Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1960 .P66 Paruus catechismus quo examinari possunt iuniores qui ad Sacram Cœnam admittuntur. 1
BX1960 .R32 Catechesis ecclesiarum quæ in regno Poloniæ, & Magno Ducatu Lithuaniæ, & aliis ad istud regnum pertinentibus provinciis, affirmant, neminem alium, præter Patrem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, esse illum unum Deum Israëlis hominem autem illum Jesum Nazarenum, qui ex Virgine natus est, nec alium, præter aut ante ipsum, Dei Filium unigenitum & agnoscunt & confitentur.
Catechesis Ecclesiarium Quae in Regno Poloniae, & magno Ducatu Lithuaniae, & aliis ad istud Regnum pertinentibus Provinciis, affirmant, Neminem alium præter Patrem Domini nostri Iesu Christi, esse illum unum Deum Israëlis : Hominem autem illum Iesum Nazarenum, qui ex Virgine natus est, nec alium, præter aut ante ipsum, Dei Filium unigenitum & agnoscunt & confitentur. : Cui accedit Fausti Socini Senensis Vita et Dissertatio Operibus suis ab Equite Polono praemissa. : Cum catalogo operum ejusdem Fausti Socini.
BX1961 .A37 1682 An abstract of the Douay catechism 1
BX1961 .A37 1697 An abstract of the Douay catechism 2
BX1961 .B26 no.2 2006 A catechism of Christian doctrine : prepared and enjoined by order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, no. 2 : also known as Baltimore Catechism no. 2 / 1
BX1961 .B44 1605 [An] amp[le] declaration of the Christian doctrine. 1
BX1961 .B44 1635 An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine. 1
BX1961 .B45 Christian doctrine 2
BX1961 .B45 1675 A short Christian doctrin [sic] 1
BX1961 .C3 1579 Certayne necessarie principles of religion, which may be entituled, A catechisme conteyning all the partes of the Christian and Catholique fayth 1
BX1961 .C36 1639 A summary of controuersies wherein the chiefest points of the Catholike Roman fayth are compendiously and methodically explicated, by way of catechisme, against the sectaries of this age / 1
BX1961 .C47 1582 Certaine short questions and answeres very profitable and necessary for yong children, and such as are desirous to be instructed in the principles of the Christian fayth. 1
BX1961 .C47 1584 Certaine short questions and aunsweres very profitable and necessary for all yong children, and suche as are desirous to be instructed in the principles of the Christian faithe. 1
BX1961 (INTERNET) An honest godlye instruction and information for the tradynge, and bringinge vp of children, set furth by the Bishoppe of London co[m]maundyng all scholemaisters and other teachers of youthe within his diocese, that they neither teach, learne reade, or vse anye other maner of A B C, catechisme or rudimentes, then this made for the first instruction of youth. Mense Ianuarij. 1556. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
A catechism of Christian doctrin [sic]
BX1961 .K74 2001 Catholic Christianity : a complete catechism of Catholic beliefs based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church / 1
BX1961 .P512 1999 Picturing faith : a facsimile edition of the pictographic Quechua catechism in the Huntington Free Library / 1
BX1961 .P513 1967 Catechism of Vatican II. 1
BX1961 .T8 1680 An abridgment of Christian doctrine. with proofs of scripture for points controverted. Catechistically explain'd, by way of question and answer. 1
BX1961 .T87 An abridgement of Christian doctrine: with proofs of Scripture for points controverted. : Catechistically explained by way of question and answer.
An abridgement of Christian doctrine with proofs of Scripture for points controverted, catechistically explained by way of question and answer.
BX1961 .T87 1687 An abridgement of Christian doctrine with proofs of Scripture for points controverted, catechistically explained by way of question and answer. 2