Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1966.J3 D62 1950 Dochirina Kirishitan : Nagasaki-ban / 1
BX1966.K4 P53 1999 Picturing faith : a facsimile edition of the pictographic Quechua catechism in the Huntington Free Library / 1
BX1966.W44 C36 [Crynnodeb] o adysc Cristnogaul a dosparth catholic ar daudeg punc y phyd, a eluir y gredo, hefyd ar uedir argluyd, sef yu y pader ar gyfarchiad yr angel, a eluir yr Aue Maria, yn dyuaethas ar y deg gair dedf, a eluir y deg gorchymyn, guedi gyfiaithu o'r ladin i'r gymeraeg, druy dyfalastudiaeth a lasur D. Rosier Smyth .. 1
BX1968 .D84 1984 On becoming a Catholic : the challenge of Christian initiation / 1
BX1968 .H58 1962 The art of teaching Christian doctrine : the good news and its proclamation. 1
BX1968 .L57 1995 Catechismi e cultura nella Sicilia del Settecento / 1
BX1968 .M315 2008 Fragmentation and memory : meditations on Christian doctrine / 2
BX1968 .M66 1984 Monumenta catechetica hispanoamericana : siglos XVI-XVIII / 1
BX1968 .S5 Modern catechetics : message and method in religious formation. 1
BX1968 .U66 1990 The Universal catechism reader : reflections & responses / 2
BX1968 ebook La dimensión narrativa de la catequesis /
Hacia un nuevo paradigma de la iniciación cristiana hoy /
De la fe maltratada a la fe bien tratada : lo peor y lo mejor de los catecismos españoles /
Relatos para anunciar que Jesús es el Señor /
Relatos para el despertar religioso : los primeros pasos en la fe desde la familia y la parroquia /
Guía práctica para hacer lío en la Iglesia : recursos de evangelización y catequesis para el trabajo con jóvenes /
Un catecismo con sabor a libertad /
BX1969 .F4 American Catholic etiquette. 1
BX1969 .P73 2006eb Practicing Catholic : ritual, body, and contestation in Catholic faith /
Practicing Catholic ritual, body, and contestation in Catholic faith /
BX1969 .R65 The Romish mass-book with notes and observations thereupon, plainly demonstrating the idolatry and blaspheymy thereof with unanswerable arguments proving it no service of God : published at this juncture to inform mens judgments and put a stop to the designs of those that endeavor to introduce popery amongst us / 2
BX1970.A1 A7 Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 1
BX1970.A1 V53 1993 To do justice and right upon the Earth : papers from the Virgil Michel Symposium on Liturgy and Social Justice / 1
BX1970.A1 Y4 Yearbook of liturgical studies. 1
BX1970 .A53 The Liturgy / 1
BX1970 .A74 1993 Arte e liturgia : l'arte sacra a trent'anni dal Concilio / 1
BX1970 .B2913 The liturgy of Vatican II : a symposium / 1