BX1795.E27 A55 2022
Cathonomics : how Catholic tradition can create a more just economy / |
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BX1795.E27 B36 2005
Economic compulsion and Christian ethics / |
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BX1795.E27 B36 2005eb
Economic compulsion and Christian ethics / |
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BX1795.E27 B37 2001
Modern Catholic social documents and political economy / |
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BX1795.E27 B49 2002
Beyond self-interest : a personalist approach to human action / |
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BX1795.E27 C37 1987 Suppl. 2
The Catholic bishops and the economy : a debate / |
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BX1795.E27 H56 2021
Radical sufficiency : work, livelihood, and a US Catholic economic ethic / |
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BX1795.E27 H56 2021eb
RADICAL SUFFICIENCY work, livelihood, and a u.s. catholic economic ethic. |
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BX1795.E27 M3 1991
The Making of an economic vision : John Paul II's On social concern / |
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BX1795.E27 M34 1992
Eclipse of justice : ethics, economics, and the lost traditions of American Catholicism / |
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BX1795.E27 N377 2019
Wirtschaft, Währung, Werte Die Euro(pa)-Krise Im Lichte der Katholischen Soziallehre. |
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BX1795.E27 S33 1996
Sacred trust : the medieval church as an economic firm / |
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BX1795.E27 S33 1996eb BX1795.E27S33 1996
Sacred Trust : the Medieval Church as an Economic Firm. |
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BX1795.E27 S36 2004
Within the market strife : American Catholic economic thought from Rerun [i.e. Rerum] Novarum to Vatican II / |
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BX1795.E27 S36 2017
The business Francis means : understanding the Pope's message on the economy / |
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BX1795.E27 S53 2018
Interrupting capitalism : Catholic social thought and the economy / |
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BX1795.E27 -- T6413 2009eb
Franciscan Wealth : From Voluntary Poverty to Market Society. |
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BX1795.E27 T78 2010
The true wealth of nations : Catholic social thought and economic life / |
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BX1795.E27 W42 1985
Catholic social teaching and the U.S. economy : a conversation with Archbishop Rembert Weakland. |
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BX1795.E27 W66 2005
The church and the market : a Catholic defense of the free economy / |
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