Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1780 .C36 1814 Instrucción pastoral de los ilustrísimos señores obispos de Lérida, Tortosa, Barcelona, Urgel, Teruel, y Pamplona : al clero y pueblo de sus diócesis. 1
BX1780 .C37 A full answer and confutation of a scandalous pamphlet, called, A seasonable discourse, shewing, the necessity of maintaining the established religion in opposition to popery, or, A clear vindication of the Catholicks of England from all matter of fact charged against them by their enemies
The Catholique apology with a reply to the answer together with a clear refutation of the Seasonable discourse, its Reasonable defence, & Dr. Du Moulins Answer to Philanax, as also Dr. Stillingfleet's last gun-powder treason sermon, his attaque about the treaty of Munster, & all matter of fact chang'd on the English Catholiques by their enemies /
BX1780 .C5 The Catholic Church and conversion / 1
BX1780 .C52 Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II together with a copy of a paper written by the late Duchess of York : to which is added an answer to the aforesaid papers all printed together. 1
BX1780 .C64 A modest and true account of the chief points in controversie between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants together with some considerations upon the sermons of a divine of the Church of England / 2
BX1780 .C66 1546 In XVIII. articulos Mar. Buceri excerptos ex nouissimo libro eius ad principes & status sacri Ro. imperij latine scripto 1
BX1780 .C67 1680 Roman-Catholick principles in reference to God and the King explained in a letter to a friend and now made publick to shew the connexion between the said principles and the late Popish plot. 2
BX1780 .C674 Roman Catholick principles in reference to God and the King.
Roman-Catholick principles in reference to God and the King explained in a letter to a friend and now made publick to shew the connexion between the said principles and the late Popish Plot /
BX1780 .C73 A collection of several treatises in answer to Dr. Stillingfleet viz. 1. Fanaticism fanatically imputed by him to the Catholick Church, 2. The Roman church's devotions vindicated, 3. Of indulgences, 4. His Protestant-principles considered.
Exomologesis, or, A faithfull narration of the occasion and motives of the conversion unto Catholique unity of Hugh-Paulin de Cressy ...
A non est inventus return'd to Mr. Edward Bagshaw's Enquiry, and vainly boasted discovery of weakness in the grounds of the churches infallibility also his seditious invectives against the moderate sincerity of Protestants, and savage cruelty against Roman Catholicks repressed /
BX1780 .C74 An epistle apologetical of S.C. to a person of honour touching his vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet. 2
BX1780 .E24 1531 Enchiridion locorum co[m]muniu[m] aduersus Lutheranos 1
BX1780 .E9 Reason and religion, or, The certain rule of faith where the infallibility of the Roman Catholick Church is asserted, against atheists, heathens, Jewes, Turks, and all sectaries : with a refutation of Mr. Stillingfleets many gross errours /
Protestancy without principles, or, Sectaries unhappy fall from infallibility to fancy
BX1780 .E93 1652 An antidote for Newcastle priests to expell their poyson of envy which they vented in a letter to the L. Generall Cromwell and in their articles which they exhibited against Capt. Everard : with an answer to their scandalous exclamations to their shame, the cleering of himself and satisfaction of his friends / 2
BX1780 .E97 A clear looking-glass for all wandring sinners wherein they may behold the deformity of their sins, and find the way to retu[rn?] and wash away the same / 1
BX1780 .G67 1686 Reflections upon the Answer to the papist mis-represented, &c: directed to the answerer.
Reflections upon the Answer to the papist mis-represented directed to the answerer.
BX1780 .G67 1687 The Catholic representer, or, The papist misrepresented. 1
BX1780 .G68 The Pope's supremacy asserted from the considerations of some Protestants and the practice of the primitive church : in a dialogue between a church-divine and a seeker : in vindication of Nubes testium. 2
BX1780.G7 A5 1686 An amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer in return to the last reply against the papist protesting against Protestant popery. 1
BX1780.G7 P3 1665 A papist mis-represented, and represented: or, A twofold character of popery. The one containing a sum of the superstitions, idolatries, cruelties, treacheries, and wicked principles of that popery which hath disturb'd this nation above an hundred and fifty years; fill'd it with fears and jealousies, and deserves the hatred of all good Christians. : The other laying open that popery, which the papists own and profess; with the chief articles of their faith, and some of the principal grounds and reasons, which hold them in that religion. / 1
BX1780 .G73 1685 A papist mispresented [sic] and represented, or, A twofold character of popery the one containing a sum of the superstitions, idolatries, cruelties, treacheries, and wicked principles of that popery, which hath disturb'd this nation above an hundred and fifty years, fill'd it with fears and jealousies, and deserves the hatred of all good Christians : the other laying open that popery, which the papists own and profess, with the chief articles of their faith, and some of the principal grounds and reasons which hold them in that religion : to which is added, Roman Catholick principles, in reference to God and the king 1