Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1775.F8 V47 2010eb Transatlantic anti-Catholicism France and the United States in the nineteenth century / 1
BX1775 .G7 The Popish courant. 1
BX1775.G7 The Catholick ballad: or An invitation to popery upon considerable grounds and reasons : to the tune of 88. 1
BX1775.G7 A3813 2011 Fighting the Antichrist : a cultural history of anti-Catholicism in Tudor England / 1
BX1775.G7 B87 2013 'Papists' and prejudice : popular anti-Catholicism and Anglo-Irish conflict in the north east of England, 1845-70 / 1
BX1775.G7 C3 Catholic hymn on the birth of the Prince of Wales 1
BX1775.G7 C76 1678 Ecclesia Romana est idololatrica. 1
BX1775.G7 P53 The Pharisee unmask'd in a new discovery of the artifices used by Roman Catholic priests to convert prisoners both at and before the time of execution. 2
BX1775.G7 S36 1679 A proclamation against Papists ... 23 Jan
A proclamation against Papists ... 23 Jan.
BX1775.G7 W45 1585 Responsionis ad decem illas rationes, quibus fretus Edmundus Campianus certamen Ecclesiae Anglicanae ministris obtulit in causa fidei, Defensio contra Confutationem Ioannis Duraei Scoti, Presbyteri Iesuitae: / 1
BX1775 .G72 1674 A gratulatory poem on the just and piovs proceedings of the King and Parliament against the Papists. 1
BX1775 .G73 Londons defiance to Rome, a perfect narrative of the magnificent procession, and solemn burning of the Pope at Temple-Barr, Nov. 17th, 1679. (Being the coronation-day of that never-to-be-forgotten Princess, Queen Elizabeth.) With a description of the order, rich habits, extraordinary fire-works, songs, and general tryumphs attending that illustrious ceremony.
A proclamation against the home-loyterers, recusants to the common cause, within the colledge of iustice, as followeth,
A warning agaynst the dangerous practises of papistes, and specially the parteners of the late rebellion.
BX1775 .G73 1679 A rod for Rom[e] or, a description of the Popish clerg[y] their Popes, cardinals, Jesuites, monks, fryers,[-] in their proper colours. 1
BX1775 .G73 1680 The muses fire-works upon the fifth of November: or, The protestants remembrancer of the bloody designs of the Papists in the never-to-be-forgotten Powder-Plot, &c.
Rome's hunting-match for III. kingdoms; or, The papists last run for the Protestants life and estate too, because this plot has e'en beggar[']d them.
News from Rome, or, A dialogue between His Holinesse and a cabal of cardinals at a late conclave: consulting the most effectual remedies to recover the lost credit of Holy Church in England. ; Worthy the perusal of all true Protestants.
BX1775 .G73 M57 The mistery of iniquity unfolded: or the reason why all those Jesuits, priests, and others, of the Romish Church, that have been lately executed for high treason, in conspiring the death of the King, the subversion of the government and the Protestant religion, have so impudently declared their innocency of all and every the matters laid to their charge, even to the last gaspe: and why the same may be very well expected from all that shall follow them of the like principles. By way of reflection upon their last speeches. 1
BX1775.I7 C69 An essay for the conversion of the Irish shewing that 'tis their duty and interest to become Protestants : in a letter to themselves. 2
BX1775.I7 .M47 1645 Mercurius Hibernicus, or, The Irish mercurie briefly and truly relating the conditions, manners, and customes of the natives, with their most barbarous, inhumane, cruell, and bloudie stratagems : who are chiefly animated and spurred on by the Iesuites, priests, friers and monks of the antichristian, popish, and hellish brood : wth a true relation of the unchristian practices performed by the Lord Macquier and Macmahone, with the arraignment and sentence of the said Lord Macquier. 1
BX1775.K6 B35 2017 Catholics and anti-Catholicism in Chosŏn Korea / 1
BX1775.M6 A58 2008 El anticlericalismo en México / 1
BX1775 .P76 1681 The Protestants petition against popery, &c. 1