 .P76 1681 | The Protestants petition against popery, &c. | 1 |
BX1775.S3 24 2004 | Sectarianism in Scotland / | 1 |
BX1775 .S36 | The History of the late proceedings of the students of the colledge at Edenborough. VVhich hath occasioned the Kings proclamation for banishing them fifteen miles from the said city. / | 1 |
BX1775 .S36 1606 | By the king. Whereas during our stay in that our kingdome, we were euer carefull of the aduancing of true religion, and of the suppressing of all contrarie professors: and hauing for that purpose cause make many seuerall statutes, acts, and proclamations, aswell against Iesuits, seminarie priests, and excommunicate papists as gainst their resetters and interteiners .. | 1 |
BX1775.S36 1680 | An advertisement. These are to give notice to all noblemen, gentlemen, citizens, and others, that we, the students in the Royal Colledge of Edinburgh .. | 1 |
BX1775.S6 B5 | Freedom and Catholic power in Spain and Portugal : an American interpretation / | 1 |
BX1777.M6 P4 1944 | The monk who lived again : a tale of South America / | 1 |
BX1779 .B39 | Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lord Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion together with a vindication of the Protestant cause from the pretences of the Marquesse his last papers which the necessity of the King's affaires denyed him oportunity to answer. | 2 |
BX1779.B39 1662 | Certamen religiosum, or, A conferenc[e] between His late Maje[stie] Charles King of Engl[and], and Henry late Marquess and Earl of Worcester, concerning religion; at His Majesties being at Raglan Castle, 1646 Wherein the maine differences [(now] in controversie) between the Pap[ists] and the Protestants is no lesse briefly then accuratly discusss'd and bandied. Now published for the worlds s[atis]faction of His Majesties constant a[f]fection to the Protestant religion. / | 1 |
BX1779 .B67 | Vox rugientis leonis, sive, Epistola exhortatoria ad papismum Patris Georgii Borovii ord. praedicatorum una cum responsoria ad eandem cura G.J. | 2 |
BX1779 .C37 |
Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lo. Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion Certamen religiosum, or, A conference between the late King of England and the late Lo. Marquesse of Worcester concerning religion together with a vindication of the Protestant cause from the pretences of the Marquesse his last papers, which the necessity of the King's affaires denyed him opportunity to answer : also the aspersions of the Marquesse cast upon the famous divines, chiefe instruments of the Protestants cause, viz. Luther, Calvin, Zvinglius, Melancthon, and Beza fairly wiped off : a worke comprehending all the materiall points controverted 'twixt Protestants and papists / |
2 |
BX1779 .C45 | Christians in conversation : [papers] / | 1 |
BX1779 .C6 | Is the Catholic Church anti-social? : A debate between G. G. Coulton and Arnold Lunn. | 1 |
BX1779 .C713 | Catholics and Protestants : separated brothers / | 1 |
BX1779 .G3 | Le Dialogue irénique Bossuet-Paul Ferry à Metz (1652-1669) | 1 |
BX1779.5 .B35 1988 | The Pope and the mavericks / | 2 |
BX1779.5 .B38 1993 | A crisis of conscience : a Catholic doctor speaks out for reform / | 2 |
BX1779.5 .B74 2004 | The church that forgot Christ / | 1 |