Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1779.5 .S87 1688 | Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks: and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the Church / | 1 |
BX1779.5 .V54 1688 | Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the church / | 2 |
BX1779.5 .V546 | Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks and wholesome advice and expedients for the reformation of the church / | 1 |
BX1779.5 .W34 | Valesius ad Haroldum anno M.DC.LXXII. | 2 |
BX1780 .A8 | Miracles not ceas'd to His Grace George Duke of Buckingham &c., of his miraculous cure and of the rest of all the most wonderfull and glorious miracles and cures wrought by a Roman Catholick priest in and about the cities of London and Westminister, in the moneths of Iune and Iuly 1663, in confirmation of the holy Roman Catholick faith / | 2 |
BX1780 .B3 1820 | The most important tenets of the Roman Catholic church fairly explained | 1 |
BX1780 .B46 2001 | The Catholic Church and history / | 1 |
BX1780 .B57 | The Catholiques plea, or An explanation of the Roman Catholick belief. Concerning their [brace] church, manner of worship, justification, civill governement. : Together with a catalogue of all the pœnall statutes against popish recusants. : All which is humbly submitted to serious consideration. / | 1 |
BX1780 .B67 |
An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholique Church in the points of controversie with those of the pretended reformation |
4 |
BX1780 .B67 1686 | An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie | 2 |
BX1780 .B7 | The bond of peace / | 1 |
BX1780 .B74 1641 | Motives indvcing to the Catholike faith wherein are set downe sundry plaine & sure wayes to find out the truth in these doubtfull & dangerous times of heresy ... / | 2 |
BX1780 .B76 |
A booke intituled, The English Protestants recantation, in mattersof religion wherein is demonstratiuely proued, by the writings of the principall, and best learned English Protestant bishops, and doctors, and rules of their religion, published allowed, or subscribed vnto, bythem, since the comminge of our King Iames into England, that not onely all generall grownds of diuinitie, are against the[m], but in euery particular cheife question, betweene Catholicks & them, they are in errour, by their owne iudgments : diuided accordingly, into two parts, whereof the first entreateth of those generall grounds, the other of such particular controuersies, whereby will also manifestely appeare the vanitie of D. Morton Protest. Bishop of Chester his boke called Appeale, or, Ansuueare to the Catholicke authour of thebooke entituled, The Protestants apologie. An vnerrable church or none being a rejoynder to the unerring, unerrable chvrch against Dr. Andrew Sall's repley entituled The catholic apostolic Church of England / |
3 |
BX1780 .C3 | An address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America | 1 |
BX1780 .C36 1814 | Instrucción pastoral de los ilustrísimos señores obispos de Lérida, Tortosa, Barcelona, Urgel, Teruel, y Pamplona : al clero y pueblo de sus diócesis. | 1 |
BX1780 .C37 |
The Catholique apology with a reply to the answer together with a clear refutation of the Seasonable discourse, its Reasonable defence, & Dr. Du Moulins Answer to Philanax, as also Dr. Stillingfleet's last gun-powder treason sermon, his attaque about the treaty of Munster, & all matter of fact chang'd on the English Catholiques by their enemies / A full answer and confutation of a scandalous pamphlet, called, A seasonable discourse, shewing, the necessity of maintaining the established religion in opposition to popery, or, A clear vindication of the Catholicks of England from all matter of fact charged against them by their enemies |
3 |
BX1780 .C5 | The Catholic Church and conversion / | 1 |
BX1780 .C52 | Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II together with a copy of a paper written by the late Duchess of York : to which is added an answer to the aforesaid papers all printed together. | 1 |
BX1780 .C64 | A modest and true account of the chief points in controversie between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants together with some considerations upon the sermons of a divine of the Church of England / | 2 |
BX1780 .C66 1546 | In XVIII. articulos Mar. Buceri excerptos ex nouissimo libro eius ad principes & status sacri Ro. imperij latine scripto | 1 |