Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX1805 .D68 1603 | A treatise concerning Antichrist divided into two bookes, the former, proving that the Pope is Antichrist, the latter, maintaining the same assertion, against all the obiections of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and cardinall of the church of Rome / | 1 |
BX1805 .E44 1689 | The election of Pope Alexander VIII. Performed on the 6th of October, 1689. / | 1 |
BX1805 .G66 | The Papacy in transition / | 3 |
BX1805 .I57 |
The Intrigues of the conclave, set forth in a relation of what passed therein at the election of Sixtus V. & Clement VIII with an historical account of the election of popes in former ages : also, a more particular description of the manner of it at this day : to which is added an essay to demonstrate that, according to the principles of the Church of Rome, there has been no true and lawful pope since the election of Sixtus V. The Intrigues of the conclave, set forth in a relation of what passed therein at the election of Sixtus V. & Clement VIII. with an historical account of the election of popes in former ages : also, a more particular description of the manner of it at this day : to which is added an essay to demonstrate that, according to the principles of the Church of Rome, there has been no true and lawful pope since the election of Sixtus V. |
2 |
The ceremonies of the vacant see, or, A true relation of what passes at Rome upon the pope's death with the proceedings in the conclave, for the election of a new pope, according to the constitutions and ceremonials, as also the coronation and cavalcade / A treatise concerning Antichrist divided into two bookes, the former, proving that the Pope is Antichrist, the latter, maintaining the same assertion, against all the obiections of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and cardinall of the church of Rome / |
2 |
BX1805 .L37 | The Last conclave containing a relation of such occurrents as happened in the conclave wherein was chosen the present Pope Urban the eighth, the sixth of August, 1623 : together with some preceding affaires about the end of the papacy of Gregory the fifteenth. | 2 |
BX1805 .L47 1680 | The new pope, or, The ceremonies and proceedings in the conclave at Rome upon the pope's death, for the election of a new one, according to their constitutions : as also the coronation and cavalcade. | 1 |
BX1805 .M37 | Pastors or princes : a new look at the papacy and hierarchy / | 1 |
BX1805 .M38 1959 | Sedisvakanz / | 1 |
BX1805 .M39 1978 | The final conclave / | 1 |
BX1805 .N68 | A reproufe written by Alexander Nowell of a booke entituled A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Iuell, set furth by Thomas Dorman, bacheler of diuinitie | 1 |
BX1805 .O25 2003 | The conciliarist tradition : constitutionalism in the Catholic Church, 1300-1870 / | 1 |
BX1805 .O25 2008eb | The conciliarist tradition constitutionalism in the Catholic Church, 1300-1870 / | 1 |
BX1805 .O455 2002 | Petri Iohannis Olivi Quaestiones de Romano Pontifice / | 1 |
BX1805 .O7 | La papauté | 1 |
BX1805 .O713 | The papacy / | 1 |
BX1805 P213 2015eb | Papa Francisco perspectivas y expectativas de un papado. | 1 |
BX1805.P45 2004 BX1805 .P45 2004eb | Heirs of the Fisherman : Behind the Scenes of Papal Death and Succession. | 1 |
BX1805 .P45 2006 | Heirs of the fisherman : behind the scenes of papal death and succession / | 1 |
BX1805 .P47 1586 | Auiso piaceuole dato alla bella Italia, da vn nobile giovane Francese, sopra la mentita data dal serenissimo re di Nauarra a Papa Sisto V | 1 |