Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1970 .F65 Fontes historici liturgiae glagolito-romanae a XIII ad XIX saeculum / 1
BX1970 .G9 2003eb The reception of Vatican II liturgical reforms in the life of the Church / 3
BX1970 .H28 Christian rite and Christian drama in the Middle Ages : essays in the origin and early history of modern drama /
Christian rite and Christian drama in the Middle Ages essays in the origin and early history of modern drama /
BX1970 .H33 2008 Worship as a revelation : the past, present and future of Catholic liturgy / 1
BX1970.I3 (INTERNET) If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracio[n]s of saliburi vse ... 1
BX1970 .I7583 1994 Context and text : method in liturgical theology / 1
BX1970 (INTERNET) A history of antient ceremonies containing an account of their rise and growth, their first entrance into the Church, and their gradual advancement to superstition therein. 1
BX1970 .J65 1961 La notion canonique de rite : essai historico-canonique. 1
BX1970 .J813 Public worship : a survey / 1
BX1970 .K5713 A short history of the western liturgy : an account and some reflections / 1
BX1970 .K5713 1979 A short history of the western liturgy ; an account and some reflections / 1
BX1970 .K67 Studien zum Einfluss des Alten Testamentes auf Recht und Liturgie des frühen Mittelalters (6.-8. Jahrhundert) 1
BX1970 .L23 2005eb The play of forms : nature, culture, and liturgy / 1
BX1970 .L3843 The spirit of worship / 1
BX1970 .L4183 Vestments and church furniture / 1
BX1970 .L457 1983 Liber Quare / 1
BX1970 .L4926 2009 The liturgical subject : subject, subjectivity, and the human person in contemporary liturgical discussion and critique / 1
BX1970 .M265 Our changing liturgy / 1
BX1970 .M334 De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus libri ... / 1
BX1970.M3343 M37 La documentation liturgique de dom Edmond Martène : étude codicologique / 1