Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1793.L58 2010 Toward a Catholic Theology of Nationality. 1
BX1793 .M45 2009 Vatican diplomacy at the United Nations : a history of Catholic global engagement / 1
BX1793 .M46 1952 Situación histórica del tiempo actual / 1
BX1793 .M47213 1998 A passion for God : the mystical-political dimension of Christianity / 1
BX1793 .N59 1989 Free persons and the common good / 2
BX1793 .P36 2005 The papacy and the new world order : Vatican diplomacy, catholic opinion and international politics at the time of Leo XIII = La papauté et le nouvel ordre mondial : Diplomatie vaticane, opinion catholique et politique internationale au temps de Leo XIII, 1878-1903 / 1
BX1793 .P47 2006 The person and the polis : faith and values within the secular state / 1
BX1793 .R4 American pluralism and the Catholic conscience / 2
BX1793 .R66 2010 The social and political thought of Benedict XVI / 1
BX1793 .S324 2018 The universe we think in / 1
BX1793 .S325 2008eb The mind that is Catholic : philosophical and political essays / 2
BX1793 .S485 2011 The origins of war : a Catholic perspective / 1
BX1793 .S485 2011eb The origins of war : a Catholic perspective / 2
BX1793 .S65 2004 The heaviest blow : the Catholic Church and the East Timor issue / 1
BX1793 .S75 1999 Religion and the common good : Catholic contributions to building community in a liberal society / 2
BX1793 .V38 2022 The Vatican and permanent neutrality / 1
BX1793 .V736 1974 The concept of the common good in the social teaching of the Catholic church, 1891-1971 / 1
BX1793 .W55 2003 God and Caesar : personal reflections on politics and religion / 1
BX1795.A78 Images of change : visual representations of papal power in Rome following the Council of Trent /
Images of change : visual representations of Papal power in Rome following the Council of Trent /
BX1795.A78 B93 2010eb Aesthetic revelation : reading ancient and medieval texts after Hans Urs von Balthasar / 2