Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1973 .R66 2016 Liturgy and society in early medieval Rome 1
BX1973 .U52 [...] Uidissent Mariam quia cito surrexit et exiit secuti ... 1
BX1973 .U53 2016 Understanding medieval liturgy : essays in interpretation / 1
BX1975 What we have done, what we have failed to do : assessing the liturgical reforms of Vatican II /
Reframing Roman Liturgy A Critical Edition of Onofrio Panvinio's Vetusti Aliquot Rituales Libri.
BX1975 .C7 The Crisis of liturgical reform. 1
BX1975 .N87 1500x [...]nur concrdis. p. pro [amitis?] fidelibus defunctus ... 1
BX1975 .T65 2007eb Liturgy and the beauty of the unknown : another place / 2
BX1975 .T67 2016  
BX1977.A35 C452 2003 Keeping the liturgy alive : an Anglophone West African experience / 1
BX1977.A35 U97 1997 Worship as body language : introduction to Christian worship : an African orientation / 1
BX1977.A357 K33 1998 Celebrating Jesus Christ in Africa : liturgy and inculturation / 2
BX1977.F8 A55 1998 Les manuscrits liturgiques du Diocèse de Lyon : description et analyse / 1
BX1977.G7 .C3 Suffragia 1
BX1977.G7 C87 1984 The antiphonary of Bangor and the early Irish Monastic liturgy / 1
BX1977.G7 D86 1992 Liturgy and the ecclesiastical history of late Anglo-Saxon England : four studies / 1
BX1977.G7 D87 1987 A Durham book of devotions / 1
BX1977.G7 L46 1997 Die westsächsische Evangelienversion und die Perikopenordnungen im angelsächsischen England / 1
BX1977.G7 S258 2018 Worship in Medieval England / 1
BX1977.G7 Z54 2008 Singing the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval England / 1
BX1977.G7 Z54 2008eb Singing the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval England / 2