Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1795.C35 B38 1999 | Capitalism and Christianity : the possibility of Christian personalism / | 1 |
BX1795.C35 B49 2008 | Beyond capitalism & socialism : a new statement of an old ideal : a twenty-first century apologia for social and economic sanity / | 1 |
BX1795.C35 C65 2021 | The spirit of French capitalism : economic theology in the age of Enlightenment / | 1 |
BX1795.C35 C654 2021 | The Spirit of French Capitalism Economic Theology in the Age of Enlightenment. | 1 |
BX1795.C35 R48 2002 | Rethinking the purpose of business : interdisciplinary essays from the Catholic social tradition / | 2 |
BX1795.C67 | Příležitosti a výzvy v komunikaci církve ve 21. století / | 1 |
BX1795.C67 F35 2010 | Faith and the media : reflections by Christian communicators / | 1 |
BX1795.C85 B83 2000 | The church in dialogue : culture and traditions / | 1 |
BX1795.C85 C35 2023 | Catholicism and liberal democracy : forgotten roots and future prospects / | 1 |
BX1795.C85 C3713 1989 | Gospel message and human cultures : from Leo XIII to John Paul II / | 2 |
BX1795.C85 ebook | El cristianismo en una sociedad laica : cuarenta años después del Vaticano II / | 1 |
BX1795.C85 P67 1999 | Popular Catholicism in a world church : seven case studies in inculturation / | 1 |
BX1795.C85 R68 2003eb |
Culture and the Thomist tradition after Vatican II / Culture and the Thomist tradition : after Vatican II / |
3 |
BX1795.C85 R68 2005eb | ||
BX1795.C85 W66 2005 | How the Catholic Church built Western civilization / | 1 |
BX1795.D53 H56 2006 | Practices of dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church : aims and obstacles, lessons and laments / | 1 |
BX1795.D55 M33 1999 | Made in God's image : the Catholic vision of human dignity / | 1 |
BX1795.D59 | Of labour and liberty : distributism in Victoria, 1891-1966 / | 1 |
BX1795.D59 P74 2008 | Debating God's economy : social justice in America on the eve of Vatican II / | 1 |
BX1795.E27 |
Interrupting capitalism : Catholic social thought and the economy / Wirtschaft, Währung, Werte Die Euro(pa)-Krise Im Lichte der Katholischen Soziallehre. |
2 |